FURZE (Ulex europæus).-Brilliant on all the commons on gravel or peat.
DWARF FURZE (U. nanus)-Rather less frequent.
BROOM (Genista scoparia).-Exquisite golden spires on the peat.
NEEDLE BROOM (G. anglica).-Cuckoo Bushes.
DYER'S GREENWEED (G. tinctoria).-In a ditch in a meadow on the Ampfield Road.
REST HARROW (Ononis arvensis).-Pretty pink and white blossoms like miniature lady-peas on a troublesome weed.
KIDNEY VETCH (Anthyllis Vulneraria) .-Borders of down.
BLACK MEDICK (Medicago lupulina).-Chalk-pit.
(M. denticulata) .-Ampfield.
MELILOT (Melilotus officinalis).-Kiln Lane, Otterbourne.
BIRDSFOOT (Ornithopus perpusillus).-Otterbourne Hill.
(Trigonella ornithopodioides).-Otterbourne.
TREFOIL ( Trifulium subterraneum).
(T. pratense).
DUTCH CLOVER (T. repens).
HOPDOWN (T. procumbens).
(T. minus).
(T. hybridum).
STRAWBERRY TREFOIL (T. fragiferum).-Once on canal bank.
MILK VETCH (Hippocrepis comosa).-Hursley.
BIRD'S-FOOT TREFOIL (Lotus corniculatus).-This golden or ruddy part of the embroidery of the down is known to children as Ladies' Slippers or Ladies' Fingers.
(L. major).-A taller variety.
TARE (Ervum hirsutum).-Tiny grey flowers.
(E. tetraspermum).
PURPLE VETCH (Vicia Cracca).-Throwing royal purple garlands over every hedge in the lanes.
COMMON V. (V. sativa).-Very common, varying from crimson to dark red.
WOOD V. (V. sepium).-A brilliant little red flower.
GRASS VETCHLING (Lathyrus Nissolia).-Found once in a bank near Chandler's Ford; once at Silkstede.
WOOD V. (L. sylvestris).-Doubtful, but something like it grows in Sparrow Grove near the waterworks.
YELLOW V. (L. pratensis).-Common, mixed with grass.
HEATH PEA (Orobus tuberosus).-On the peat soil.