Chapter Four

Norah Byron timidly knocked at the door of Mr. Cameron’ s private chamber, as she had been directed to do so by Alice, who had met her and Charlene at the door of the house and indicated that Charlene was to accompany her to Maude’ s room, whilst Norah was to wait in the hallway till Alice came back to escort her to the interview with the principal.

The charming Miss Byron had no knowledge of why she was being summoned to an interview with the principal himself, but, being of high- strung emotional nature and not without a sense of secret guiltiness over her escapade with Charlene- indeed, the presence of Charlene at the house with her had given her a singular sense of foreboding- she was already in some considerable nervous trepidation as she timidly knocked at the door and heard his summons to enter.

His stem features did not altogether reassure her, nor did the fact that he was not suitably clad to receive a young lady as befitted his position at the school, seeing that he wore a dressing robe over his nightshirt, and slippers, though the robe was tightly belted and at least evinced sufficient propriety for the occasion. As for the brown- haired culprit, she was delicious in her regulation costume of shirtwaist and black skirt and the black silk hose which, despite the lowness of the skirt’ s hems, did not hide very fetching, shapely, slim ankles.

“ Good evening, Miss Byron,” he began gravely. “ I have to ask you to accompany me at once, without questions. It is essential that we have the utmost privacy, as what I have to say to you requires a good deal of delicacy, in view of your mature age and the circumstances which make this interview necessary. Come this way, if you please.”

Wonderingly, her cheeks already starting to crimson, Norah Byron followed the imperious head of the Cameron School for Girls, but her apprehension as she descended the narrow stairway leading to the cellar grew by the moment. “ Oh, sir,” she quavered, “ I don’ t understand-”

“ You will in due course, Miss Byron. Follow me. You will have adequate explanation before long, I warrant you,” was his crisply authoritative answer.

They had reached the cellar, whose gloomy darkness did not ease Miss Norah Byron’ s fears in the slightest, especially when, as Mr. Cameron now took his lighted taper and turned up the gas and lighted it, she suddenly perceived the curious accoutrements with which it was furnished. “ Ohh!” she gasped, shrinking back.

He had added several apparatuses to its confines since last year; a steel triangle, shaped like an isosceles, with a metal ring soldered at the very top and inside the frame- to which a captive’ s wrists could be securely corded; a solid, wide, square table under a ceiling pulley; a trapeze bar which already had been lowered to within the reach of hands raised above the head of an average- sized female; a dome cushion fixed to the floor, exactly like those in the gymnasium. And a leather- padded gymnasium horse, complete with buckling straps. Whilst on the walls, Norah Byron’ s dilated eyes could behold a panoply of hooks from which hung the cord grips of white rattan and Malacca canes, or leather tawses, or a model of the leather spanker which was used for Friday chastisements in the gym in the other building, as well as coiled rubber and leather dog whips and martinets with shining red or black wooden handles and tapering thongs whose sinister serpentining shapes foretold burning retribution for sins committed or obeisances omitted.

Her eyes suddenly fell on an oblong box from which emerged the cloth- bound handles of several birch rods of various thicknesses and lengths, and Norah Byron was suddenly terrified.

Staring at her with greedy eyes, Mr. Cameron observed the highly satisfactory effect this preview of his private Inquisition chamber had induced, and in his mind already were maddeningly tantalizing images of how her soft white flesh would be adapted to the numerous contrivances in this ominous subterranean chamber where she was now helplessly and completely his prisoner.

Yet in spite of the somber nature of the room, it had its elegancies too; a comfortable thickly upholstered armchair, a buffet table and sideboard, on which decanters of port, sherry and excellent whiskey posed. And it was in this armchair which Charles Cameron now seated himself, studying the trembling young lady before him with a stern expression which made poor Miss Norah Byron’ s heart erratically skip a beat or two.

“ Now then, Miss Byron,” he relished his carefully chosen words, this preamble to punishment’ s consequence, “ you are doubtless asking yourself the reason for my having ordered your presence here.”

“ Y- yes, s… sir.”

“ I told you that we must have complete privacy, which is why I brought you here away from the house so that my wards, who are your instructresses, would not be compelled to learn about your unspeakable misconduct, Miss Byron. For it they did, I have no doubt they would urge me to expel you at once, lest you contaminate the other girls assigned to my charge and theirs.”

