2 January



I hope you all had a great Christmas.

So, I’m back home. And as it’s the start of a whole new year I thought it would be fun to do a post about new year’s resolutions.

On the plane on the way home I read a magazine article that said you should only choose three new year’s resolutions because that way there’s way more chance of you actually achieving them.

This is so true!

I used to be so into new year’s resolutions I’d write pages of them and then, by February, when I’d only done about one of them (and never the one about eating less chocolate) I’d feel all crap about myself and not bother anymore.

So this year I’m only going to have three and I think it would be really cool if you guys each chose three too and posted them in the comments below and then we can keep up-to-date with each other’s progress—just like on the fear post.

So I’ll start. This year my three resolutions are:

Number One: To be happy

Number Two: To face my fears

Number Three: To believe in myself

OK, I just realized something as I was typing.

If it wasn’t for Brooklyn Boy I wouldn’t be posting those resolutions at all.

The truth is he’s already helped me to start achieving all three of them.

I’m missing him SO much right now but your comments on my previous post have really helped me.

Thank you so much to everyone who said that things will work out between us. If I could add on a sneaky extra resolution it would be to believe in that too.

And thank you to everyone who posted about the fun people who’ve made the weirdest places interesting. I loved hearing about them.

And to all of you who have asked me to post a picture of Brooklyn Boy, I’m really sorry, but some things just need to be kept private. I hope you understand.

Happy New Year, everyone—I can’t wait to read your resolutions!

Girl Online, going offline xxx
