
The Enola Gay as photographed in September 1945 (Photo: George Caron)
The crew of the first atomic mission. Kneeling: Sergeant Joseph Stiborik, Sergeant George Caron, Sergeant Richard Nelson, Sergeant Robert Shumard, Sergent Wyatt Duzenbury. Standing: Lieutenant Colonel Porter (ground officer, not on crew), Captain Theodore Van Kirk, Major Thomas Ferebee, Colonel Paul Tibbets, Captain Robert Lewis, Lieutenant Jacob Beser. Missing from photo: Navy Captain William Parsons, Lieutenant Morris Jeppson. (Photo: George Caron)
Colonel Paul Tibbets waves before taking off on the first atomic mission. (Photo: Paul Tibbets)
Tibbets, on return from atomic mission, wearing the Distinguished Service Cross (Photo: George Caron)
Captain Robert Lewis in the aircraft commander’s seat (Photo: Robert Lewis)
Tail-gunner George R. Caron (Photo: Richard Nelson)
Caron at his post aboard the Enola Gay (Photo: George Caron)
Chaplain William Downey (Photo: William Downey)
Tail-gunner George R. Caron (Photo: Richard Nelson)
Duzenbury in the tunnel connecting the rear and forward sections of the Enola Gay. Below him is the hatch leading to the bomb bay. (Photo: John King)
Radar operator Jacob Beser (Photo: Jacob Beser)
Assistant engineer Robert Shumard (Photo: Richard Nelson)
Navigator Theodore “Dutch” Van Kirk (Photo: Theodore Van Kirk)
Inside the top-secret compound of the 509th Composite Group (Photo: John King)
The wreckage of crashed aircraft on Runway A was a constant reminder of the dangers crews faced on take-off. (Photo: Paul Tibbets)
In August 1945, Tinian Island held the world’s largest operational airfield. In the foreground are the four parallel runways of North Field. (Photo: John King)
The Enola Gay returns to Tinian. (Photo: John King)
General Spaatz salutes Tibbets after decorating him. (Photo: George Caron)
This reconnaissance photograph, recently declassified, was used in planning the atomic attack on Hiroshima. (Photo: U.S. Army Air Force)
Mayor Senkichi Awaya of Hiroshima (Photo: Authors’ Collection)
Matsuo Yasuzawa, the instructor of kamikaze pilots who landed in Hiroshima just before the atomic bomb fell (Photos: Matsuo Yasuzawa)
Kanai Hiroto, who helped interrogate American prisoners of war in Hiroshima (Photo: Kanai Hiroto)
Kizo Imai, one of nearly 500 Japanese soldiers in hiding on Tinian Island in 1945 (Photo: Kizo Imai)
The staff of Second General Army Headquarters, Hiroshima. Among those shown are: Field Marshal Hata (front row, fourth from left); Prince RiGu (front row, third from left); Lieutenant Colonel Oya (second row, far right). (Photo: Lieutenant Colonel Oya)
Mochitsura Hashimoto, commander of submarine I.58 (Photo: Mochitsura Hashimoto)
Mitsuo Fuchida, leader of the raid on Pearl Harbor, who arrived in Hiroshima shortly after the atomic bomb was dropped (Photo: Wide World Photos)
Hiroshima—before (Photo: Koichi Sako)
Hiroshima—after (Photo: Robert Lewis)
Shima Surgical Hospital after the atomic bomb exploded directly overhead (Photo: Dr. Kaoru Shima)
Hiroshima Industrial Promotion Hall, before the detonation (Photo: Hiroshima Central Municipal Library)
Now known as the atomic dome, the Industrial Promotion Hall has been allowed to remain largely as it was immediately after the detonation. (Photo: Reader’s Digest)