Claire awoke the next morning on the couch alone. She immediately regretted kissing Tristan the night before. Obviously, she had been too forward and was furious with herself for possibly scaring away the first woman she had been interested in for a long time. Even though Tristan had babbled something about a relationship, Claire could not shake the fear she saw in Tristan’s eyes. She continued to berate herself as she ate her breakfast and showered.

Pacing back and forth in front of the phone, Claire wondered if she should call Tristan first thing and do some sort of damage control. Fearful of being perceived as pushy, she decided to wait until Tristan called her. That way, she would know for sure if Tristan were really interested. Deep inside, she knew the wait would nearly drive her insane. Her heart skipped a beat when the phone suddenly rang. She snatched it up and took a breath, trying to sound casual.

“Good morning, Claire. It’s Ellen. How are you today?”

“Oh, hi, Ellen. I’m good,” Claire responded, trying to mask the disappointment in her voice.

“I was wondering if you would like to go out shopping today. I could give you an impromptu tour of the area if you’re up to it.”

Claire was hesitant to accept the invitation, not willing to leave home and miss Tristan’s call –– if it came at all. “I don’t know, Ellen. I have so much to do around here. I’m still unpacking.”

“You can do that anytime. It’s a beautiful day outside, and you shouldn’t waste it cooped up in that apartment.”

Claire finally relented and agreed to let Ellen pick her up. She felt foolish sitting around waiting on a call that might never come.


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Shopping was her favorite hobby, and she would be a fool to pass up such an opportunity.

Tristan groaned and cursed when her body refused to sleep any longer. She had been determined to stay in bed and sleep the day away in her dark bedroom. When sleep eluded her altogether, she mentally coaxed her body from the bed with thoughts of coffee and something to soothe her stomach. She pulled on her robe and walked numbly into the kitchen where the sunlight sent slivers of pain through her head.

While waiting for the coffee to brew, she pushed thoughts of Claire out of her mind as she had done for most of the night. She leaned back against the countertop and lit a cigarette, and an orange tabby circled her legs, meowing loudly. “Okay, Ralph, okay, give me a second,” she scowled as she grabbed his food and poured it into his bowl.

Watching the cat eat his breakfast, she wished she would have left well enough alone and never agreed to go on a date with Claire. As bad as she wanted to have someone in her life, the thought terrified her, especially since that someone was Claire.

She had to admit to herself that having just a feline as a companion did not fulfill the part of her that longed to connect with someone else.

Grabbing her coffee, she retired to the sunroom and curled into her favorite chair. Part of her wanted to call Claire and explain why she had panicked; the other part simply wanted to hide and pretend that they had never met. “I’ve screwed up royally this time, Ralph,” she said as she scratched the purring tabby behind his ears. “She’s a sweet girl. I should have never put her in this position. She needs more than what I’m capable of offering, and I’m leading her on.”

“Well, I’ve met my match. I’ve never seen anyone shop the way you do, Claire.” Ellen grunted as she stuffed the bags into her car.

“I can’t pass up a sale, and those were some good ones. Now, after the hunt, I need to be fed. Where are you taking me for lunch?”


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“I could go for a greasy cheeseburger right now. Does that suit you?” Ellen asked as she started the car and pulled onto the roadway. “I know of a great po-boy shop just up the road.”

“Lead on, mighty warrior of the credit card. A greasy cheeseburger is just what I need, and onion rings, too.”

The pair settled down at a table in the cramped smoking section of the sandwich shop. Claire seemed to be in another world as they made the short trip from the mall. After their orders were placed and Claire was happily sipping her iced tea, Ellen decided to find out what was going on behind the hazel eyes of her friend.

“You seem a little preoccupied; are you feeling all right?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, just a little tired, I guess. I didn’t sleep much last night. ”Ellen grinned. “You’ve been out on the town partying already?”

Claire silently debated telling Ellen about her date with Tristan.

She wanted to talk to someone about her feelings, and the fact that Ellen knew Tristan would be a plus. Still, she was hesitant to come right out and tell her of her sexual orientation and that she had already been on a date with the woman she had referred to as

“pepper ass.”

“No, I had dinner with someone, and I didn’t get home until late.” Claire made the decision right then that if Ellen pressed about the date, she would tell all. She was tired of hiding who she was.

