Chapter Seven

One could not, unless one were indeed a carping and demanding person, expect more of life than Mr. Charles Cameron had derived from it in the short year and few months since Maude Rivers had descended from the train in the little railway station at Rushton. Affluent, with a monthly revenue of tuition fees from the parents and relatives of the young ladies enrolled in his own private school; paid, indeed, for the joys of subjecting many of those charming enrollees to the lascivious ordeal of birch and cane and spanker, his eyes free to gaze upon their most secret charms; and endowed with virility that made him lord and master of not only two beautiful nieces, Maude and Alice, but two new protйgйes Rose and Nellie, to say nothing of Miss Norah Byron, one would suppose that no fly marred the ointment of his reveries.

Alas, it did. A bold, opportunistic male such as the retired advocate found that when a challenge was issued and not met and conquered, he felt unsuccessful, and thus it was that his annoyance mounted at the fact that the Misses Medbury and Davis, after four months had gone by in their positions as instructresses of the older girls, had steadfastly refused to submit any naughty girl on their Friday report lists which would have made chastisement obligatory for such a culprit.

When he casually remarked about this, both handsome young women gave him to understand that they did not endorse corporal punishment as the proper modus operandi for young ladies of eighteen and older, and that they would not unjustly sentence any of their pupils to such a barbarous punishment simply to accede to his own theory that such discipline was valid.

This defiance to his wishes naturally irritated Charles Cameron, and it had the adverse effect upon him of turning his spleen directly upon the two mature instructresses who had deprived him of the expected pleasures of witnessing the castigation of the loveliest and ripest members of the school.

Nancy Medbury’ s buxom beauty had already caught his practised eye, and it was upon her that he determined finally to undertake a project that would not only change her dogmatic views on the subject of corporal punishment but also possibly furnish him with still another inamorata.

He therefore had Alice convey to dazzlingly lovely, shy Miss Norah Byron- whose maidenhead he had already pilfered- his wish to see her in his study on a Thursday evening early in January, and when the blushing brownette presented herself, anxiously worrying whether her conduct in the past few months had drawn any menace of mortifying retribution upon her- like that with Charlene Davidson which had cost her her virginity, though it must also be admitted that voluptuous, submissive Miss Byron secretly longed for her virile and stern executioner to master her again, which he had not yet done.

As she stood before him with hands clasped, face downcast and demurely blushing, he contemplated with obvious relish, telling himself that he had neglected her since that memorable occasion. So, puffing at his cheroot, he began, “ Norah, I have excellent reports of your studies and deportment from Miss Medbury of late, and I am well satisfied with you.”

“ Oh, thank you, sir!”

“ You will recall, however, I am sure, that your flagrant wickedness on an occasion we shall not again allude to, brought you into the orbit of my displeasure,” he shyly added, rewarded by her gasp and deeper blush.

“ Y- yes… s… sir- I- I haven’ t- d- done that again, not ever again, s- sir,” she quavered.

“ I am sure you haven’ t. But I wish to draw you into my private confidences, Norah, for you can be of assistance to me, and I shall not be ungrateful if you engage your cooperation to the task I have in mind.”

“ Oh, sir- I- I am very flattered that you should express any wish for my humble aid,” she charmingly retorted, twisting her fingers this way and that and looking very demure indeed.

He guessed that the reticent minx’ s latent sensuality, whetted by her earlier attempts in the lists of Sappho, had been roused to fullblown ardor by her one surrender to the opposite sex- which, had, of course, been himself- and that she inwardly longed to make again the acquaintance of his animal vitality. Nothing loath in the least, he beckoned her to sit on his knee, and, chucking her under the chin and kissing her satiny white cheek, whispered to her what was foremost in his thoughts.

