Chapter Three

One can imagine with what timorous hearts, dry, constricted throats and dilated eyes pert Charlene Davidson and blushing, angelfaced Norah Byron entered the adjoining house beside their school to keep their interviews, the former with Maude, the latter with Mr. Cameron herself. Maude had not told Charlene what was in store for her, any more than Norah herself had been documented on the reason for this private interview with the school principal, but since both girls knew what they had been guilty of, it is certain that each had mounting inward apprehensions as they entered. Charlene and Norah exchanged an anguished glance with each other before going to the respective chambers of their executioners- though to be sure they did not know Maude and Mr. Cameron were going exactly to play such roles.

Once Charlene had timidly knocked at Maude’ s door, the goldenhaired ward ordered her to enter, and the carroty- haired delinquent reluctantly did so and was bidden to close and lock the door behind her.

Maude wore only a camisole under her blue satin dressing gown, and high- heeled pumps and black silk hose held up by flouncy red rosette garters, and her golden hair had been modishly set in imperious pompadour to give her a look of greater maturity than her years afforded. Charlene was properly impressed, but Maude at once recalled her to realization of her shameful misconduct by snapping, “ I dare say you are wondering why you were sent for, my girl?” And when Charlene faltered a hesitant, “ Y- Yes, Miss Cameron” (for Maude had taken her guardian’ s last name with legal adoption), the goldenhaired ward maliciously resumed: “ You were seen last night leaving your dormitory, Charlene, and going to meet one of the older girls, who herself is at this very moment closeted with my uncle, the principal, for the same reason you are here, except that, to be sure, she being the older and the one who led you astray, her punishment will be much more severe.”

“ But- but I didn’ t do-” Charlene ill- advisedly began, only to be interrupted mockingly, “ Don’ t add lying to your wickedness, Miss! Perhaps I didn’ t see the two of you in that linen closet, but I heard. You and Miss Norah Byron was committing one of the most shocking of sins, and I am going to chastise you this evening in a manner that will cure you, I hope, once and for all, of ever resuming such indecencies. Now you may prepare yourself; take off everything except your shoes and stockings!”

“ Ohh, ohh, Miss Cameron, do please spare me,” Charlene sobbed, breaking down at the formidably cold attitude of her instructress. “ I really couldn’ t help it. Norah made me meet her, and-”

“ Silence! If you don’ t undress at once, I shall call Mr. Cameron to assist you-”

“ Oh, no, no, I should die of shame, I’ ll do it,” Charlene tearfully agreed, and hastily began to disrobe, to Maude’ s great glee.»

Once the lovely culprit was stark naked save for the black cotton stockings with elastic garters and the pumps, she revealed dainty highset, widely spaced apple- round breasts whose delicate pink coral tips quivered with apprehension as did the muscles of her sleek, gracefully rounded nubile thighs. Her bottom was rather ovalcontoured, tightly compressed, and of a glossy satin texture that made Maude greedy to see the effect of a birch or cane or the spanker over its flawless epidermis.

Completely defenseless, Charlene began to weep, hiding her face in her hands, whilst Maude completed her preparations. A heavy teakwood tabouret was in the middle of the room near the bed, and Maude now instructed the unhappy culprit to drape herself over it, whereupon she proceeded to bind Charlene’ s slim wrists to the front legs and the girl’ s ankles to the others, thus straddling and up- rearing the culprit’ s milky naked seat in the most immodest way. Next, Maude applied a black bandanna over the girl’ s eyes, which terrified Charlene to the point of imploringly asking her executioner what she was going to do to her, but Maude gave her no satisfaction on that point, merely reminding Charlene that she was here to obey and submit humbly to punishment if she did not wish immediate expulsion from the school.

Now drawing off her robe, beautiful pink- skinned Maude appeared in only her thin white silken lace- trimmed camisole, hose and pumps, and the sparkling eyes and sensuously moist mouth indicated her mounting excitement at having this tasty morsel of girlhood to thrash and torment to her heart’ s utter content whilst her guardian was disporting himself with Charlene’ s iniatress in these forbidden erotic games.

Drawing up a little round footstool and placing it to the left of the tabouret, Maude seated herself and, reaching out, caressed the satiny bare bottomcheeks so lewdly proffered to her attentions. Charlene uttered a faint gasp of fear and shame: “ Oh- do- do- wh- whip me and get it over, please, M- Miss Cameron,” she begged, wiggling nervously over her altar of atonement.

Maude’ s palm continued to stroke the twitching huddling velvety bare hindquarters in a languorous method that suggested nothing of the harsher treatment in store for those palpitating milky globes, and Charlene, deceptively lulled by this tender and seductive gentleness, uttered soft little gasps and tiny moans which, quite obviously confirmed in Maude’ s mind the decided Sapphic tendencies which this hot- blooded young minx was given to- and so in turn recalled to her the imperious need under which Charlene required purging of those naughty habits.

