Chapter Eight

For the next two weeks, Maude Rivers became the abject love slave of her guardian and docilely went to his bedroom almost every night. However, despite her compliance to his wishes- and his pleasant discovery that once her timidity and her virginity had been conquered, she was indeed an extremely passionate lover- Charles Cameron did not deny himself the added stimulus of watching his beautiful ward wriggle and twist and squirm under corporal chastisement.

Often the prelude to their lovemaking was his stern order to “ Remove your frock and petticoats, Maude, then bend down and touch your toes while I test this little rubber dog whip on your big, plump backside!”

With their growing intimacy, Charles Cameron divulged to the receptive blonde ward the many diverse and unique items of his fustigatory arsenal, and on several earlier occasions poor Maude learned to her sorrow and the suffering of her tender bottom that the slightest hesitation to widen her horizons as regards such implements, to use the metaphor, would be sternly admonished with a much heavier dosage than was originally planned.

Once she had assumed the submissive pose he wished, he would keep her in suspense by caressing her tightly jutted- out bottom with an appreciative hand while complimenting her on the development of her Callipygian charms before “ testing” the instrument in hand. Then he would lower her drawers to mid- thigh and apply about a dozen cuts, during which she had to remain completely passive in that bent- over posture, though of course she was permitted to cry and to wriggle about as much as she liked, so long as she did not show that she was attempting to evade his mastery of her person.

On other occasions, he would have her stretch herself forward across a narrow rectangular table, so that her slim fingers would just grasp the edges beyond, and then, rucking up her camisole and lowering her drawers and her knees, make further demands upon her meek docility by teaching her the difference between the sharp bruising smack of the cane as compared with the swishing caresses of a birch rod. Or at times again it would be a little French three- thonged martinet whose tapering, gleaming ends would wrap around her. hip or loin and sting her in an even more intimate region.

He made her essay many different poses for submission to his flagellatory propensities, from a simple over- the- lap position to kneeling on the bed and all fours with her head bowed down to the counterpane and her bottom indecently elevated and distended so that the skin was tautly drawn to let the cane or birch or whip or martinet bite home with even more imperious zeal. At times, since his penchant included bondage, Charles Cameron would fetter the wrists of his lovely ward so that she was obliged to stand on tiptoe; once he hoisted her right ankle in the air by means of a pulley rope whose end he then tied to a metal ring set into the wall, in order that he might flick the slim long switch well up between her gaping legs and over the satiny pink insides of her squirming thighs.

Towards the end of August, one evening when Maude was kneeling on a low armchair and bending over its back, having first wriggled out of her drawers and being in the act of hoisting up her camisole, since her guardian enjoyed seeing the smooth, deeply hollowed pink sculptuary of her bare back as well when he wished to flog her plump bottom, she archly inquired, “ Wouldn’ t you like someone else to visit us, dear Uncle Charles?”

Charles Cameron, rolling up his sleeves and about to take up a leather tawse about twenty inches long, whose last six inches were split down the middle to form two fingerlike thongs, frowned. “ Why? I don’ t quite see the need, my dear. You do quite nicely for me, and we are getting along splendidly, just the two of us.”

Glancing back over her shoulder, Maude coyly giggled as she explained, “ Oh, I didn’ t mean it quite that way, Uncle Charles. When I was in London, I had a friend- she was really my best chum- she was tall and dark- haired and very pretty, and I was thinking you would like her very much if she came here to live with us. She has an old aunt who is quite ill and would be very glad to get rid of her for good, I know.”

“ I begin to see your drift, you impertinent minx,” he laughed as he took his stance behind her and idly let the leather tawse dangle over her enticingly outthrust bare bottom, watching her shiver and lasciviously wriggle her bare posterior from side to side- for by now the young beauty had quickly and instinctively learned those ways best to please her stern guardian and thus alleviate for herself the preparatory pangs which he invariably made her endure before taking his carnal pleasure with her. “ What you really mean, Maude, is that you would like to have someone here whose bottom might on occasion substitute for yours, isn’ t that it?”

Maude nodded, glancing back with a coquettish appeal in her lovely blue eyes. “ Oh, yes, Uncle Charles. But you see, Alice- her name is Alice Birchington- is very self- centered and haughty and rebellious, and she really needs discipline, and besides she could help me with the housekeeping chores to earn her keep.”

“ Well, that is not such a bad idea at that,” he mused as he playfully flicked the tips of the fingers of the tawse against the side of one luscious rounded bare pink- satiny hip. “ You may write to her tomorrow, if you will, to see whether she can come down here till the middle of September, when school starts again- for I fancy her aunt will want her to continue her education.”

“ I don’ t really think so, Uncle Charles. You see, her parents didn’ t leave her very much money, and she often told me her aunt would be happy to send her away to earn her own living. Besides, she is eighteen, and she really doesn’ t want to go on to college or that sort of thing.”

“ Hmm. Very well then, you might intimate in your letter to Alice that if she likes us and cares to, you could offer her a post as your companion and housekeeper to me, and that I would be glad to pay her aunt a fee for her services.”

“ Oh, that’ s wonderful, Uncle Charles! I’ m sure you’ ll like her very much, and I know you’ ll want to punish her, she has such a headstrong nature,” Maude coaxed.

“ We must not forget in the interim,” he ironically replied, “ that your own naughty nature has yet to receive its due this evening. You may count six, Maude.”

Maude readily obeyed, thinking herself fortunate to be let off with so mild a dosage, for the tawse cracked wickedly and stung her bare flesh, especially when the ends of the two supple “ fingers” snapped against her proffered bare seat. However, Charles Cameron was grateful to his ward for her unexpected suggestion, which would furnish him with two, not one, beauties for his little harem, and so that evening he did not punish her very severely. For after the six strokes of the tawse, he seated himself on the chair which she had to quit, then took her over his lap and finished her off with a voluptuous little handsmacking, after which she was bidden to sit upon him and grant him carnal joy, which she did with enthusiastic vigor, no small modicum of which may be said to be attributable to the feverish heat generated in her bare bottom.

And the next day, she wrote the letter, to his careful dictation, so that nothing could give Alive or her elderly aunt the slightest suspicion that the opportunity offered Maude’ s best chum would be anything except what was implied. Three days later, Alice wrote back, overjoyed at the prospect, eagerly confirming her aunt’ s indulgence to accept this offer of a combined vacation and light housekeeping position. And so it was arranged that she should come the following Saturday.