“ Ohh- s- sir!” she gasped, putting out a hand by way of trying to say something in her own defense. “ You cannot recognize what I refer to, Miss Byron?” he shot her a steely glance.

Norah Byron’ s lovely, poignant face was flooded by a vivid blush, a characteristic trait of those addicted to the stealthy practises of onanistic stimulation, which is to say exactly what Miss Byron was inherently guilty of. Nonetheless, a faint, stammered, “ N- no- no, s- sir” exuded from between her trembling, full soft lips.

“ I understand your reluctance to confess your naughtiness, Miss Bryon,” he resumed, enjoying his discomfiture and marking how beautiful she became from the telltale blush, “ it is something a young lady does not care to discuss with a member of the opposite sex, for it is perverse and wicked to the utmost. But understand this now, my girl, I am your principal, not just a man, and it is because you have committed an unpardonable sin against the morals of my school that you are here this evening. My niece, Miss Cameron, detected you last night with Miss Davidson in the linen closet-”

“ Ohhhhh! S- sir!” Norah Bryon uttered a frantic gasp of shame, a hand to her mouth, and her blushes intensified, if that were possible. “ Then you admit your presence there and with the aforementioned young lady, who at this very moment, is being dealt with as she deserves by Miss Cameron?” he pursued.

Norah Bryon wrung her shapely, long slim hands, and her magnificent young bosom violently heaved under the thin, clinging shirtwaist. A pulse was hammering in her soft white throat, and Mr. Cameron’ s gaze avidly fixed that adorable hollow, divining what delicious treasures below that nook would soon be as bare as her throat, once shirtwaist and skirt and other more intimate garments had been cast off- as well they would be.

“ Your silence is damning confession, then, Miss Byron,” he gravely continued. “ There remains the consequence of your shamelessness, which is to say, your punishment. You may prepare yourself, therefore, to receive it.”

“ Ohhh!” Norah Bryon gasped again, her face averted, still furiously crimson. “ S- sir, I- I know I- I was in- indiscreet-”

“ That,” he broke in ironically, “ hardly begins to cover the nature of your naughtiness.”

“ B- but, I- I am a c- coward, and I- I cannot- cannot bear p- pain very well, Mr. C- Cameron, I.. I beseech you, please do not h- hurt me- I- I suppose you- you are going to- to c- cane my h- hands- I- I have heard that girls are p- punished this way in sc- school.”

“ It will not be your hands that are caned, Miss Bryon. No, the punishment is to be inflicted on a much more intimate place.”

“ W- what d- do you m- mean s- s- sir?” quavered poor Norah Byron, who at last raised her beautiful, eloquent, humid brown eyes to his.

He rose, as answer and, ordering her to put her arms at her sides, began to unbutton her shirtwaist, under which the splendid, well spaced turrets of her young firm bosom rose and fell agitatedly.

“ Ohh- s- sir- sir- wh- what are y- you going to do to me?” Norah Byron groaned, imploring him with huge, tear- swimming eyes as he now undid the third button of her shirtwaist. And she put her hands on his wrist, to try to halt his audacious assault on her modesty.

“ You have only to submit yourself, Norah, or you will be expelled, though not without suffering your justly deserved chastisement. I do not think your aunt and uncle would enjoy reading this scandal us report of your doings with Miss Davidson in the linen closet last night,” he sarcastically remarked. The frantic brownette uttered a choking cry and meekly lowered her arms to her sides. “ That is better,” he declared as he finished undoing the last button, and then calmly dragged the shirtwaist off her lovely body.

In the thin half- camisole beneath it, only a single thickness of fine- spun fabric now shielded the glorious rondures of Norah Byron’ s agitatedly panting young bosom, and exposed the milky beauty of her dimpled soft shoulders- with the adorable tufts of dark brown maidenfronds sequestered in the soft kissable niches of her armpits- and the graceful contours of her bare arms. By now, her blushes had spread to her rounded soft throat and even to the dainty lobes of her piquantly close- set little ears.