Ellen made no attempt to hide the mischievous grin that took control of her face. “Is he anyone I know? Was it Robert in accounting? He’s been asking all about you since the day you arrived.”

“Well, Ellen, not exactly.” Claire paused, trying to find the right words.

“Not exactly?”

“Ellen, I should have told you this the first day we met. I feel like I’ve been lying to you. I’m a lesbian,” Claire blurted out and waited quietly as the revelation sunk in.

“You ... don’t ... look like a lesbian,” Ellen stammered in shock.

“What’s a lesbian supposed to look like?” Claire asked with a chuckle.


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“I don’t know. Well, maybe a mullet and some flannel for starters.”

“Oh, Ellen, it’s too hot for flannel right now, and the mullet is way out of style,” Claire shot back, unable to contain her laughter.

“Ellen, honey, there are thousands of women out there who wear makeup and feminine clothes who are lesbians. There’s no official dress code. I dress the way I like to dress.”

Ellen reached across the table and patted Claire’s hand.

“Seriously, honey, don’t worry about me judging you. I like you for who you are, and whomever you date is fine with me.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that because I went out with Tristan last night.”

“Tristan!” Ellen yelled, then looked around in embarrassment.

“Tristan? You went out on a date with Tristan already?”

“Calm down, it’s not like I attacked her ... well, not exactly.”

“You know, I am learning to pay close attention to when you say

‘not exactly.’” Ellen didn’t bother to touch her food when it was placed in front of her. Instead, she sat on pins and needles waiting for what Claire would say next.

“She took me out to dinner, and it was kind of a date. We had a great time, and she drank a little too much, so she stayed at my place until she sobered up.”

“And?” Ellen asked, waiting to hear the spicy tidbits.

“Well, I was a little tipsy, too, and I kissed her. The kiss was a little heated, and she obviously became uncomfortable. She blurted out that she wanted a relationship, and I think she said things were going a little too fast.” Claire rubbed her forehead in frustration. “I barely heard what she said because I was so surprised by her reaction. I made her drink some coffee before she left, and I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, she was gone.

I think I have really screwed up with her.”

“Good Lord, you girls move fast. Last week, you were pissed off at her for being rude, and last night, you go out on a date and stick your tongue down her throat.” Ellen laughed and blotted her upper lip, which had begun to sweat.

“That’s the problem. I’m not usually that forward, but I was tipsy, and my libido got away with me. I really like her, Ellen; she’s such a sweetie when she is away from work. I don’t know how to fix this.”


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“I don’t know much about her personal life other than the fact that she’s a lesbian, but I have heard rumors of her nights on the town. Tanya in personnel is also a lesbian, and she has told stories of Tristan’s voracious appetite for women. Frankly, I’m a little surprised that she flipped out over a kiss. The fact that she mentioned something about wanting a relationship might mean that she really does want to settle down. Maybe she really likes you, too, and wants something more substantial.”

“You didn’t see the look in her eyes. It was stark terror. I thought I was going to have to pin her down just to keep her there long enough to sober up. I want to talk to her about it, but I’m afraid it’ll just make things worse.”

“You’ll just worry yourself silly if you don’t.” Finally finding her appetite, Ellen took a bite of her food. “You went on a date with Tristan. I’m still floored. Here I was thinking I would have to be a referee, and you two have gone out on your first date.”

Tristan woke up in her favorite chair with Ralph still curled up in her lap. “Oh, my neck.” She groaned out loud, waking her feline friend. Her stomach grumbled loudly, protesting her decision to skip breakfast.

She wandered into the kitchen and decided on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Between the sandwich and the tall glass of milk, she was pleasantly full. She went back to her bedroom and crawled into bed. Sleep had become her only defense against the depression to which she was accustomed.

Claire’s stomach tied up in knots as she approached the door to the crew dispatch office. Torn between wanting to see Tristan and dreading the encounter, she opened the door and plunged right in.

She sighed audibly with relief when she noticed that Tristan was not in yet. Nevertheless, she wondered why Tristan wasn’t already there because she normally was in before her.

Settling into her office, Claire switched on her computer and signed in. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone enter her office, and the butterflies in her stomach took flight. Looking up, she realized that Mike, not Tristan, was standing before her desk.


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“Good morning,” she greeted him cheerfully.