“ Ohh sir!” Norah Byron breathed, scandalized, as she stared at him with those incredibly big, humid brown eyes and her thick long curly lashes fluttered like the wings of a butterfly in flight, “ but I should never dare to do a wicked thing like that! B- besides, Miss Medbury would suspect and-”

“ She will suspect nothing because it will be done adroitly. She has offended me, for reasons that need not be in your ken, Norah my dear, and suffice it to say that your playing this little comedy role will put her in my powers to avenge the disobedience she has shown in fulfilling her station at any school,” he sententiously declaimed. “ Of course, Norah, if you refuse this favor, I shall not intervene when Miss Medbury puts you on her demerit list, and my nieces will not be inclined to leniency in your case either. In fact,” he added with a knowing wink,” Miss Birchington mentioned to me only the other evening that you are not overly tidy in keeping your section of your dormitory quarters neat and clean, and she has the authority, as you know, to have you report on a Friday afternoon for a good smacking with the tawse or a flogging with the birch.”

At this, Norah turned all colors of the rainbow and hastily agreed to do whatever he asked if only he would spare her from the pain and shame of being thrashed, and so the wily Mr. Cameron, soothing her fears with sly kisses, began to fondle her bosom, until in a few moments Norah Byron was lulled into an ecstatic passiveness whereby she made no outcry as he undid the buttons of her blouse and began to feel her naked bosom under the camisole. In a few more moments, indeed, she was reduced to hose, garters and pumps, whilst he doffed his garments and Norah uttered a faint cry of inarticulate excitement when she beheld his massive virility readied for the task of allaying her final doubts.

“ Oh, d… don’ t h- hurt me, s- sir,” she moaned as he carried her over to a leather- padded couch and laid her gently down, then clambered beside her, and with an arm under her shoulders, began to stroke her belly and thighs, whilst his lips savoringly kissed the turrets of those panting creamy breasts of hers which had excited such admiration that first time when she had paid the price for naughtiness in the linen closet with Charlene Davidson.

“ Of course I shan’ t hurt you, pet,” he murmured huskily, as he took one of her slim hands and guided it towards his rigid organ, forcing her to fondle and squeeze it as he sucked each of her turgifying nipple- buds in turn and further caressed her belly and the furry niche below it with his other hand till he perceived from the moistness his hand encountered that the shy and beautiful Miss Norah Byron was being drawn towards carnal pitch.

Now, his lips sealing hers to quiet any dissent, he mounted atop her and made her little hand guide his fierce weapon towards the secret sheath of her Venus, and in a moment was delved to the hilt within her tight chasm, causing the naked young beauty a near- crisis of tumultuous nerves and moans and sighs and cooing gasps. She linked her creamy arms round his neck, and, thus joined, Mr. Cameron and Norah Byron began a journeying to Cythera whose shores were lengthily reached and which at last brought the naked love- slave to the very brink of ecstasy. Her quaking rapture synchronized with his, and his molten gush inundated the tight passageway, drawing from her a wild cry of expiring bliss as he sank down on her heaving white bosom and gripped the squirming cheeks of her bottom, murmuring, “ Isn’ t this better than being birched, Norah darling?” to which the fainting girl moaned back, “ Ohh- ahh- oh, yes- yes, Mr. Cameron!”

Fondling and caressing the swooning naked girl, Mr. Cameron felt himself renewed in vigor, and this time cajoled the blushing Norah Byron to crouch on all fours on the couch, whilst with the tip of a forefinger he titillated the lodestone of her very being.

Wriggling captiously, Norah moaned her pleasure, swiftly forgetting her innate shyness under the powerful onus of his masterful lovemaking, and before long her furious waves of desire began to mount, manifesting themselves in convulsive lurchings of her creamy buttocks and the twitching of those soft moist pink labia which peeped through the thicket of dark brown lovecurls at the apex of her trembling thighs. The contrast of her black silk hose and the creamy warm velvet- smoothness of her naked skin intoxicated Mr. Cameron, and he felt himself mammoth and replenished in vigor to the task of taking his place behind her, and, reaching to cup her pendant breasts, squeezing them deliciously as he probed to find the moist pink core of her body and inserting himself, whereupon with a single vigorous thrust he burrowed to the very end of his weapon in her scabbard. No longer passive, the naked brownette clenched her arms and thighs round her virile mature lover- master, and held to him for dear life as he foraged lingeringly in her love- citadel till once more her amorous tides were shatteringly swept up on the beach of bliss. And when at last Norah Byron crept out of his private chamber, her cheeks aglow and her bosom and thighs tingling from the after- glow of rapture, she was a determined convert to his ideology- which was to involve Miss Nancy Medbury in so critical and perilous a situation that she could not successful extricate herself from it…

That next morning, Mr. Cameron sent a message to Miss Nancy Medbury, asking if she might see her way clear to staying that evening till Saturday noon at the school, as he wished to discuss the possibility of her taking extra pupils for special tutelage, which would of course garner her more earnings. He had had, he intimated, requests from some of the parents to give their daughters or nieces special and private courses to help them catch up so they might go on to an accredited college after leaving his school. Miss Medbury sent back word by Alice that she would be willing to remain in Rushton, provided he could arrange transportation back to her home the next early afternoon.

