“That car was certainly in a hurry to get out of here,” Regan observed from the front seat of Jack’s car as she tried to decipher its license plate number. They had just pulled into the line outside the parking lot of Gambler’s Palace. Regan grabbed her ever-present notepad out of her purse and jotted down the few numbers she was able to make out. “I don’t think they wanted anyone to inspect their trunk.”
“Maybe they didn’t want to wait,” Kit suggested.
“Maybe,” Regan agreed. “This could be useless information. Which over the years I’ve collected plenty of. But you never know. It was a gray sedan, right, Jack?”
“Yes. Two people were in the car. A guy was driving. I couldn’t tell whether his passenger was a man or a woman.” Jack looked in his rearview mirror. “The red sports car behind us is also turning around. A young couple. Who knows? Maybe they had a couple drinks and are afraid of being stopped.”
Kit turned around, craning her neck to get the license plate of the second departing car. She recited it to Regan, who dutifully jotted it down.
“I could sit here all night and collect license plate numbers,” Regan joked. “But when something like that happens right in my face, I have to take notice.”
When they got to the front of the line, the guard made a quick inspection of Jack’s trunk, then waved them through. They parked and took an elevator up to the casino level where they were immediately blitzed by the sights and sounds emanating from the numerous rows of slot machines. Flashing lights and jaunty musical notes filled the air and seemed to celebrate with lucky winners as they scooped up the clinking coins.
“We’ll head right to Stan’s office,” Jack said as they made their way across the cavernous room.
Stan had been expecting them. A solid, stocky guy in his late fifties, he greeted Jack with a hearty handshake. Even though they didn’t know each other well, there was the immediate camaraderie shared by those in law enforcement, the bond of wanting to get the bad guy. “Good to see you, Jack.”
Jack introduced Regan and Kit. “It looks like you’re having a busy night. We had our trunk inspected on the way in.”
“There’s a benefit in the Grand Ballroom tonight. Several politicians from the state are attending. On nights like these, we like to play it safe.”
Jack nodded.
“I have the tapes from the table where you say your friend was last Saturday night.”
“That’s great,” Regan said. “Thanks so much.”
“I think I’ll go play the one-armed bandits,” Kit said eagerly. “See if I can make enough money to buy you a wedding present.”
“We’re rooting for you,” Jack replied with a smile.
“Keep your cell phone out,” Regan advised. “I’ll call you when we’re finished. It looks like it’s easy to get lost around here.”
Stan took Regan into an empty office where they could view the tapes. He inserted the first one into the DVD player. “I’ll be back later.”
“Here goes nothing,” Regan murmured as the image of Alfred seated at a gambling table filled the screen.