“And good morning to you. We’re a little slow in there right now, so I was wondering if you needed help with anything.” Mike took a seat in front of Claire’s desk. “I wasn’t sure if you felt a little overwhelmed by all this.” He gestured around the dispatch center. “I certainly was when I first came here.”

“That’s so sweet of you, Mike. I am a little taken aback by it all.

I have a lot to learn in a very short time.”

“I learned a lot by sitting out there with the crew coordinators.

Watching them work gives you a good sense of what they’re going to need. They’re extremely helpful because they know that the more you understand of what they do, the better equipped you’ll be to help them.

“I noticed last week you got all the reporting down quickly, and that will make Tristan very happy. You always want to keep her happy. Rhonda didn’t quite grasp that concept.”

“Reporting is a no-brainer for me. Learning this business will be a daunting task, so anything you can teach me will be welcome,”

Claire replied with a smile.

Mike spent a few hours with Claire going over details of the job.

She took nearly an entire notepad of notes. Engrossed in what Mike had to say, she never noticed Tristan walk into her office.

The lunch hour rolled around fast, and since it was the slow week, Claire offered to take her agents to lunch. Both happily accepted, pleased with the idea of a free meal. When Claire picked up her purse, her eyes met Tristan’s through the glass partition between their offices. Tristan gave her a slight smile and nod and turned back to her work.

Claire debated asking Tristan to accompany them to lunch but changed her mind when she thought the tension between them might become evident to Lauren and Mike. She grabbed her things and led the two hungry agents out the door without casting another glance Tristan’s way. It tore her apart knowing that Tristan saw her leave without saying a word.

Tristan leaned back in her chair and watched as Claire briskly walked out of the dispatch center. Her heart sank, knowing she had hurt Claire’s feelings. Perhaps it was for the best; in her heart, she believed that she didn’t deserve someone as open and kind as Claire. She packed up her things and went home to work. There, 61

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she wouldn’t have to come face-to-face with what she so deeply desired and was too afraid to pursue.

“So, what have you been doing with yourself when you’re not at work?” Mike asked as he stabbed at his salad.

Mike was the only one who ordered a salad. Claire noticed that he had put on quite a few pounds since she had last seen him. He was still sporting his trademark crewcut that took away from the fact that his dark hair was thinning and turning gray. “I’ve been unpacking and trying to get things squared away around my place.

Ellen took me shopping Saturday, and we really had a great time.

Other than that, not very much.” She decided to keep her private life just that –– private.

“Well, if you would ever like a tour guide to show you around, just let me know. I’ve become well acquainted with Baton Rouge and would be happy to give you a tour,” Mike said as he noticed Lauren roll her eyes.


Lauren set down her sandwich and looked at him with a grin.

“You got us lost last week when we were trying to find that pizza place. You don’t know jack shit about Baton Rouge.”

Mike waved off Lauren’s comments. “So, how about it, Claire?

When would you like to take a tour?”

“That’s sweet of you to offer, Mike, but I can’t go anytime soon.

I still have a lot to do right now. Maybe after I get things settled,”

Claire lied. Her apartment was finally in order, but there was something about Mike’s persistence that told her he may be interested in being more than a tour guide.

When Claire returned to the office, her heart sank when she was informed that Tristan had gone home for the afternoon. She regretted not asking Tristan to lunch and wondered if the offer would have been rejected anyway. She was miserable for the rest of the day.

The entire time she sat in traffic on her way home, she debated calling Tristan. “Get it together, Claire; you’ve only just met the girl. Focus on the new job, not the gorgeous woman in the office next to you,” she said aloud to herself, just to hear the words come out of her mouth. She smiled as she continued to encourage herself to forget Tristan Delacroix. Taking a deep breath, she could feel her resolve flowing through every inch of her being.


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“Forget this!” Claire growled as she stomped into her new apartment. “Ready or not, Tristan, we’re gonna talk.” Before she could lose her nerve or debate the wisdom of her decision, she dialed the number she had stared at for two days.

The annoying noise of the phone ringing beside her brought Tristan from a deep sleep. Knowing it was the office, she grabbed the cordless and barked into the phone. “Yes!”

Claire felt anger, and with it came boldness as Tristan’s angry voice greeted her. “Tristan, this is Claire. I hope you don’t have plans for tomorrow night because we are going to try this again,”

she stated huskily, leaving no room for argument. “I’m cooking dinner, and I expect you to be here at six ... okay?”