“ Now you will remove your skirt, “ he announced, and the brownette recoiled, a hand over her mouth, her eyes huge with stupefaction. “ Not- not in front of a man- oh, sir, it- if s indecent-”

“ That word comes strangely from your lips, Miss Byron,” was his sarcastic retort, “ Shall I call in Miss Cameron and Miss Birchington, the former of whom will tell you what your fellow sinner has to confess about the infamous little games you two were playing last night? If I need to, my girl, your chastisement will be infinitely more severe!”

Norah Byron bowed her head and a long shuddering sob escaped her. Finally, in a dying voice, she murmured, “ If.. if I submit my- myself, s- sir, will you have mercy on me and- and not hurt me too much? I cannot stand physical pain, truly I can’ t- I am so ashamed- this is punishment enough-”

“ Not for what you dared to do last night,” he cuttingly interposed. “ Quickly now, the skirt!” And, taking a few quick steps to the panoply on the wall, he took down a little black rubber dog whip with doubly thick handle and tapering lash whose tip ended in two three- inch- long strands, the tip having been cut in two much as the manner of the Scotch tawse, so as to impart added sting to the naked flesh of a naughty girl’ s posterior.

Norah Byron uttered a frightened little cry of terror and recoiled, then hastened to unbutton the waistband of the skirt, which now fell about her ankles; she stepped out of it and stood in the coquettish, flouncy, lace- trimmed drawers and camisole, the black silk hose caressing her sleek high, sinuously molded calves in the most bewitching manner. The purity of her soft milky skin had a luminosity to it which swiftened Mr. Cameron’ s desire, and his eyes lingered on her calves and thighs, which were deliciously proportioned, neither too plump nor lean nor short, and which merged into the prominently high- set rondures of a magnificently firm bottom. Meeting his gaze, she turned an even more vivid scarlet and suddenly hid her blushing face in the crook of one dimpled, bare arm, a pose which indescribably heightened his erotic desire to possess her. But he knew as a connoisseur that she would give him greater pleasure by submitting to fustigation, for therein lay supreme shame at having to uncover her secret parts to a man to be flogged for a sin which only females are guilty of and which no man should know about.

He next ordered her to go over to the solid square table over which the pulley ropes dangled, and once she had obeyed, commanded her to lie down on it on her back. When she hesitated, she tasted the whistling kiss of the two- tipped dog whip over one bare shoulder, and the vivid bright weal that sprang up on the nacreous flesh told him what exquisite pleasures were in store for him this night. Sobbing, Miss Norah Byron scrambled upon the table and draped herself on her back, her legs hanging over the end, her eyes enormous with fear and shame.

Swiftly, he made the pulley ropes fast to her stockinged slim ankles and hoisted her legs aloft, first buckling a broad strap round her waist, “ Ohh sir, sir,” she wailed, “ what are you going to do? For God’ s sake spare me, I will never be naughty again, oh do let me go, I’ m afraid!”

“ Not without good reason, Miss Byron. But first you must experience the deepest shame at being exposed by a man, to punish you for your scandalous immodesty with that young culprit,” he sententiously declared. So saying, he bent over the front of the table and thrust one hand down the bodice of the thin half- camisole. A shriek responded as Norah Byron grabbed for his hand, trying to remove it from the firm satiny warm turret of her maiden breast, whose naked peak he was squeezing with an audacity that made her breathless. “ Ohh stop! Oh it is dreadful to treat me that way, sir!” she pleaded. But for answer, he simply grasped both her wrists with his left hand, and continued to feel her naked bosom with his right; while poor Miss Norah Byron rolled her head from side to side, eyes tightly shut, tears edging through her fluttering long thick brown eyelashes, her body shaken by tremors she was powerless to control.

The posture was exciting to the extreme: held securely round the waist, her legs drawn straight up tautly, Norah Byron thrust out her magnificent young bottom, clad in the tight drawers, in the most provocative way. Taking a pair of scissors, he returned to the foot of the table, and now warned her not to so much as breathe lest he wound her in a particularly sensitive spot. Then, taking up a fold of the tight drawers between left thumb and forefinger, he snipped away the thin fabric, right over the apex of her lovenest!

