According to Peter the entire Kennedy clan was in an uproar over the threat of some photos being leaked to the press.
“What photos?” I asked.
“I haven’t seen them, Eddie,” Peter said. “They don’t confide in me like that.”
“Well, has anybody seen the photos?”
“I–I think Bobby has,” he said, “and Joseph.”
“And you have no idea what the picture shows?”
“Is it a picture of Jack?”
“Well … it would have to be, for them to be as upset as they are.”
“Okay, here’s the big question,” I said. “Does Jack know what’s going on? That his father and brother are killin’ people for that photo?”
“Eddie, Bobby’s only trying to do-”
“Does Jack know?”
“I doubt it,” Peter said. “They try to shield him from things like that.”
“Unpleasant things, you mean?”
“That figures.”
“Eddie, what’s going on with Sammy?”
“Didn’t he tell you?”
“No-well, yes. He said something about a photo, but …”
“Somebody’s tryin’ to sell him a photo for fifty grand.”
“Fifty thousand dollars? But-but that’s nothing compared to …”
“Compared to what?” I asked. “To what the Kennedys are being asked to pay?”
“It doesn’t make sense,” Peter said. “Why would anyone also try to sell to Sammy for fifty?”
“I don’t know,” I said, “but I’ve got some ideas. Peter, I don’t suppose if I gave you names you’d recognize them as Secret Service agents?”
“I wouldn’t know them from Adam, Eddie.”
I was thinking I’d gotten all the help I could out of Peter Lawford.
“Okay, Peter, thanks for talking to me.”
“Oh, uh, Eddie?” He sounded like he was desperate to catch me before I hung up.
“Yeah, Peter?”
“You, uh, will mention to Frank that I was of assistance to you?”
“Sure thing, Peter,” I said. “I’ll mention it to him, as soon as I see him.”
“Ah, thank you,” he said, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Oh, Eddie!”
“A word of advice?”
“Watch your step,” he said. “If Bobby, or the old man, have sent men out there you’d do well to stay out of their way.”
“I kinda figured that out for myself, Peter,” I said, “but thanks.”
After the call with Peter I officially wanted out. Whether there were Secret Service people out there killing people, or they were just some sort of government assassins, I didn’t want to have anything to do with them. But with Jerry sitting out in the desert in that burnt-out half-a-house, I was stuck.
Unless I could get out there and get us both away from there before the meet time.