THE PERIWINKLE (Vinca minor).-Curiously irregular in blossoming. One spring the ground is covered with blue stars, another only with evergreen trails. Its only habitat here is Lincoln's Copse.

YELLOWWORT (Chlora perfoliata).-Ampfield Wood.

CENTAURY (Erythræa Centaurea).-Cranbury.

GENTIAN (Gentiana Pneunomanthe).-Baddesley bog, Cranbury.

(G. Amarella).-Pitt Down.

BOGBEAN (Menyanthes trifolium).-This lovely flower abides in the wet banks of the Itchen.

BINDWEED (Convolvulus sepium).-Pure and white.

(C. minor).-In shades of pink. Called lilies by the country-folk.

DODDER (Cuscuta Epithymum).-Red threads forming a beaded network over the furze.

(C. Trifolii).-Coarser fibres, smaller balls of blossom, in some years strangling the clover.

WOODY NIGHTSHADE (Solanum Dulcamara).-Purple flowers, red berries, beautiful everywhere.

(S. nigrum).-White-flowered, black-berried. At Cranbury, and occasionally elsewhere.

DEADLY NIGHTSHADE (Atropa belladonna).-Used to be near the front door at Hursley Park.

HENBANE (Hyoscyamus niger).-Formerly on the top of Compton Hill, and at the angle of the lane leading to Bunstead.
