Tristan’s entire body jerked in surprise when the unfamiliar alarm clock sounded and jolted her into consciousness. She felt Claire pull away from her and heard her slap the clock. “I hit the snooze,” Claire said sleepily as she snuggled back against Tristan’s warm body.

As Tristan lay in Claire’s arms, she felt the old familiar feeling creep over her. As she had done in the past, she wanted to jump from the bed and run as far and as fast as she could from the woman with whom she’d spent the night. She felt her pulse race as she noticed the possessive way Claire held onto her. She fought the urge for as long as she could before she untangled herself from the sleeping woman and quickly got out of bed.

“Tris, honey, my alarm is set fifteen minutes fast; you don’t need to rush.” Claire’s empty arms fell across the warm bed where Tristan had occupied it.

“I really need to go,” Tristan said brusquely as she gathered her things. “I’m sorry, I guess I’m not a morning person. I’ll wash your clothes and get them back to you quickly. Don’t get up.” She left the bedroom and was out the front door before Claire could respond.

Tristan threw her clothes and purse into the passenger seat and jumped into the truck, wincing as the cool leather came in contact with the thin boxer shorts she was wearing. Pulling out of the driveway, she never looked back at the apartment; the need to distance herself from the woman she had just spent the night with was too urgent.

Claire lay in bed, staring into the darkness as the dawning day turned her room to gray. She was hurt and bewildered by Tristan’s behavior. The night before, Tristan had been so warm and 71

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affectionate, but this morning, cold and distant. Had she pushed her too far again by insisting that she stay? Tristan’s hot and cold behavior confused her and filled her with self-doubt. Nevertheless, she was determined to find out why Tristan behaved this way. It would just take a little time, and she was willing to wait. The prize was too precious to give up on.

Claire’s heart sank when she was informed that Tristan had already gone to the hospital to check on the injured deckhand and his family. Her mood had turned sour when Tristan had not returned at the end of the day. She decided on the ride home that she would give Tristan a little time alone, but she would make it a point to try to talk to her when she felt the time was right.

Tristan only came into the office for a couple of hours for the rest of the week. She spent most of her time with her staff, catching up on what had taken place during her absence. Her contact with Claire was minimal, and when they did speak, it only pertained to business. By Friday, Claire was beginning to wonder if Tristan were truly busy or simply ignoring her. She had choked back the hurt while at the office but spent her evenings sulking, trying to figure out the mysterious behavior of the woman who was worming her way into her heart.

Saturday morning was spent doing laundry and household chores. The phone call she got from Ellen was a welcome relief.

“Let’s do lunch,” Ellen chirped into the phone. Claire happily accepted, looking for a break from her thoughts.

Claire met Ellen at a popular bar and grill in midtown Baton Rouge. Ellen had already gotten a table in the smoking section and was happily sipping a margarita when Claire arrived. “I started without you. I saw a waiter go by with one of these, and it just called to me.” She giggled as she sipped the frozen drink.

“It’s calling to me, too,” Claire said as she flagged down their waiter and ordered one of her own.

“Claire, as your friend, I feel the need to say this ... you look like shit. What’s wrong with you, honey?”


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Claire tucked a piece of hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear. “I’ve just been out of sorts lately. I think it’s getting used to a new job and new surroundings.”

“Save that for the folks at the office and tell me what is really bothering you.” Ellen patted her hand and lit up a cigarette, waiting expectantly for Claire to answer.

Claire thanked the waiter as he set the frozen concoction in front of her. “It’s Tristan,” she answered as she sipped the frozen drink.

“Are you two fighting again?”

“I wish we were, then I’d know what was going on in that head of hers. We spend time together, and everything is great, then she shuts me out, and I don’t see her for a while. I don’t know what to make of it.”

Ellen grinned mischievously. “I’ve been playing Scooby-Doo.

I’ve been asking around, just trying to gather tidbits of info on her.” She grinned again when Claire’s eyebrows shot up.

“You look more like Velma,” Claire teased, causing Ellen to give her the one-finger salute.

“Don’t worry. I haven’t found out much. She’s a very private person. She doesn’t talk much to anyone at work about her private life. This is what I know so far. Her dad used to work here before he passed away. Apparently, he and Cameron Hughes were very close friends. A few of the older employees attended his funeral and said that Tristan and her mom behaved very peculiarly.