Tristan lay staring at the ceiling in stunned silence as Claire ordered her to have dinner with her. “Umm, okay. What can I bring?”

“Nothing. Just you and your appetite. See you tomorrow ... bye.”

She hung up the phone with an ear-to-ear grin. “Now, that is how you take the bullheaded Tristan by the horns,” Claire stated triumphantly.

The dial tone startled Tristan as she lay there with the phone still pressed to her ear. Many women had asked her out, but that was the first time she had ever been commanded to dinner. A smile broke across her face, envisioning the blonde dressed as a drill sergeant. “Well, Ralph, I’ve been ordered to dinner. I guess I better heed the order, or she may make me do pushups.”

The following morning, Claire marched down the hall and entered the dispatch center feeling like she was truly in charge.

When she noticed that Tristan was already in her office, her insides turned to Jell-O and began to quiver as she approached her office. In the presence of the woman she desired, Claire felt her courage slip away and felt like a nervous teenager with a powerful crush.

Tristan glanced up from the reports she had begun her day reviewing and saluted Claire as she walked in. The smile she was rewarded with made Tristan’s stomach flutter. She was torn from her feelings when one of the dispatchers came running into her office.

“Tristan, we have a situation on one of the boats. One of the face wires broke free of the tow and caught a deckhand across the arm.


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He’s bleeding pretty badly, and Chuck is on the phone with the captain now.”

Tristan jumped up from her desk and walked briskly to where Chuck was trying to tell the captain what to do for the deckhand until the ambulance arrived. She calmly placed her hands on the dispatcher’s shoulder and whispered into his ear to put the call on speaker phone. Chuck complied, and the room was filled with the captain’s nervous chatter.

“I think they need to put a tourniquet on that arm. He is bleeding all over the deck, and his color doesn’t look too good.” Chuck glanced up and shook his head and looked to Tristan for confirmation.

“Bill, let’s try some things before you do that. If you put a tourniquet on, he is going to lose everything below it. Let’s do what we can to save his arm and go with the tourniquet as a last resort,” Tristan said as she stood behind Chuck.

Claire heard the commotion and watched as everyone in the room gathered around the cubicles. She could see the intense concentration on Tristan’s face as she spoke. “Where is he hurt?”

“He’s on the deck of the barge,” the captain replied, nearly shouting.

“No, Bill, where on his arm is he cut?” Tristan asked again as Claire walked over to hear more of the conversation.

“Oh, it’s on his lower forearm,” the flustered captain replied.

“First, you need to apply direct pressure to the wound with clean bandages.”

“See if you can get someone to put pressure on the brachial artery. That will help reduce the blood flow,” Chuck added.

“What the hell is a brachial?” the captain asked in exasperation.

The cries of the injured man could be heard in the background.

Chuck rubbed his hands over his face. “You can put pressure on the brachial artery by digging your fingers into his upper arm until you feel the bone. Have someone try that now while one of the guys holds pressure on the wound.”

Tristan leaned down and whispered into Chuck’s ear. “Bill is freaking out. He can’t think straight right now, and even though he has had the same training as we have, you are going to have to talk him through this.”


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“The blood has stopped spurting,” the captain shouted back into the phone. The cries of the wounded man grew louder as his co-workers put pressure on his injured extremity.

“Y’all are doing good then. Keep holding that artery and keep pressure on the wound. See if you can find something to prop his feet up on, keeping his legs elevated above his body. That will stave off shock until the ambulance can get there,” Chuck coached as Tristan stood behind him, quietly telling the rest of the dispatchers to make the proper notifications when such an incident occurred.

“The ambulance is on the levee, and the fleet boat is getting ready to bring the crew out to us now,” the captain informed them as his voice began to calm.

“Good, keep doing what you’re doing until they get there. How does his color look now?”

“He’s still pretty pale, but he’s not thrashing around as much.

He’s getting tired, Chuck.”

“I’m going to stay on the phone with you until the ambulance crew arrives. Keep doing what you’re doing. I know he’s hurting, but it’s all we can do until help comes.”