She dined with him, Alice and Maude, and his conversation dealt entirely with the new arrangement- which was, to be sure, fictitious, his only purpose for having had her remain overnight at the end of the week being to entrap her, as we shall see.

Miss Nancy Medbury was extremely fetching in her black silk gown with lace fichu at her elegant rounded creamy throat, its bodice modestly cut over her highset, widely spaced round breasts, and its cut also lined the glories of her ample yet classically proportioned hips and contrastingly slender, supple waist, in the manner of the true Grecian amphora. This analogy, moreover, fitted Mr. Cameron’ s classical tastes exactly, because an amphora is a receptacle, and so, to his way of thinking, were all women.

The meal over, Mr. Cameron escorted Miss Medbury to the guest room on the first floor at the back near the kitchen, trusted that she would be comfortable and want for nothing, and then he and his nieces retired- to prepare the tragi- comic scene which was to be enacted for the purpose of victimizing the auburn- haired instructress into total capitulation to his lustful purposes.

At about eleven that night, when the house was quiet, a key turned in the lock of the front door, and Nora Byron tiptoed in, wearing a filmy silk nightie that descended to her lower calves, her slippers, and a sturdy coat which Mr. Cameron had lent her to keep off the chill. She made her way towards the guest room at the back, discarding the coat on an armchair in the living room, and crept to the door of the room occupied by Miss Medbury, who was fast asleep.

Maude, who had been posted as vigilant surveillante, espied Norah’ s entry and made her way to Mr. Cameron’ s private chambers to notify him that the stage was set and that it awaited but Miss Byron’ s signal to commence the dramatic mise- en- scene which would achieve the exact tableau that he would require in order to bring off his sly little coup.

Norah Byron crept towards the bed on which the auburn- haired beauty reposed, hoisted her nightie up above her waist, exposing the furry garland of her mount of Venus, and then stealthily crept into bed beside the sleeping young woman. Maude waited at the top of the stairs.

Presently Nancy Medbury sighed and turned slowly over till she faced the breathless Norah. Tentatively, in her torpor, she put out a hand and encountered Norah’ s creamy bare thigh, and this was the exact instant that Norah let out a cry of “ Oh please don’ t do that to me, Miss Medbury, I’ m a good girl, I wouldn’ t dare to be so shameless! Please!”

Roused by this unexpected noisy clamor, Nancy Medbury blinked her eyes, then uttered a gasp and sat up. “ What’ s the meaning of this? Who are you?” she gasped indignantly.

“ Keep away- oh, you oughtn’ t to have told me to come here to your bed, Miss Medbury,” Norah was an amateur actress but her enthusiasm made up for her deficiencies in emotional depth portrayal. She shrank back, fending off the pretended “ advances” of her instructress with a trembling hand. “ Please let me go back to the dormitory!”

At this exact instant, the lights were turned on by Maude, who wore her dressing gown over her nightie, and Nancy Medbury blanched with horror to see Charles Cameron and Alice standing there on the threshold staring at her with grave accusation in their eyes.

“ What is the meaning of this, Miss Medbury?” Charles Cameron sternly demanded. Arms folded across his chest, he looked the very portrait of the righteous avenging angel, handsome and sober in suspended judgment over the flagrant errors of a mortal with feet of clay. In dressing robe over nightshirt and slippers, he managed to fulfill, to the astounded, confused and scarlet- visaged auburnhaired instructress- who wore a filmy nightgown which, though lowering to her ankles, nonetheless was nearly diaphanous- the role of patriarchal arbiter.

