TUTSAN (Hypericum Androsæmum).-Handsome flower, and seeds- Cranbury and Allbrook.

ST. JOHN'S-WORT (H. perforatum).

(H. dubium).

(H. hirsutum).-All frequent in the hedges.

(H. humifusum).

(H. pulchrum).

(H. Elodes).-Bogs near Cuckoo Bushes.

(H. quadrangulum).

MALLOW (Malva sylvestris).-Everywhere by roadsides, used to be esteemed by old women as a healing "yarb."

MUSK M. (M. moschata).-A beautiful pink or white flower, grows all over the park at Cranbury.

DWARF M. (M. rotundifolia).-Flower white, with purple streaks, almost stemless, grows under a wall in Otterbourne Street.

SMALL-LEAVED LIME (Tilia parvifolia).-Hursley Park; avenue at Brambridge, where four rows form three magnificent aisles.