Tristan patted Chuck on the shoulders and gave him a pleased smile. “Good job,” she whispered and stepped into the neighboring cubicle and called Cameron Hughes. “Mr. Hughes, are you aware of the emergency situation we are having on the motor vessel Achilles?” She paused as Cameron hit her with a barrage of questions. “The paramedics will be boarding the boat in a minute. We are on the phone with the captain now, and for the moment, they have the situation under control. I’ll advise you as soon as I know what hospital they will be transporting him to.”

Tristan answered a few more questions and returned to stand beside Chuck as he hung up the phone, now that the ambulance crew had arrived.

“Excellent job, Chuck. Let’s step outside and smoke a cigarette.”

Then, she addressed the rest of the crew coordinators. “Please wait to notify the injured crewman’s family until we know what hospital he will be transported to. If his family lives out of town, please make all the arrangements to fly them over.


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“Claire, will you personally oversee his family’s travel arrangements? Regardless of the cost, get them here as quickly as you can.”

“Don’t worry about a thing. We will take care of it all as soon as we find out where he lives and who will be coming,” Claire assured Tristan as she took Chuck out for a much-needed break.

Once the deckhand was en route to the hospital, Claire and her staff got to work. They made arrangements for the young man’s wife and parents to be flown into the Baton Rouge airport. When Tristan and Chuck returned, Claire gave her the flight arrangements, pleased that her staff produced so quickly.

“Would you come into my office when you get a moment? I’ve got to call Mr. Hughes and give him this information, then I need to talk to you for a minute.”

When Claire saw that Tristan had finished the call, she joined her in the office. “Claire, I’m really looking forward to dinner tonight, but I need to be at the airport when this man’s family arrives. Do you want to do this another night, or will you be willing to have a late dinner?”

“As much as I would like to spend the evening with you, I understand that you have work to do. Why don’t you call me when you leave them, and if you’re hungry, I will be happy to feed you.

If you’re tired, we will make it another night.”

“Sounds like a good plan to me. I’m going to the hospital now.

I’ll call you later this evening.” Tristan gathered her things as she made a hasty retreat from the dispatch center.

Claire watched Tristan as she walked out. Even though Claire had grown to respect and admire Tristan in such a short time, her desire for the statuesque beauty drove her to distraction. Never had she met such a captivating woman who dominated her every thought. No one person had ever evoked the feelings of lust and desire as this woman had in such a short time. Claire silently prayed she would have the strength to rein in her raging libido, lest she ruin the budding relationship.

She spent the rest of the day wondering if Tristan would grace her with her presence later that evening. When it came time to go home, she breathed a sigh of relief and left the office, hoping she would not be alone for dinner. She paced around the apartment 66

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like a caged animal, hoping that Tristan would call soon and say she was on the way.

At 9 p.m., she had nearly given up hope when the phone rang.

Tristan sounded exhausted, and Claire felt her heart sink. “I’m sorry to call so late, Claire. I felt like I should stick around until his parents were ready to go to their hotel. I hope you didn’t go to a lot of trouble.”

“Nope, no trouble at all.” Claire did her best not to sound disappointed. “I made spaghetti, which is easy to warm up if you’re hungry.”

“I’m starved. All I’ve had to eat was a candy bar. If it’s not too much trouble, I’d love a home-cooked meal.”

“Then, come on over. I’ll have it on the table by the time you get here.” Claire’s heart started to thud in her chest at the prospect of being allowed even a little time alone with Tristan.

When Tristan arrived, the exhaustion was evident on her face.

She had spent most of the time at the hospital on her feet, fetching coffee for the worried family members of the deckhand who had spent the afternoon in surgery. She and Cameron Hughes had done their best to make sure the family had everything they needed.

During the drive to Claire’s place, Tristan felt the last of her adrenaline fade away.

“Are you sure this is not too much trouble? I could just grab a plate to go, so you can go to bed,” Tristan offered as Claire waited on her.

“Sit down, Tris. This is no trouble at all.” Claire set a glass of red wine next to a steaming plate of spaghetti and meatballs. She sliced a couple of pieces of French bread and set them down in front of Tristan, who looked like she was about to fall asleep at the table.

“Tristan, I want you to stay here tonight.” She held up her hand to silence the protest forming on Tristan’s lips. “I’m not talking about sex. You’re exhausted, and I’m worried about you getting back out on the road. While you eat, I will run you a hot bath, and I have clothes you can wear to sleep in. You can take my bed, and I’ll be happy to take the couch.”

Tristan’s big brown bloodshot eyes stared at her for a moment.