“ Sir, I assure you I’ m as dumbfounded as you,” Miss Nancy Medbury began. “ I was sound asleep when all of a sudden this girl began to cry out and woke me- and then you and your nieces entered the room. I wish explanation as much as you- why, Norah Byron- you are in my class, of course, I do not comprehend this at all, Mr. Cameron. What is this girl doing out her dormitory in my room?”

“ Why as to that Miss Medbury,” he silkily responded, “ I think you might better have an answer than I- even though it is one that fills me with distaste and consternation.”

“ Sir!” the beautiful buxom young woman stiffened, eyes very wide and angry now, “ what do you mean by that remark?”

He shrugged, “ Before my nieces, I hesitate to spell it out, Miss Medbury. But it seems obvious to me.”

“ Sir, what- what you are implying?” Nancy Medbury’ s face was taut with frantic indignation. As for Norah Byron, consummate actress that she had become, she huddled to one side of the bed, burying her face in her hands- but let her uprucked nightie remain immodestly baring the smooth lovely columns of her quivering thighs and the furry oasis of her lovegroove, which Mr. Cameron did not miss glancing at in his contemplation of the scandalized Miss Medbury.

“ That you and this naughty young vixen have had an assignation,” he resumed calmly, “ and that you sought to compel her to despicable practices which thwarted females use as simulation of the joys of heterosexual relationship.”

“ Ohh! This is too much! You have no right to say such a thing to me, sir! I am betrothed and a decent girl. I have never in all my life-” the auburn- haired instructress expostulated. But Norah Byron, sniffling now, faltered, “ Oh, Mr. Cameron, she told me I had to come here in secret, or else she’ d report me for a Friday birching. And then when I got into bed, she- she made overtures to me-”

“ Why, you little liar!” heatedly cried Nancy Medbury, turning on the cowering brownette, her eyes flashing righteous anger.

“ Disgraceful, Uncle,” Alice hypocritically shook her head with a long face. “ Miss Medbury must leave our school at once! And it is unthinkable that she be allowed to teach anywhere else in England, lest she corrupt the morals of those innocent girls under her charge.”

“ Oh- you- all of you- you must be insane, to take the word of this little liar, this daydreaming, simpering creature,” Nancy Medbury looked at Alice, then Maude, then Mr. Cameron, as if unable to believe the testimony of her ears.

“ I am very much afraid, Miss Medbury,” he retorted calmly,” that the evidence is against you, for all your attempts to bluster it out. Miss Byron would have no reason to make such a calamitous accusation against you if there were not a modicum of truth in it. I shall have to dismiss you with a letter stating that you are being discharged on grounds of moral turpitude, Miss Medbury.”

Now the thoroughly frightened auburn- haired beauty climbed out of bed and, heedless that she was clad only in a nightgown, clasped her hands and earnestly besought Mr. Cameron to reconsider: “ Oh, sir, never in all the world can such a thing be thought of me. I love a fine young man, and I am chaste, and such an ugly thing as I am accused of is unthinkable to my nature. But do not ruin my character, sir, for that is what would happen if you took the word of this infamous creature and blackened me unjustly. I beg you to reconsider!”

“ I cannot,” he shook his head. “ Your only hope is to throw yourself on my mercy, to take a punishment which befits such heinous behavior, and to remain on probation in the hope that I will decide to give you another chance, but one wherein you will not be exposed to such carnal temptations.”

“ Oh, anything in God’ s own name,” Nancy Medbury was nearly hysterical with shame now, “ if only you won’ t dismiss me without a character!”

“ If I decide to quiet Miss Byron’ s charge against you and change you to the teaching of the youngest group, which Miss Cameron now undertakes, will you accept punishment humbly and retain your position here, Miss Medbury?” he asked.

Nancy Medbury bit her lips, lowered her eyes, then nodded, color flooding her creamy cheeks. “ Yes, sir,” she murmured in a low, dull voice.

“ Very well. Maude, take Miss Byron back to her dormitory. As for you, my girl, if I hear from either of my nieces that you have been indiscreet enough to repeat a word of what has been said here in this room tonight, you shall repent it over the birching horse before the entire school. You are warned, Miss Byron!”

