When I got back to the hotel, there was a message on my voice mail.
"Corsetti. Meet me at Farnsworth's place."
I decided I could walk there as fast as I could cab, so I did. When I got to Central Park West I saw the police vehicles, five or six of them, including the coroner's wagon. Half a dozen uniforms were standing outside, giving the hard eye to pedestrians. The doorman was standing around in a state of proprietary uncertainty.
"Detective Corsetti told me to meet him here," I said to a thick uniform by the front door.
"Yeah? What's your name?" the uniform said.
"Spenser," I said.
"What's he want to see you about?"
"He didn't say."
The cop looked annoyed. He turned and opened the little brass door and took out the house phone. He looked at it for a moment, then turned to the doorman.
"You," he said. "Dial the apartment, ask for Corsetti, gimme the phone."
"You bet," the doorman said and did it.
"Flanagan, on the front door, Detective. Guy down here named"-he looked at me-"whaddid you say your name was?"
"Spenser," the cop said into the phone. "What, okay Detective, okay."
He handed the phone back to the doorman. And jerked his head at me.
"Go ahead," he said.
It sounded as if he didn't like saying it.
When I got off the elevator, there were two more uniforms in the hallway outside Farnsworth's apartment.
"Corsetti?" I said.
"You Spenser?"
One of the cops jerked his head at the apartment door, and I went in. There were technicians at work and several detectives standing around with notebooks. One was Corsetti.
On the floor among them was a body, with a crime-scene guy crouched beside it.
"Farnsworth?" I said to Corsetti.
"Probably," Corsetti said. "You know him, take a look."
I stepped over and looked. It was not a fresh kill.
"Yeah," I said. "Farnsworth."
"Cleaning service comes once a week," Corsetti said. "They came in this morning and found him."
"How long?" I said.
Corsetti glanced at his notebook.
"Yesterday sometime," he said. "Small-caliber gun. Several wounds. Won't know exactly how many until they get him on the table downtown. No shell casings."
"So probably a revolver," I said.
"Or a neat shooter," Corsetti said.
"And a cool one," I said. "Fire off several rounds in a residential building and stop to police the brass?"
"If he did, he got away with it," Corsetti said.
"Good point," I said.
"You know anything about this?" Corsetti said.
"Where's your little girl friend?"
"April? I don't know."
It was technically not a lie. I didn't know exactly where she was.
Corsetti nodded.
"How about Patricia Utley?" he said.
"Wow," I said, "you remembered."
"Of course I remembered. How do you think I made detective?"
"I was wondering about that," I said.
"You got any reason to think she could have shot Lionel?"
"You know what I know," I said. "There was some conflict over this deal with the DeNuccis. But nothing should make her shoot him."
"Just run through it again for me," Corsetti said.
I did, including the part where April smacked her around.
"Maybe she lied about who hit her," Corsetti said. "Maybe it was Farnsworth slapped her around. Maybe she got even."
"Doesn't seem like Farnsworth's style," I said.
Corsetti nodded.
"Small-caliber gun," he said, "like a woman would use."
"Yeah," I said, "sure. You know and I know that most people use the gun they can get their hands on, not the gun ideally suited to them."
"Just a thought," Corsetti said. "What do you think about the DeNuccis?"
"My guess, no," I said. "Talking to Arnie Fisher, I think they will do the deal on their terms or not at all, and they don't much care which."
"'Course that's what Arnie says."
"And I'm a gullible guy," I said.
"Aren't we all," Corsetti said.
"Lionel let the shooter in?" I said.
"Apparently," Corsetti said. "No sign of forced entry. No sign of socializing, either, no wineglasses, no coffee cups. Bed was made. Cleaning people say he normally left it on made on the day they came, so they could change the linen and make it."
"So he didn't sleep in it last night," I said.
Corsetti nodded, looking down at the corpse.
"Lionel probably slept right here last night," he said. "You run into April, you'll let me know."
"You bet," I said.