“During the graveside ceremony, Mallory, her mother, sat stone-faced. She showed no emotion whatsoever. When Tristan broke down and cried, her mother constantly hounded her to stop acting like a baby. They said it was awful; the woman would not let Tristan grieve at her own father’s funeral. Rumors surfaced later that she and Mallory got into a huge argument in the parking lot, and Tristan refused to ride with her. Obviously, Tristan and her mother do not get along.”

“That might explain why she runs hot and cold all the time. She may have some intimacy issues. I know she likes me; I’m just not sure she knows it yet.” Claire sucked down half her drink and felt her dark mood begin to lift.

“Give her a little time, Claire. You’ve only just met, and although you are comfortable with a relationship, this might be something she will have to work into.


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“While we are talking about family, I’m curious to know about yours. What does your family think about your sexual preference for women?”

“I have no family, really. My mom, dad and sister were killed in a car accident when I was younger. My grandmother, who took me in after their deaths, passed away a few years ago, so now, I guess it’s just me.”

“Oh, Claire, I am so sorry.” Ellen’s face filled with compassion.

“Please forgive me for prying and churning up painful memories.”

Claire smiled, but the pain showed through in her eyes. “I’m okay. There’s no need to apologize.”

“Well, consider yourself adopted into the Comeaux clan. I’ll stand in as your big sister if you’ll have me.”

Claire raised her glass in a toast. “Then, it’s official. You’re my new big sister, just as long as I don’t have to baby-sit my nieces and nephews.”

Ellen raised her glass and tapped it gently to Claire’s with a chuckle. “You’ve got a deal, sis. Besides, my kids are too old to need a babysitter. You’re off the hook.”

Claire spent the afternoon pouring out her heart to Ellen well after they had switched to coffee. Her new sister listened intently and tried to give advice and encouragement when she could. On her ride home, Claire felt better, and it seemed like a load had been lifted off her shoulders. She hoped that the new workweek would bring about something positive between her and Tristan.

When she walked into the busy dispatch center on Monday morning, Claire’s heart did a flip when she saw the vase of flowers sitting in the middle of her desk. Tristan was nowhere to be seen.

She tried to look casual as she plucked the card, tore it open, and read it silently.

Dear Claire,

I hope these brighten your day.

Your Friend,



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Claire did her utmost best to hide her disappointment when she looked into the neighboring office where Mike sat grinning. She had assumed they were from Tristan and suddenly felt embarrassed and silly.

Claire buried herself in her work. Crew change was in effect, and she helped Lauren and Mike set up the numerous travel plans that came through their email in abundance. She gave Tristan a slight smile when she arrived and went back to work, determined to concentrate on something that did not revolve around the woman who sat in the office next to her.

Phones in the work area of the crew coordinators rang incessantly. They talked back and forth to one another as they lined up the boats for crew change. Claire thought it sounded a lot like the New York Stock Exchange. Occasionally, one of the coordinators would lose his temper with an obstinate crew member and yell out a string of curses at which the other coordinators would shout their agreement.

Claire watched in amazement at how the quiet dispatch center came alive. She struggled to keep up with the constant demand for rental cars, flights, and hotels. At 2 p.m., the center seemed to quiet again, and she was surprised when Tristan called her on her extension and asked her to lunch. She glanced through the glass partitions at Tristan, who stood with her purse draped over her shoulder, motioning for Claire to hurry up.

Within minutes, they were downstairs and climbing into Tristan’s truck, which felt like it was well over a hundred degrees inside.

“Whew, I had to get out of there for a little while. I leave the office for lunch whenever I can during crew change just to get away from those damn phones,” Tristan said as she pulled the truck onto the road.

They chose a popular restaurant close to the office and relaxed a bit as they waited for their food. Tristan seemed nervous, as though she had something on her mind and didn’t know how to convey what she was thinking. Tension formed a knot in Claire’s stomach as she wondered if Tristan were about to give her the

“let’s just be friends” speech.

“Claire, I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me Saturday night?” Tristan slowly raised her eyes and looked at Claire shyly.


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Relief flooded every inch of Claire’s being when she heard Tristan ask her out. She was so thrilled that she didn’t immediately answer as she rejoiced in her head. Tristan became nervous again and started to fidget with her cigarettes as she waited impatiently for a reply.

“That sounds wonderful, Tristan. I’d love to have dinner with you. What did you ...?”

“Well, hello, strangers,” Mike said as he walked up to their table.

“I see that Tristan has brought you to the lunchtime hot spot.”