He pointed an accusing forefinger at the brownette, who promptly cringed and shook her head, promising that she would die under stringent tortures rather than let a word slip past her sealed lips. Maude, seizing her by an elbow, scolding her like an angry maternal custodian, slapped her bottom and hurried her out of the house. Once outside, Maude giggled, kissed the blushing accomplice to this little drama and whispered, “ Now for being so helpful, you shall hide in the Snuggery and watch Miss Medbury’ s punishment.”

“ Oooh, Miss Cameron, whatever is he going to do to her?”

“ I should rather think that Miss Medbury’ s big backside is going to feel what yours did that time I caught you with Charlene,” Maude twitted, and Norah Byron blushed disconcertingly at the reminder.

The pair hastened in to the school building and went directly to the gym, hiding themselves in the little shed with its one- way glass through which they could see all without being seen.

Meanwhile, Mr. Cameron exhorted Alice to take charge of the shamefaced, silent Nancy Medbury and lead her to the gymnasium. He had not yet specifically detailed what her “ punishment” was to be, but just before entering the gym, the creamy skinned redhead faltered, “ S- sir- I beg you to enlighten me on what I am to suffer by way of unjust chastisement so that this infamous and untrue charge can be dropped and my name expunged of wrongdoing?”

“ I propose to subject you, Miss Medbury, to the kind of punishment I should give Miss Byron or any of the girls of my school found guilty of such wrongdoing,” was his reply.

Nancy Medbury halted, eyes huge with incredulity. “ Sir- you cannot be serious- I cannot believe- oh no, it is impossible!”

“ What is impossible?”

“ That- you mean to say- you intend- I- I-” words failed her, choking in her throat, and she could only stare at him, bemused and aghast.

“ I intend, Miss Medbury,” was his succinct answer, “ to strap you to the triangle, lay bare your bottom and inflict on it a thorough birching!”

“ Oh noo! I will not submit to any such indecent, infamous, degrading treatment as that! I would rather be expelled!” she cried.

“ Too late. Alice, help me with this obstinate young woman,” he called, as Nancy Medbury turned and tried to flee.

In vain; Alice gleefully caught her by a wrist, doubling it behind the victim’ s back so that Nancy Medbury had to bend over, whereupon Mr. Cameron, seizing the other wrist, dragged her along to the triangle- he had recently had a counterpart of the one in his cellar installed in the gym, finding, from his earlier sйances with Rose and Nellie, how efficacious such an apparatus was in positioning the nether parts of the female body for the rod, as well as more intimate attentions.

And, despite her cries, threats, kicks and lunging twists, beautiful mature Nancy Medbury soon found herself with her wrists corded and tied to the ring at the peak of the triangle, her ankles corded fully a yard apart to the lower legs of the apparatus, and her lush forms snugly delineated by the cling of the filmy nightie which was her only covering.

“ Now then, Miss Medbury,” Mr. Cameron gloatingly announced as he walked around to study her writhing forms, especially noting the thick triangular patch of dark red maidenhair which was visible at the peak of her straddled thighs through the thin sheer fabric, “ you are about to suffer the indignity of having your naked bottom feel the caresses of a birch. You who have refused to place naughty pupils on report, shall now decide for yourself how ameliorative a remedy the birch can be when inflicted on the bottom of so mature a person as yourself. Alice, prepare her!”

“ Gladly, Uncle dear,” cooed Alice, stepping forward, putting her fingers on the neck of the nightie, and with a single violent ripping tug, tearing it off the creamy body stretched on the triangle. A shriek of supreme shame rose at once, and Nancy Medbury made frenzied efforts to clench her thighs together. “Oh God! Not this way! Not all naked in front of a man, oh spare me that at least!” she cried desperately.

“ Since the thought of exposing yourself to a man shames you, where the notion of going to bed with an impressionable young girl obviously did not, Miss Medbury, I shall blindfold you, that you will not behold me as your executioner,” he retorted, and Alice at once bound a black bandanna over Nancy Medbury’ s staring, tear- drowned gray- green eyes.

