
They put us in separate rooms. I had a nice big clock on the wall staring down at me so I could see that we were going to miss our meet. And if that happened there was going to be an embarrassing photo-or worse-of JFK in the papers the next morning.

Hargrove came in, closing the door gently behind him. The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on me. Half an hour ago I was in his place, Tony and Caitlin were in mine.

“What happened to the two people we were holding?” I asked.

“You were holding?” he said. “You’ve got no right to hold anybody, Gianelli.”

“What happened to them?”

“You got enough to worry about, Eddie,” he said. “You and your buddy are in deep shit.”

“We didn’t do anything.”

“I’ve got you for flight,” he said, “at least.”

“We didn’t know you were lookin’ for us.”

“Like hell. I’ve also got a bullet in your wall that matches a gun that killed one of four dead men we found in an abandoned warehouse on Industrial Road.”

“I haven’t been home in a while.”

“Staying away until your rug dries?” he asked. “What’d you do, shampoo out the bloodstains?”

“Did you have a warrant to go into my house?”

“You asked me that last time,” Hargrove said, “and this time I did.”

“Hargrove, you don’t understand. You have to let me out of here. In two hours I have to-”

“You’re gonna be here longer than that, Eddie,” he said. “If you’ve got a date she’s gonna get stood up.”

“I’ve got a date all right,” I said, “but it’s not with a woman.”

“Woman, guy, it doesn’t matter,” he said, “you’re gonna miss it-but I didn’t think you went that way.”

“Goddammit, you don’t understand,” I said, “let me explain somethin’ to you-”

“Why don’t you start by tellin’ me what happened in your house?” he asked. “And what you have to do with four dead guys?”

“I didn’t-”

“And a set-up to make it look like they killed each other,” he went on. “That sounds like somethin’ your buddy Jerry brought with him from New York.”

I was getting frustrated, but there was no way I could admit to any involvement with the dead men. That would put Jerry in the shitter, and I couldn’t do that to him.

I sat forward and looked him in the eye.

“Hargrove,” I said, “somethin’ is gonna happen tonight that will impact-” I stopped short. Impact what? What could I tell him? The Presidency? I was supposed to be keeping that information to myself.

“Impact what?” he asked. “World peace?”

I was stuck for a reply.

“Sit tight,” he said, moving toward the door. “I’m gonna go talk to your buddy. Maybe he’ll give you up.”

“Hargrove wait-” I said, but he was out the door, and he didn’t return for almost an hour.

I knew Jerry wouldn’t give me up, but time was ticking away. We had to get out of there and make that meet, but how? Hargrove was right. Frank, or Dean, or Sammy couldn’t help me. It would take Jack Entratter a while to get a lawyer for us.

By the time Hargrove returned I had an idea.

“Am I under arrest?” I asked. “Are Jerry and I under arrest?”

“As a matter of fact,” he said, “you are. Your only chance is to come clean-”

“I get a phone call,” I said. “I want my phone call.”

“A lawyer’s not gonna help you-”

“I’m not talkin’ to you until after my phone call,” I told him.

He glared at me. If he wanted to he could keep me away from a phone long enough to ruin everything, but I was counting on him being the letter-of-the-law kind of guy he was.

“Hargrove, I’ll talk to you,” I said, “but after my phone call.”

He frowned, then backed up and opened the door.

“Find me a room with a phone,” he told the cop just outside the door.

Hargrove took me into a room with a phone. I stared at him until he got the message and headed for the door.

“I’ll be right outside,” he said. “You’ve three minutes.”

As soon as the door closed I took a piece of paper out of my pocket and dialed the number on it.

A half hour later we were back in the other room and I was still trying to string Hargrove along. He was getting pissed.

“You haven’t told me a thing, Eddie,” he said. “You’re doin’ somethin’ for another high roller that you can’t talk about, and you don’t know anythin’ about bodies in a warehouse, or a bullet hole in your wall.”

“That’s it.”

“You’re wastin’ my time,” he said. “I think it’s time we put you and your friend in a cell-separate cells-and let you sweat it out overnight.”

I looked at the clock on the wall and he noticed.

“Yeah, you’re gonna miss your date, pal,” he said. “Let’s have your wallet, belt and shoes.” He’d already taken the envelopes of money.

If he put me in a cell that’d be the end of it. And if he went through my pockets thoroughly he’d find the photo, the one Sammy didn’t want anyone to see. Would Hargrove recognize the person in it, I wondered?

I was fishing my wallet out when there was a knock on the door and a cop stuck his head in.

“Detective? You better come out here.”

When he came back in he gave me an evil look.

“You think you’re pretty smart, Eddie.”

“Do I?”

“You really did it this time,” he said. “You went straight to the top to cover your ass. I wonder who and what you’re gonna have to pay for this?”

“I don’t get you.”

“You’re out.” He looked at my wallet and belt, which were on the table. He dug into his pocket, tossed the envelopes of money down reluctantly. “Put those away.”

“Look, Detective,” I said, “I didn’t have a choice, here …”

I looked at the clock. We had fifty minutes.

“This must be some pretty hot date,” he said. “You better enjoy it, because if I have anything to say about it, it’ll be your last.”

I put my wallet and the money away and slipped my belt back on.

“Can I go?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Your friend’s waitin’ outside.”

I started past him, but he grabbed my arm in a grip like a vice.

“How high do your friends go, Eddie?”

I didn’t answer.

“Pretty high, I think,” he went on. “You know, when you get that high there’s a heavy price to pay.”

“I should be able to explain this to you later….” I offered.

“Save it for your defense,” he said. “You’re gonna need it.”

He let go of my arm and I went out the door.
