Acronym Key

AFC — America First Corporation

AI — Artificial Intelligence

AWAC — Airborne Warning and Control

BG — Brigadier General

CAG — Carrier Air Group Commander

CG — Commanding General

CIC — Combat Information Center

COB — Chief of the Boat

CSG12 — Carrier Strike Group 12

CSG13 — Carrier Strike Group 13

COMSUBPAC — Commander of Submarine Forces, Pacific

EAM — Emergency Action Message

EHD — Enhanced Humanoid Drone

FSB — Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (Russian Federal Security Service; FSK successor since 1995)

GRU — Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye (Russian Military Intelligence)

ICS — Industrial Control Systems

IIF — Individual Identification Frequency

IFV — Infantry Fighting Vehicles

IoT — Internet of Things (anything that is connected to a network, from cars to printers)

IR — Islamic Republic

JDF — Japanese Defense Force

LNO — Liaison Officer

LT — Lieutenant

LTC — Lieutenant Colonel

LTG — Lieutenant General

LZ — Landing Zone

MBT — Main Battle Tank

MG — Major General

MNF — Multi-National Force

NSA — National Security Agency

PA — Public Announcement

PEOC — Presidential Emergency Operations Center

PLA — People’s Liberation Army (Chinese Army)

PLAN — People’s Liberation Army Navy (Chinese Navy)

PRC — People’s Republic of China

QRF — Quick Reaction Forces

SACEUR — Supreme Allied Commander Europe

SAM — Surface to Air Missile

SCADA — Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (system controlling electric power transfers along the grid)

SFGp — Japanese Special Forces Group

SUD — Swordfish Underwater Drone

SVR — Sluzhba Vneshnei Razvedki (Russian Foreign Intelligence Service; post-Cold War intelligence service)

SWAT — Special Weapons and Tactics

TOC — Tactical Operations Center

UHF — Ultra-High Frequency

VIP — Very Important Person

XO — Commanding Officer
