GARLIC (Allium ursinum).-On road to Baddesley.

CROW G. (A. vineale).-Chalk ridges, if not destroyed by waterworks.

FLAG (Iris pseudacorus).-Itchen banks.

STINKING F. (I. fætidissima).-Not common, but in two copses, one at Cranbury and the other on the north of King's Lane.

DAFFODIL (Narcissus Pseudonarcissus).-Dell Copse, which it covers with the glory of the "dancing daffodil"; also plantation near Romsey Road.

BLACK BRYONY (Tamus communis).-Wreaths of shiny leaves.

SOLOMON'S SEAL (Polygonatum multiflorum).-Cranbury Wood.

BUTCHER'S BROOM (Ruscus aculeatus).-Otterbourne Hill.

BLUEBELL (Hyacinthus nonscriptus).-Masses in the woods.

WOODRUSH (Luzula sylvatica).-Graceful brown blossoms.

PYRAMIDAL ORCHIS (Orchis pyramidalis).-Chalk-pit by Sparrow Grove.

FOOL'S O. (O. Morio).-Cranbury.

PURPLE O. (O. mascula).-Local name, Dead Man's Fingers.

ROMSEY O. (O. incarnata).-Itchen meadows.

BROAD-LEAVED O. (O. latifolia).-Itchen meadows.

SPOTTED O. (O maculata).

DWARF O. (O. ustulata).-Downs by South Lynch.

SWEET O. (Gymnadenia conopsea).-Itchen meadows.

BUTTERFLY O. (Habenaria bifolia).-Sparrow Grove.

BEE O. (Ophrys apifera).-Railway banks and South Lynch.

FLY O. (O. muscifera).-South Lynch Down.

LADY'S TRESSES (Spiranthes autumnalis).-Cranbury lawn, but fitful in appearing.

TWAYBLADE (Listera ovata).-In hedges and woods.

BIRD'S-NEST ORCHIS (L. Nidus-avis).-Only under beeches.

HELLEBORINE (Epipactis latifolia).-Here and there in hedges.

(E. grandiflora).-Under beeches.

(E. palustris).-Chalk-pit.