Mike’s words were friendly, but his eyes were cold when he regarded Tristan.

“Hi, Mike. Oh, and thank you for the flowers. With all the commotion this morning, I didn’t have time to thank you,” Claire responded cheerfully, trying to break some of the obvious tension rolling off Mike in waves. To add to the awkwardness of the moment, Mike seemed to be waiting to be asked to join them. And when Tristan showed no intention of extending an invitation, Claire thought it would have been improper if she did. Mike picked up on the hint and went off in search of his own table.

Tristan cleared her throat when he walked away. “That was awfully nice of Mike to send you flowers.” Though she tried to sound casual, Tristan could not hide the sarcasm in her voice.

“He’s just trying to make me feel welcome, I guess.”

“Are you sure that’s all he has in mind?” Tristan looked directly into her eyes.

“No, I’m not totally sure, but I can assure you I have no interest in him if that’s what you’re implying.”

“Sorry, Claire, I didn’t mean anything by that comment.”

“Yes, you did.” Claire returned Tristan’s gaze. “And I like it.

Does this little hint of jealousy mean you like me more than a friend?” Claire was surprised by her own boldness.

Tristan’s face turned a bright red. “I’m sorry that I have not done a very good job of showing you that I want more from you than just friendship. I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but please just be patient with me.”

Claire felt bad that Tristan seemed to be struggling so hard with their budding relationship. “Tristan, I’ll always be patient with you. There is no need to try to explain anything until you’re ready.


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And when you do, just know that I will be here ready to listen and be here for you.”

Claire was on a high when she returned from lunch. She had something to look forward to Saturday night. She sat down in her chair and went over the ticketing screen to make sure everything had been issued when Lauren tapped lightly at her door.

“Claire, do you have a minute? I really need to talk to you privately.”

“Sure, come on in and close the door.” As Lauren took a seat, Claire pushed away from the desk and gave her undivided attention. “What’s on your mind, Lauren?”

Lauren looked around nervously. “It’s about Mike. Claire, I don’t think you realize how infatuated he is with you. He talks about you incessantly. It’s obvious to me that you don’t feel the same about him, but he has had the biggest crush on you since the last time we worked together. Let him down easy, Claire, and do it quickly before he starts planning an engagement party.”

Claire was floored. “I had no idea. I knew he seemed interested, but I never dreamed he thought of me that way.” She stopped short when Mike walked into the dispatch center.

When Lauren saw the expression on Claire’s face, she sunk down into her chair. “Oh, dear Lord, that’s him, isn’t it? Ask him to come in and make up something quick, so I don’t have to explain why I’m in here with you.”

Claire waved Mike in and asked him to close the door. “Please have a seat, Mike. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you both for the fine job you’ve been doing. Your help has made my transition go very smoothly. Tristan seems to be very pleased with us, and I owe it to your diligence and hard work. If there is anything I can do to make your jobs easier, please let me know.”

Claire silently applauded herself as her agents left her office; she’d been quick with that little speech, even though it was well deserved. She glanced over at Mike while he worked, and for a split second, she felt pity for him until Lauren’s words replayed in her mind. He has had the biggest crush on you since the last time we worked together. Pieces of the puzzle were coming together, and she felt the anger rise in the pit of her stomach, thinking that her tormentor had been right under her nose all along.


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The next morning, she decided to take the bull by the horns and talk to Mike. She felt safe talking to him in her office with Tristan on one side and a roomful of people on the other. She used her anger to instill the courage she would need to initiate the unpleasant conversation.

“Mike, the gesture of these lovely flowers was very kind of you, but I feel the need to be honest with you. I like you as a co-worker and a friend, but that’s as far as it can go with me. Most importantly, I am your boss, and a relationship above anything but friendship would be considered improper. And to be blunt, I’m not interested in exploring a personal relationship with you. I just wanted to bring this out in the open now, so there will be no miscommunication between us.” Claire paused as she noticed the color drain from Mike’s face.

“I’ve stepped over a line with you, haven’t I?” His voice was barely a whisper. “I’ll be very honest with you since you are being so open with me. I have wanted to date you for a long time, but I cannot stand the thought of making you uncomfortable around me.

If that is what I’ve done, then I am truly sorry. You don’t have to worry about me misconstruing your kindness or friendship from here on out. And I sincerely hope that we can continue to work together like we always have.”