He stood back to contemplate her magnificent creamy nakedness; her thighs were full and womanly, rising from breathtakingly sleek, round calves, to merge at last into the succulent, ripe, rounded hemispheres of an elastic bottom that intoxicated every flagellatory instinct in his being. A broadly sinuous ambery crevice parted the globes, which by reflexive instinct poor Miss Medbury tried to close by contracting all her muscles in a useless defense.

At his sign, Alice slowly ran her right palm over those huddling, satiny white globes, and Nancy Medbury, believing it was his hand which thus defamed her virtue, broke down and tearfully implored pardon.

“ Not till you have been humbled and well smacked and thrashed, Miss Nancy,” he chuckled. “ First, I am going to prepare your big immodest backside with a sound handsmacking.” At this, he nodded, and Alice, sucking in her breath with anticipatory relish, proceeded to deliver a furious, noisy slap to the right bottom cheek which left a flaming imprint of her slim hand and drew a cry of rage and shame from the mature captive. A second spank equally energetic, left a bright outline on the other globe, and Nancy Medbury, grinding her teeth, lifting up her blindfolded face, jerked madly at her tractioned wrists, whilst Alice, watching her uncle’ s sign, continued a slow, deliberate smacking, counting aloud and keeping up the pretense that her uncle was in fact administering this humiliating juvenile punishment by remarking, between slaps, “ That’ s seven, Uncle! My, what a tender skin Miss Medbury has! What will it be like when the birch starts to fall over it, I wonder?”

A pause after twenty such slaps, while the naked captive groaned and wriggled, and then Mr. Cameron stepped stealthily into Alice’ s place and resumed with a vigorous slap that set both cheeks dancing and jiggling as Nancy Medbury lunged forward with a shrill cry of pain: “ Ohh, stop, you are hurting me, sir!”

“ It must hurt, or the lesson is wasted,” he retorted, adding another slap in the same place that drew an even wilder cry and gyration.

By forty smacks, Nancy Medbury’ s plump firm bottom was a uniformly angry red, and tears of pain as well as supreme mortification were streaming down her face. Alice brought her uncle the birch, and helped him cast off dressing robe and nightshirt, so that he stood naked in slippers. Then, sadistically she brought a long heron’ s plume and, kneeling down between the captive’ s yawning creamy legs, applied the tip to the thickly furred grotto of Miss Nancy Medbury’ s maiden mount.

“ Ohh! What are you doing to me?Oh, Sir, I implore you, whip me if you must, but spare me that shameful and odious touching- ohh no! Dont, oh my God, I shall die of shame!” she shrieked, lunging this way and that to escape the sly twirling and grazing of the plume. Meanwhile, behind her, unbeknownst to her, Mr. Cameron, his organ in a fine state of furious tribute to the luscious nakedness before him, drew back a thick, flexible birch and brought it down with a whistling hiss across the ripest curves of both naked discolored bottomglobes. With a yell of agony, Nancy Medbury jerked forward, and Alice delved the feather deep between the plump soft twitching corals of the instructress’ s lovecore. Desperately jerking back, she offered her inflamed bottom to the birch, which magisterially decorated the lower summits with a thudding cut, and once again the choreography of forward- back, forward- back, was repeated as, timing Miss Medbury’ s convulsive wrigglings and lungings, Mr. Cameron slashed at her burning backside with his birch to force her onto Alice’ s feather.

“ Ohh- ahrr- ahh my God, I cannot endure such torture- oh, stop birching me Mr. Cameron, I beseech you-” Swishh- thuck-“ Ahhaiiiiahrr! Ohh, no more, no more, have pity, I shall surely die-” Swishhthuck- swishthuck-“ Ohh- ahhrr- aiiouuuuuu! Mercy, oh, I will do anything in the world if you’ ll put that dreadful birch down and let me go, sir- ohh, I am torn and bleeding, I am dying, ohh, the pain!”

Swishhthuck- swishthuck-“ You are not dying, and your energetic movements and loud voice amply evidence that fact, Miss Medbury-” Swishhthuck-

“ Eaahrr- ohh, have mercy on me, I’ m only a poor woman, my flesh cannot stand such torture- enough, enough- what must I do to have you stop?”

