
The show actually brought tears to my eyes. Sandy Hackett and his troupe of players had the guys down pat. Sandy himself did a great job playing Joey. Even hearing Buddy Hackett’s voice do the opening made me mist up. I had last seen Buddy in 2003, just before he passed away, and I missed him.

And the fella playing Sammy was perfect. He made me miss Sammy so much I looked down at the gold watch I was wearing, the one Sammy had given me for helping him out in 1961.

I should have gone backstage to congratulate them but I didn’t. I couldn’t. Didn’t want to make an old fool of myself.

I fell in with the flow of people filing out and, once outside, buttoned my coat. The chill in the desert was getting to my old bones more than usual.

I stood to the side, allowing the rest of the crowd to file past me. At my age being jostled could amount to the same as being shoved off a cliff.

Finally, the crowd was gone and I stood outside the Greek Isles virtually alone-until I heard someone call my name from behind. I turned to see Sandy approaching me, still in his Joey makeup.

“You runnin’ out on me?” he asked.

“To tell you the truth,” I said, “your show got to me. Brought back a lot of memories. I–I wasn’t sure I could …”

“I know what you mean,” he said. “My dad’s only been gone four years but every time I hear his voice …”

We stood there together, a moment of silence for the departed, the friends and loved ones from our past….

Oh yeah, next time you watch Sergeants 3 check me out. I got last billing as “Man with snake.”