“ Ohh don’t! Oh my God in Heaven, please don’t expose me there!” Norah Byron shrieked, fairly beside herself, and tried her best to clasp her hands over his to prevent the operation. But Mr. Cameron desisted, and went back to strap her wrists together and drawn them down towards the floor, fixing the end of the long rawhide thong to a round wooden peg set in one of the rear legs especially for that purpose, and poor Norah Byron found herself even more immutably fixed to endure her maiden martyrdom.

Resuming with the scissors while the frantic, shamed virgin held her breath and did not dare to move, Mr. Cameron snipped away till he had exposed the furry plump triangle of her lovecenter, by which, half fainting with shame and distress, the brownette had averted her face to one side and lay panting with agonized terror.

“ Now then,” he said, taking up the little dog whip,” you are ready for your thrashing, Miss Byron, and I may add there is a peculiar justice in chastising that part of you which was the naughtiest last night.” And with this, without further warning, he descended the thong straight down into her virgin- gap, the two slashed little strands of the rubber lash biting viciously into the tender rosy- pink shell of her virgin Venus. A wild scream of intolerable suffering burst from Norah Byron as she tried to arch herself up, straining at her bound wrists behind and below her, and her head turned every which way in supplicating appeal. “ Ohh noo! Not There, oh my God in Heaven, not there, you’ll kill meeeee!” was her shriek as a second downward- darting kiss of the supple thong flicked into her mossy grotto.

But Mr. Cameron, beside himself with lust and joy at the sight of the mature young beauty’ s diabolical torment, continued to descend flick upon wicked flick down between Norah’ s up- tractioned, straddled thighs, each time visiting the thickly furred lovecleft with the tips of the lash so as to sting the soft pink lips of her maiden quim, producing as one may well imagine the most frenzied and uncontrollable lunges, weavings, twists and perorations till the pulley creaked its protest and her face was contorted and bathed in tears.

At last he stopped, and it was high time, for Norah Byron was almost delirious with suffering. But with a last sweep of his arm, he sent the dog whip whistling down onto that tender crevice and Norah nearly burst her bonds as she arched from the table against them, her mouth agape in a wordless hoarse scream of unspeakable suffering.

Leaving the dog whip lying across her heaving bosom, Mr. Cameron hastily left the cellar, going down a narrowed passageway to a still narrower door; opening it, he closed it behind him- and there was his ward Alice awaiting him, eyes sparkling, lips moist and ardent, naked but for long clambering black silk hose with red rosettes and her high- heeled pumps.

Swiftly she unbelted his dressing robe and then doffed his nightshirt, and his gigantically excited man- rod loomed before her. Felinely sinking down on her silk- sheathed knees, Alice applied her lips to the bulging, angry red meatus of his organ, and then began to fleet the tip of her nimble pink tongue round the groove which separated the head from the turgid- veined shaft till he was unable to endure the sweet torment any longer.

With a hoarse cry, he seized her by her hair and flung her on her back on the wide cot which alone furnished this extra little storage room, and Alice swept up her lovely long legs round his thighs to clamp herself to him as his bulging organ prodded at the gates of her Venus- temple, and, finding that lobbyway moist and readied for its entry, slipped in to the very hilt in a single massive dig that drew a moan of pleasure from the brunette accomplice.

Grinding his teeth and closing his eyes, Mr. Cameron exulted in the tight moist enclaspment of Alice’ s avid love- tract, and compelled himself to slacken his pace lest his pleasure be attained far too soon. Alice, quickly sensitive to his moods, also halted her wriggling, and lay passively, fusing her moist soft lips to his in long languorous kisses while her hands pressed hard against his shoulders to intimate to him that she was ready to resume when he was. Meanwhile he lay astride her, feeling the convulsive twinges which her furiously heated love channel applied against his rooted virility, and only after he had regained thorough self- control did he slowly withdraw himself to the very brink of his ward’ s Venus- cleft and start the reiterative journey back to the very deepest recesses of her amorous vent.

But the clutch of her supple stockinged legs against him and the pressures of her fingers and the suckings of her hungry mouth and the squirmings of her hips as she felt him prong her soon betrayed even Mr. Cameron’ s mighty powers, and with a hoarse shout he let himself gush forth his semenal tribute to his brunette ward’ s lovecanal whilst Alice, in her transports, but him in the shoulder and eased his shuddering constraint till the sweet languor of Lethe overtook him after the appeasement of his frenzy.