She had by now slipped her fingers between the trembling young gracefully shaped thighs and run them lightly up to the dainty furry mound of love, brushing the foliage till Charlene unconsciously squirmed herself so as to present that dainty secret core of her being to Maude’ s wily touch. But Maude maliciously kept the blindfolded all but naked girl in an enervating state of suspense by continuing to fondle her bottom and inner thighs and only occasionally prodding with a questioning fingertip the soft morsel of loveflesh which nestled at the apex of Charlene’ s straddled thighs, so that the poor girl was nearly wild with pent- up desires which, of course, Norah Byron had exploited. As a matter of fact, Norah had once come upon the girl in the W.C. one evening a few weeks back and found Charlene attempting to relieve her immature young ardors with her own finger, and had suggested a sweeter game- that was how Charlene had succumbed to the tender and perverse passion, and her payment for those stolen pleasures was to take place very soon.

It was not too long before poor, ingenuous Charlene was beginning to twitch and squirm uncontrollably in the grip of potent emotions which had purposely been roused by her wily young executioner. And this was precisely what Maude had been waiting for: “ For shame, you wicked little hussy,” she scolded the whimpering penitent, “ even when you find yourself prepared for a sound thrashing, you keep on playing your nasty little games, do you? Very well, Miss, you shall have your thrashing, and a very sound one it will be, you may depend on that!”

With this, shifting herself at right angles and to the left of Charlene’ s upreared naked bottomcheeks as she sat on the footstool, Maude proceeded to inflict a lengthy and progressively vigorous handsmacking over the carroty- haired girl’ s naked behind, till it was furiously inflamed and Charlene was piteously weeping.

Then after a pause, whilst Maude once again ran her palm over the trembling bare globes to constate the degree of warmth which this preparation had evoked, she took up a slim, whippy birch which had been reposing in the corner of the room in readiness, and bade Charlene count off twenty- five good strokes.

The very first cut, whistling across the ripest curves of both huddling, reddened nether globes, drew a frantic cry of pain from the young sufferer, who had never before felt the onus of the rod; and as the handsmacking had suitably sensitized her sensitive bare skin, the switches felt like a sudden scalding of hot water. Her violent contortions over the tabouret, needless to say, showed off the most secret parts of her nubile young body in the most lascivious way, and Maude righteously exhorted Charlene to take her birching humbly and not be such an indecent minx, advice which poor Charlene could not have heeded at this point, much less count off the strokes. Thus it was that the sentence of twenty- five became more nearly forty, and by the time Charlene had at last screamed out the requisite count, her buttocks were pearled with tiny drops of blood at base, the tops of her wiggling hips and over the summits, where the tempting jut of young girlflesh had particularly drawn Maude’ s flagellatory zeal.

But now, singularly, the beautiful young executioner seemed to repent of her cruelty towards the unfortunate delinquent. Soothingly, she rubbed medicated cream on Charlene’ s excoriated posterior, and her soft fingertips wandered often between the distended thighs and shuddering bottom cheeks of the weeping culprit, grazing the furry little nest of Venus as well as the more subtle rosebud which shrank and contracted at the slightest touch. And once again, Charlene was lulled by this sensual attunement, just as Maude knew she would be, so that when at last the bonds were removed and the blindfold as well, Charlene humbly and unthinkingly, in her need for solace from the atrocious pain that was burning her young buttocks, showed no resistance when Maude tenderly lifted off the half- camisole and gazed greedily upon the carroty- haired culprit’ s appetizing nudity. She made Charlene lie on her side on her own bed then, extinguishing the gaslight, doffed her robe and swiftly joined the still whimpering captive.

And, not much later, Charlene was swooning under Maude’ s avid kisses and caresses, for the golden- haired ward was feverishly determined to experiment for her own first time with the joys of Lesbos- though, to be sure, Mr. Cameron, before the school had opened, had often bound her and Alice naked and facing each other, then flogged them both to compel them to grind their naked loins together in a semblance of Sapphic amour, after which he made his own amorous choice of one of the other of them respite his own imperious sexual needs.

And Maude discovered to her great delight that, by this secret chastisement of the charming ingйnue, she could feel something of the wild, triumphant joy which her virile guardian himself experienced, in having at her mercy the squirming bared flesh of a young penitent and then alleviating the suffering of the rod with a sweeter, more perfidious torment…

Charlene, to be sure, was warned not to tell her fellows the nature of her private punishment, for, as Maude hypocritically purred, “ if you do, my poppin, I will have you horsed naked- yes, Miss, bare naked as a worm!- in front of all the school and Mr. Cameron himself will give you the birch till the blood fairly runs down to your shoes!”

In that manner, the younger companion of beautiful Miss Norah Byron expiated her “ sinful naughtiness.” But it was quite another matter with the chief offender herself, as we shall now see…
