Disrupting Traffic

05 February 2042
High Above the Arctic Circle

Major Lia Michaels was the squadron commander for the B5 drone squadron that was going to unleash a major cruise missile raid on the Central Asian rail and road network. Her squadron was tasked with launching their payload of X59 scramjet cruise missiles to go after the Chinese, Indian and Russian rail and bridge networks that connected the three countries in some of the most remote parts of Asia. Major Michaels’ first target was the rail line that cut through the mountains along Lake Baikal in Russia. Her squadron was going to be hitting numerous rail bridges and tunnels that ran along the trans-Siberian rail line connecting China and East Russia in order to disrupt the primary route that the Indian reinforcements were going to travel.

After five hours of flying to her launch site, her missiles had locked onto their targets and in quick succession, she fired her bomber’s four missiles. She turned to head back to the base, but then she heard over the radio that several of her bomber pilots were reporting enemy fighters in the area. Two of her pilots said they had been hit before they could launch their missiles. The other seven pilots reported a successful launch of their missiles, though two more of them were hunted down by enemy fighters and destroyed. The bombing mission was an overall success, but her squadron had lost four of their nine aircraft. Fortunately, they were drones, so none of the invaluable pilots had been lost during the mission.

The goal of the raid was to destroy as much of the transportation infrastructure linking Russia and China together as possible. This would greatly hinder the ability of the Axis powers from reinforcing each other and transporting needed manpower and material. It would also reduce the ability of the Indian army to get involved in any meaningful way in the war.