At last he rose from her greedy embrace, through her humid eyes implored him to linger, and quipped, “ I mustn’ t keep Miss Byron waiting, my dear. I have left her tied in a deplorable position and her front is suffering as much as yours was before I had you. Now it is her bottom’ s turn.”

“ The shameless hussy!” Alice replied fiercely. “ I would be happy to help you give her the sound thrashing she so richly deserves, Uncle.”

“ You will remain here waiting for my return, as I expect my unveiling that plump white virgin backside of hers will put me into another state,” he chuckled as he squeezed her pear- shaped naked breasts and exchanged a sweet long French soul- kiss with his tongue and hers rubbing together between each other’ s lips. Thus heartened, Alice went back to repose on the cot with arms folded behind her head, naughtily exposing her svelte creamy body for his gaze, and it must be admitted that Mr. Cameron hesitated by the door a long moment before, with a sigh, he recalled his duty to poor Norah Byron…

As for that unfortunate young lady, she had lain writhing and squirming in her indecent position, agitated by long convulsive spasms from the pernicious burning of her virgin grotto, and when she saw Mr. Cameron return, she prayerfully implored him to pardon her and let her go, as she had borne more than mortal flesh could endure.

He did not answer, standing there beside the table and reaching down one hand to cuddle her heaving bosom and putting the other right over her exposed furry- thatched crevice, the lips of which were angrily red and swollen thanks to his own merciless fustigation. Norah had to admit to herself that these shameless touches by a male began to cause her exquisitely indescribably sensations, and her sighs and moans and spasmodic shaftings on the table said as much.

At length he freed her ankles and loosened the strap round her waist and then unbound her wrists, and helped her stand, tottering, in a state of confusion and half- swooning languor- which his sly touches had roused in her virginal but passionate nature. “ Now then, Miss Byron, he drawled, “ it is time for your real punishment, and this time it will be on the proper place!”

Norah Byron uttered a wild plaintive cry and sank down to her knees, clasping his legs with her milky arms and staring up at him with tearful pathos in her beautiful large brown eyes. “ Oh, s.. sir,” she entreated, “ surely you aren’ t going to wh- whip me any more, not after what you’ ve just done?”

“ I am indeed. You must be taught once and for all the reprehensible indecency which you exhibited towards one of our young, innocent girls. We cannot allow you to corrupt the school, Miss Byron. Now get up at once and lay yourself over that horse!” was his reply.

At this stern edict, the lovely brown- haired culprit, her face scarlet to her ears and throat, and her face averted, stammered, “ Oh s… sir, you- you have f- felt me and- and th- thought me pretty. Please, I beg of you, if you will only let me off more whipping, I- I will go to b- bed with you or anything else you want, but only do spare me any more- I just can’ t bear the awful pain!”

The sight of the lovely half- clad brownette kneeling before him and clasping his legs and submitting herself was inflammatory to the extreme, but, unhappily for poor Miss Norah Byron, Mr. Cameron had been alleviated in his animal passions by eagerly lustful Alice, and so he was proof against Miss Byron’ s many temptations. Had she made this offer at the outset of her correction, there was no doubt he would have accepted it. Having picked up the rubber dog whip, he slashed her over the shoulders, harshly ordering, “ Get up and over to that horse before I take the skin off your naughty backside, Miss Byron!” and Norah, with a wail of torment, scrambled to her feet and fairly flung herself astride the leather- padded horse. A peculiar little triangular- shaped arch had been added to it, so that as he came over to adjust her dangling limbs and posture her to his liking, the arch lofted up her loins and helped jut out her plumply enticing backside, making her even more provocative. Swiftly fettering the slim wrists and ankles with straps and drawing the buckoing, broader strap round her supple waist, he rolled the half- camisole up to her shoulder blades, contemplating the glossy perfection of her deliciously indented milky spinal column, and observing how the thrust of the round hips flared from the waist with an appeal hat stirred his groin to new desires.