She was truly whipped, and dinner and a hot bath were just what she needed, but she didn’t want to run Claire out of her own bed.


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She opened her mouth to protest, but Claire put up her hand again, silencing her.

“I won’t take no for an answer. You’ve spent the day taking care of that man’s family, and it’s time you allowed someone to pamper you for a change,” Claire stated resolutely.

Tristan was too tired to argue, and she figured that Claire knew she was too tired to do more than sleep, so she reluctantly gave in.

“Okay, but I am not taking your bed. I will be just fine on the couch.” Claire left to run the bath. “We’ll debate that after you’ve had a bath.”

Tristan had nearly eaten the entire plate of spaghetti by the time Claire returned to the room. She was enjoying the relaxing effect the wine was having on her aching body. “You’re an excellent cook, Claire. Thank you so much.”

“The pleasure was all mine. I’m sorry I couldn’t wait for you.

After smelling the food, I had to eat it.” Claire gathered up the dirty dishes and waved off Tristan’s attempts to clean up after herself. “You go soak in the tub. I’ve put some clothes in there for you, and there’s a new toothbrush on the counter. Make yourself at home.”

Tristan did as she was ordered. She quickly stripped off her clothes and settled into the soothing hot water. She sighed as she lay back in the tub and looked at her surroundings. She estimated that there were at least twenty bottles of hair care products on the surrounding ledge of the tub. “She’s a high-maintenance woman,”

Tristan chuckled to herself as she bathed.

Emerging from the bathroom clean and relaxed, Tristan found Claire curled up on the couch with a book. “Feel all better?” Claire asked as she set the book down.

“I feel like a new woman. Thank you again for all of this, Claire.” “There’s no need to thank me. I’m happy to have your company.” Claire jumped up from the couch, grabbed Tristan by the hand and led her to the bedroom. “What time do you want me to set the alarm for?” she asked as she turned down the king-sized bed.

“I bet you look like a fly in a bowl of soup in this big bed,”

Tristan teased.

“I like to have lots of room when I sleep.” Claire grabbed the alarm clock and looked at Tristan with a questioning expression.


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“Set it for five, I need to get up early enough to go home and get dressed, and I will have to spend some quality time with Ralph because he is going to be pissed when I don’t show up tonight.

The last time I stayed away, he murdered two house plants in protest.”

“Five it is. We can’t have Ralph taking out his anger on your plants. Now, get into this bed, Miss Delacroix.”

“I’m not taking your bed.” Tristan folded her arms across her chest. “We can share, or I’m taking the couch; that’s my final offer.” She hoped Claire would relent and allow her the couch.

Claire’s heart hammered inside her chest. The thought of curling up against Tristan for the night was almost too much to bear.

“Okay, but only if you promise to behave yourself,” Claire teased, wishing Tristan would not.

“I may cuddle up against you if that is acceptable, but I am way too tired to misbehave.” Tristan climbed into the bed and groaned when her head met with the soft pillow. Claire rushed off to brush her teeth and cut off the lights. The sound of Tristan’s groan sent shivers up and down her spine.

She crawled shyly into bed, smiling at Tristan, who was now lying on her side facing her. “Claire, thank ...”

Claire pressed her fingers to Tristan’s lips. “I should be the one thanking you for allowing me such delightful company.”

“That was good. You get two brownie points for that line,”

Tristan teased with a smile.

“How many brownie points do I have to earn for a prize because I have tons of those lines. And what kind of prize do I win when I meet the quota?” Claire’s face flushed with her boldness.

“Well, you’ve already earned a bunch, which entitles you to a night of cuddles. I’ll get back to you on the rest of the prize package.” Tristan yawned, and her eyelids grew heavier.

Claire switched off the bedside lamp and scooted closer to Tristan, who rolled onto her back and draped her arm around Claire when Claire rested her head on her shoulder. Almost immediately, Tristan’s breathing became deep and regular, and Claire knew she had fallen asleep. They lay that way for a long time as Claire listened to the slow steady rhythm of Tristan’s heart.


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Tristan eventually rolled onto her side, facing away from Claire, who snuggled up against her back. She buried her face in the long dark brown locks, enjoying the smell of her soft hair. Claire smiled as she held onto Tristan. Tonight, Claire would sleep better than she had in a long time. She felt safe and protected with Tristan there.


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