As we continued our dinner we talked about other members of the extended family. Sammy was doing well and was happy with May. Peter was still on the outs with Frank over the JFK thing. I asked Dean if he had tried to intercede on his behalf but he said he stayed out of other people’s politics, and that’s what ‘this’ was all about.
‘Is Frank still mad at Bing Crosby because JFK stayed there instead?’
‘That’s the odd part,’ Dean said. ‘No, he isn’t. In fact, we’re gonna do another film, this one called Robin and The Seven Hoods, and Frank wants to give Bing the part that was originally gonna be played by Peter.’
‘That is odd,’ I said. ‘Why not be mad at Bing?’
‘I don’t know,’ Dean said. ‘He’s not mad at him, or JFK. Only Peter.’
‘That doesn’t sound right.’
‘Well, maybe you can talk to Frank about it. He values your opinions.’
‘Oh, no,’ I said, ‘I’m with you when it comes to people’s politics. Besides, I’ve never been that crazy about Peter.’
‘Why is that?’
‘I don’t know,’ I said. ‘Maybe it’s that snooty British attitude of his.’
Before we left the restaurant we managed to somehow get on the subject of Dean’s old partner, Jerry Lewis.
‘Seems Frank thinks I should appear on Jerry’s Labor Day telethon.’
‘I guess Frank doesn’t feel the same way about stayin’ out of other people’s business.’
‘Well, it’s not a political thing, between Jerry and me, and Frank likes to see himself as a Mr Fix-It.’
‘With other people’s relationships?’
Dean nodded.
‘Are you gonna do it?’ I asked.
‘Nah,’ he said. ‘Maybe some day, but not this year.’
I had met Jerry only once, when he played the Sands, but had not spent any time talking to him. I knew Jack Entratter considered him a friend, but Jack had lots of friends I didn’t talk to.
Dean paid the bill and we got back in the limo and returned to the Sands.
‘Nightcap?’ I asked him, in the lobby.
‘No, I don’t think so.’ People were pointing at him and staring. Any minute one of them was going to come over and ask for an autograph.
‘I’m gonna go upstairs and call Jeannie and the kids. I miss ’em when I’m away.’ He slapped me on the back and said, ‘Give the family thing some thought, Eddie. I’m tellin’ ya, it’s great.’
‘See you tomorrow, Dean,’ I said. ‘Maybe I’ll come and see the show.’
‘You do that. I think we’re gonna drag Buddy Lester up there since Joey’s not in town.’
‘I’d like to see that.’
‘OK, see ya then, Pally.’
‘Say hello to Jeannie for me. She was a real help when I was in L.A. a few months back.’
‘I’ll tell her.’
He headed for the elevator and I headed for the casino floor. Technically, I wasn’t on the clock, but I usually liked to walk through if I was around, see how things were going.
As I walked past my pit one of the dealer’s called out, ‘Mr Entratter was lookin’ for you, Eddie.’
‘He say what he wanted?’
‘Not to me,’ the dealer said.
‘How long ago?’
‘’Bout an hour.’
‘OK, thanks.’
‘What do I tell him if he comes back?’
‘Tell him you heard I went out to dinner with Dean Martin.’