Now taking the scissors, he carefully cut away the material of Norah’ s drawers, till her full bewitchingly naked bottom burst into view, upturned, outthrust and distended by the straddle of her legs as well as by the fulcrum of that padded arch, by which he could see the furry fronds of her virgin slit salaciously in view between them and the inflamed labia of her maiden bower, gaping as if petitioning a virile lover to assuage the burning smart his fustigation had caused that supremely sensitive nook.

Taking one of the birches from the oblong case in which it waited, he laid the rod across the lower curves of those milky half- moons, and Norah burst into sobs, looking back to implore heartfelt mercy, her beautiful brown eyes welling with new tears, her lips and nostrils trembling, and her brown hair tumbling about her tear- wet, flushed cheeks. The sight of that provocatively anguished face and the sight of her naked behind contracting pitifully to lessen its target for that swishy rod made Mr. Cameron shudder with a new onrush of lust, but he steeled himself to the task and slowly began to birch Miss Norah Byron’ s sumptuous young backside, patting each time to announce where the next cut would fall, whilst the martyred culprit ceaselessly continued to beseech mercy amid tears, wails, cries and protests that she would die under the burning caresses of the birch.

The salacious little arch which further lofted up her loins and spread out the cheeks of her milky backside in all their fleshly appeal provided him with a breathtakingly exciting view of her most intimate treasures, and as her buttocks grated this way and that, tightening and yawning to expose the shadowy cleft which parted them, revealing glimpses of the diminutive rosebud of her neither entryway to pleasure, he found himself at last disposed to grant Miss Norah Byron her request. So, having prepared the terrain with a good twenty cute and denoting the furious pattern of darkening stripes and scratches all over the once flawlessly milky- smooth posterior, he slyly extended the supple thin rod straight out till the tips of the birch grazed the distended ambery crease of Miss Byron’ s palpitating, striped bottomcheeks and hoarsely demanded, “ Are you ready now to go to bed with me, Miss Byron, or do you prefer more birching?”

At this, the frantic sufferer, again turning her contorted face over her shoulder, sobbingly cried, “ Oh, Mr. Cameron, for God’ s sake have me now, but don’ t birch me any more, I am dying from it! oh yes, yes, do anything you want with me, but for God’ s dear sake, put down that dreadful birch!”

He cast aside the rod, and his robe with it, and then his nightshirt, and sinewy, lean, naked in his slippers, drew up a tabouret on which he mounted. Miss Byron had been placed over the horse so that her bottom jutted out over the edge, and the little arch under her loins offered up her maiden cavity most advantageously. Gripping her burning hips with steely fingers, he advanced his weapon till its glistening, taut. skinned head made contact with the mossy crevice, and, then, sternly bidding her to remain passively obedient in this position, thrust himself slowly into her Venus. The almost nude sufferer caught her breath as his fulminating lance imperiously hammered at the secret gates of her chastity, but a final push broke down this temporary resistance and with a cry the lovely brown- haired culprit arched and squirmed as she felt him make his distending inroads into her tight maiden channel, deflowering her masterfully.

Once planted in her clutching bower, the warmth and tightness of which were as exquisite as any he had ever tasted, Mr. Cameron, who had conserved his energies ably and had had his first frenzy quieted between his ward Alice’ s straining, complaisant thighs, was able to take his time with beautiful young Norah Byron, and soon the murmuring sighs and gasps and frantic little moans, as well as the spasmodic wrigglings of her loins and hips indicated that she was beginning to be compensated for her earlier suffering as with contorted, flushed face, closed eyes and flaring nostril- wings, she began unconsciously to jut back her hips to receive his. firming thrusts.

At last, with a cry of ecstasy, he shot his essence deep into her womb, and Norah Byron, who had been edified first- hand as to the supreme difference between cloying Sapphic caresses and the dominating virility of the male, uttered an echoing cry as her own tides of passion were swept up to meet and merge with his.

At length, he released her and helped her dress, sternly reminding her that if she ever again sought to appease her ardors with one of her own sex in this his school, her punishment would be far more taxing than what she had this night endured. And from the submissive, even passionate look she gave him as she stealthily left his chamber- to which he had taken her for a glass of port and a last lecture- whilst his hands stroked her hips and bosom, Charles Cameron had reason to believe that he had conquered another willing slave to his ardent harem…
