20 December

Facing Your Fears

Hey, guys!

Thanks again for all of your comments on my blog about friendship. I know it sounds weird as I haven’t actually met any of you or anything but I really do think of you all as my friends—you’re always so lovely and kind and your support means so much to me.

So, most of you will probably remember my recent post about the panic attacks I’ve been having since the car accident. Well, this week I had a bit of a Glass Slipper Moment.

A Glass Slipper Moment is the name Wiki and I give to things that happen that are really bad at first but that actually end up leading to something really good—like when Cinderella loses her glass slipper but it ends up reuniting her with Prince Charming.

Earlier this week, something really, truly, hideously horrible happened to me and it caused me to have another of my stupid panic attacks. But I think/hope it’s all going to lead to something really good.

I’m going away somewhere this week and I’m going to have to go on a plane.

This is making me feel really anxious but I’m hoping that if I can do this—if I can face my fear—then it might make it go away for good.

When I was little I used to think that a witch lived under my mum and dad’s bed.

Every time I had to go past their bedroom to get to my own room, I’d run as fast as I could, so that the witch didn’t fly out on her broomstick and turn me into a toad.

Then one day my dad saw me racing along the landing looking all scared and he asked me what was up.

When I told him, he made me come into the bedroom with him and he shone a torch under the bed.

The only thing that was under there was an old shoe box.

Sometimes you have to face up to your fears to realize that they aren’t actually real.

That you aren’t actually going to die—or get turned into a toad.

I’m going to do that this week, when I get on a plane.

How about you?

Do you have any fears that you’d like to face up to?

Maybe we could do it together . . . ?

Why don’t you post your fear and how you’re going to face up to it this week in the comments below?

Good luck and I’ll let you know how I get on in next week’s blog.

Girl Online, going offline xxx
