Lila stood on the dais, her arms raised. “Thank you all for coming,” she said. “I hope you’ll be back next year.” A deep foaming whirlpool had formed in the middle of the White Lake. Some of the guests were beginning to paddle their boats toward it. It was the group exit portal, and it made a distant roaring sound.
“One last event, though,” Lila said. “Cardell, are you here? Will you please come up?”
Cardell leapt the three steps up to the stage.
“Is that an egg in your pocket, hon?”
“Yes, it is, as a matter of fact,” Cardell said. “A silver egg. From my friend Jackie.” He handed it to Lila, who set it down on a folded washcloth.
“Now let’s let it hatch,” said Lila. “The egg of love, ladies and gentlemen. Farewell.”