As he paused, panting with lust from the magnificent sight of her contortions, the flaming, fiery- striped cheeks of her behind in constant mobile play, Alice insidiously began to flick the tip of the plume over the palpitating plump lovecurls of the victim’ s virginal slit, and Nancy Medbury moaned and sobbed, unconsciously squirming from side to side as even in the midst of the intolerable burning of her bottom, certain indefinable sensations began to rise in her maidenly loins.

“ Perhaps you yourself will find the answer,” he roguishly suggested as he patted her plump bottom, and sent a vicious swishing cut across the upper hipslopes.

“ Aaahrr! Ohh God, whatever do you mean? Oh, have pity- you are tearing the skin off my poor behind,” Nancy Medbury wailed as she twisted and lunged this way and that.

“ If I were in your place, Nancy,” whispered Alice, staring up greedily at the jerking bare deep- naveled belly and the flexing cords along Nancy Medbury’ s beautiful velvety- creamy inner thighs, “ I shall beg Mr. Cameron to spare me the birch and go to bed with me instead. I surely would, were I in your situation!”

“Oohh noo!” Nancy Medbury cried out in sobbing horror, but the birch lowered to flick up between her straddled bare legs, and a wild shriek, “ Ohh not there, oh my God in Heaven, not that, pardon, pardon, have mercy!” was wrested from her.

“ Go ahead, Nancy before he gets very wroth with you,” Alice perfidiously suggested, as she quickened her ticklings with the feather, first running the plume along the shivering inner thighs, then boldly attacking the now pouting and suspiciously moist rosy labia of Nancy Medbury’ s virgin center.

“ Oooh- ahh- ohh, don’ t do that, sir- ohh, my God- g- give me time to think- I never have- not even with B- Ben- ohh God, forgive me, but I- Ahrr! Oh not the birch again, oh not on

my poor raw bottom!” Swishhthuck-“ Ohh not there pleeeeease, oh not between my legs, mercy, yes, ahrr, yes, yes, I submit! Mr. Cameron, take me and spare me any more, oh I cannot stand the suffering!” as a pair of cuts danced first over her bottom, then, as the rod lowered to the floor, leaped up between her straining naked thighs to attack the tenderest niche of all.

“ Do I understand, Miss Medbury, that you are asking me to have you, as a man has a woman?” he paused, laying the thick but flexible birch straight across the broadest part of her violently striped, inflamed bare backside.

“ Oh yes!Please take me! Oh don’t whip me again! Take me, Mr. Cameron! I want you to have me and stop birching meee!” shrilled the auburn- haired captive.

“ Such wantonness almost calls for a far more severe birching. But I shall take pity on you, Miss Medbury, and show you that pleasure with a man is to be preferred with the pallid, secretive joys stolen in the disgraceful bed of two females together,” he unctuously decreed.

With this, standing facing her, an arm round the small of her back, Mr. Cameron prodded her virgin threshold with his rigid spear, and Nancy Medbury, moaning in shame, instinctively wriggled back, only to be met with a solid crack from a battledore paddle Alice had taken up. With a cry, she lunged back to her fate, and Mr. Cameron, thrusting adeptly, felt himself sheathed between her squirming naked legs and breaking through the not overly tight resistance to all bliss. Now, greedily exulting in his conquest of her tight womb, he pressed onward to the last length of his lance, while inarticulate whimpers and groans and sobs escaped the frantic blindfolded victim.

But he steeled himself to make this conquest a long and enormously satisfying one with this mature naked beauty, whose body excited him and whose clenching lovewalls gripped his manrod with a fierce mobility that heightened his pleasure.

Soon, being young and healthy and endowed with an ardent nature, Nancy Medbury began to groan in a way that suggested she was experiencing pleasure in the midst of the burning torment of the birch, and, gripping her inflamed bottomcheeks with both hands, he held on for dear life, as it were, and fulminatingly possessed her.

After he had withdrawn, Alice went to work again with her plume, titillating the ravaged nook till the lovelips pouted and twitched with desire, and then Mr. Cameron, replenished by the sight, returned to the delicious tight vista he had just quitted. And this time, swooning in her bliss, Miss Nancy Medbury eagerly joined with him in wriggling and arching till both of them experienced that indefinable and endless joy without which the lot of man and womankind would be dull indeed upon this terrestrial sphere…
