4-1: Tone of the news, 1945–2010

5-1: Life expectancy, 1771–2015

5-2: Child mortality, 1751–2013

5-3: Maternal mortality, 1751–2013

5-4: Life expectancy, UK, 1701–2013

6-1: Childhood deaths from infectious disease, 2000–2013

7-1: Calories, 1700–2013

7-2: Childhood stunting, 1966–2014

7-3: Undernourishment, 1970–2015

7-4: Famine deaths, 1860–2016

8-1: Gross World Product, 1–2015

8-2: GDP per capita, 1600–2015

8-3: World income distribution, 1800, 1975, and 2015

8-4: Extreme poverty (proportion), 1820–2015

8-5: Extreme poverty (number), 1820–2015

9-1: International inequality, 1820–2013

9-2: Global inequality, 1820–2011

9-3: Inequality, UK and US, 1688–2013

9-4: Social spending, OECD countries, 1880–2016

9-5: Income gains, 1988–2008

9-6: Poverty, US, 1960–2016

10-1: Population and population growth, 1750–2015 and projected to 2100

10-2: Sustainability, 1955–2109

10-3: Pollution, energy, and growth, US, 1970–2015

10-4: Deforestation, 1700–2010

10-5: Oil spills, 1970–2016

10-6: Protected areas, 1990–2014

10-7: Carbon intensity (CO2 emissions per dollar of GDP), 1820–2014

10-8: CO2 emissions, 1960–2015

11-1: Great power war, 1500–2015

11-2: Battle deaths, 1946–2016

11-3: Genocide deaths, 1956–2016

12-1: Homicide deaths, Western Europe, US, and Mexico, 1300–2015

12-2: Homicide deaths, 1967–2015

12-3: Motor vehicle accident deaths, US, 1921–2015

12-4: Pedestrian deaths, US, 1927–2015

12-5: Plane crash deaths, 1970–2015

12-6: Deaths from falls, fire, drowning, and poison, US, 1903–2014

12-7: Occupational accident deaths, US, 1913–2015

12-8: Natural disaster deaths, 1900–2015

12-9: Lightning strike deaths, US, 1900–2015

13-1: Terrorism deaths, 1970–2015

14-1: Democracy versus autocracy, 1800–2015

14-2: Human rights, 1949–2014

14-3: Death penalty abolitions, 1863–2016

14-4: Executions, US, 1780–2016

15-1: Racist, sexist, and homophobic opinions, US, 1987–2012

15-2: Racist, sexist, and homophobic Web searches, US, 2004–2017

15-3: Hate crimes, US, 1996–2015

15-4: Rape and domestic violence, US, 1993–2014

15-5: Decriminalization of homosexuality, 1791–2016

15-6: Liberal values across time and generations, developed countries, 1980–2005

15-7: Liberal values across time (extrapolated), world’s culture zones, 1960–2006

15-8: Victimization of children, US, 1993–2012

15-9: Child labor, 1850–2012

16-1: Literacy, 1475–2010

16-2: Basic education, 1820–2010

16-3: Years of schooling, 1870–2010

16-4: Female literacy, 1750–2014

16-5: IQ gains, 1909–2013

16-6: Global well-being, 1820–2015

17-1: Work hours, Western Europe and US, 1870–2000

17-2: Retirement, US, 1880–2010

17-3: Utilities, appliances, and housework, US, 1900–2015

17-4: Cost of light, England, 1300–2006

17-5: Spending on necessities, US, 1929–2016

17-6: Leisure time, US, 1965–2015

17-7: Cost of air travel, US, 1979–2015

17-8: International tourism, 1995–2015

18-1: Life satisfaction and income, 2006

18-2: Loneliness, US students, 1978–2011

18-3: Suicide, England, Switzerland, and US, 1860–2014

18-4: Happiness and excitement, US, 1972–2016

19-1: Nuclear weapons, 1945–2015

20-1: Populist support across generations, 2016