It can’t possibly be him. He looks like he is going to cry, Claire thought to herself as she listened to Mike’s heartfelt apology. “I’m sorry to have been so blunt, Mike, but I was afraid that if I was not completely candid, it might cause tension that neither of us needs right now.”

“No, don’t apologize, Claire. I appreciate your candor, and I will give you my word that this will not affect our working relationship.” He finished with an uneasy smile.

“Thank you for being so understanding,” Claire offered as Mike left her office.

Claire glanced toward Tristan’s office where Tristan sat with her eyebrows raised in question. From Tristan’s vantage point, she could see the expressions on Mike’s face, and she wondered what they could have been discussing to elicit such a response. Claire gave her a reassuring smile before getting back to work on the morning reports.


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When Claire’s hungry stomach had just begun to complain, her phone rang, and she could see on the ID that it was Tristan. She glanced over as she picked it up. “Get your purse and start heading for the door. I could eat the ass out of a bear right now,” Claire said as she stared at the grinning brunette on the line.

“Yuck, no kissing after lunch then. I’m gonna have a hard time finding a place that serves bear ass, so be thinking of some alternatives.”

The alternative was a small restaurant that boasted home cooking. Claire ate like a bear; her appetite had returned with a vengeance. She had not been able to eat breakfast because her nerves were wreaking havoc on her stomach preceding the conversation with Mike. “Oh, Tris, this is so good,” she purred between bites.

“Obviously,” Tristan kidded. She was about to open her mouth to speak when a familiar voice addressed her.

Claire looked over Tristan’s shoulder to see a woman standing just behind her. Claire knew instantly that this was Tristan’s mother. Her long, dark hair had streaks of gray, but otherwise, they were the same height and build. Mallory Delacroix was a beautiful woman, and it was obvious where Tristan got her looks from.

“Aren’t you going to speak to your own mother?” the woman asked, staring into Claire’s eyes. There was no mistaking the disapproval Claire saw there. Mallory glanced down at Tristan, who sat speechless, her neck covered in red splotches.

“Hello, Mother,” Tristan responded, without turning to look.

“Since you have forgotten the good manners I taught you, I’ll invite myself to join you.” She pulled a chair out and sat down, looking her daughter in the face. “I haven’t seen or heard from you in a while. You can’t pick up the phone and make a call?”

“The phone lines work both ways. If you wanted to talk to me, you could have called.” Tristan’s voice was cold as she stared back at her mother. Her body language spoke volumes. She held her fork so tightly that her fingers turned white. Muscles in her jaw twitched as Mallory spoke.

Ignoring her daughter’s remark, Mallory turned her attention to Claire, who sat transfixed by the exchange. Mallory continued to speak to her daughter as her eyes bore into Claire. “You must have 79

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found something to keep you occupied.” She put great emphasis on the word something.

“Is there a reason you interrupted a pleasant lunch, or do you have something to say to me?” Tristan snapped, making Claire jump at the hostility in her voice.

Mallory slowly turned her head back to Tristan. “Normally, when mothers and daughters see one another in public, they do speak, Tristan.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

Tristan leveled her eyes on her mother’s. “That’s assuming they have a normal relationship, Mother.”

“You’re a fine one to speak about what is normal, little girl.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, I am no longer a little girl, and I will not allow you to sit here and insult me and Claire. Get up from this table and leave, or I will, and stick you with the check,”

Tristan hissed.

Mallory stood and looked down at them for a moment. “So, it’s Claire, is it?” She turned and walked away without another word.

Tristan set down her fork and immediately lit up a cigarette.

Claire thought it wise to allow her to speak first, when she was ready. Claire thought she had seen Tristan angry before, but she was wrong. Tristan went off for nearly five minutes straight and was shaking from head to toe when she finished. Still, Claire felt flattered because the main reason Tristan was so angry was because of the way Mallory referred to her.

Claire tried to stifle the chuckle that rose within her, resulting in a snort. Tristan looked at her as though she had lost her mind.

“What are you laughing at?”

Claire broke into fits of laughter. “Did you see the look on her face when you said you were gonna stick her with the check?”

Claire continued to laugh until Tristan finally chuckled with her.

On the ride back to the office, Tristan was lost in thought.

Uncomfortable with the silence, Claire tried to get Tristan’s mind off the encounter with her mother. “So, where are you taking me to dinner Saturday night?”

Tristan smiled. “It’s a surprise. I hope you’ll enjoy the cuisine; it’s simple but pretty good. I know the cook personally.”


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