Chapter 16

Friday, July 2 C.D.T.
Fort Leonard Wood Military Reservation

It was shortly after the Chairman’s video image abruptly faded from the EOC’s projection screen that Thomas was introduced to Major General Levering Atwater. The post’s CG turned out to be a short, stocky, square-jawed individual with a salt-and-pepper crew cut. Together with his steely-eyed Judge Advocate, Atwater escorted both Thomas and Ted Callahan to the front of the room. They appeared to already know who Thomas’s employer was, and after the CG conveyed a request to one of the soldiers manning a computer workstation, the left-hand projection screen filled with a detailed map of south-central Missouri.

“This is indeed a dark day for our country, gentlemen,” said Atwater, his voice deep, his words crisply spoken.

“We find ourselves dealing not only with the assassination of our Commander in-Chief, but also with a problem of a more immediate nature.

We’ve just been contacted by the Director of the Secret Service.

It appears they’ve been unable to contact Vice President Chapman and inform him of the tragedy in the Crimea.”

“Is it a communications glitch?” Callahan asked.

Atwater chose his words carefully.

“That was their first assumption.

But then the FEMA central locator system was activated.

This system was specifically designed to track down the Presidential successors wherever they may be. It relies on a broad spectrum of arrays, including radio, cellular, and satellites, to offer instantaneous, secure communications worldwide.” Utilizing an electronic cursor, he addressed the map, highlighting a large, light-green-colored segment in the southeastern corner.

“As you well know, the VP is supposed to be in the midst of a float trip here, on the Eleven Point River. Though the initial alert was received by his party, there’s been no response. Local efforts at contacting them have been equally fruitless, with the entire U.S. Forest Service radio grid inexplicably inoperative.”

“Surely the Secret Service CAT teams in the area can contact them?” offered Thomas, well aware that Vince was the acting SAIC of the VP’s detail.

The Judge Advocate answered, “The Secret Service has been unable to make contact with these land-based assets. This includes the efforts of Marine Two and the CAT team Blackhawk, with both helicopters reporting shots fired before mysteriously breaking radio contact and seeming to disappear into thin air.”

“Shots fired?” Thomas repeated, his stomach suddenly tightening with concern.

“Gentlemen, we’ve obviously got a serious situation down there,” observed Major General Atwater, who used the cursor to highlight Fort Leonard Wood’s location on the upper portion of the map segment.

“As the crow flies, it’s approximately seventy five miles from this EOC to the spot on the Eleven Point where the VP’s party was last heard from. We’ve just been tasked to send a platoon-sized element down into the Mark Twain National Forest to seek out Andrew Chapman and determine his ability to assume the Presidency. Time is therefore critical, and since the Secret Service and the FBI will be unable to get personnel to the area until later this evening, we’ve drawn the assignment.”

“Special Agent Kellogg,” interjected the Judge Advocate, “as both you and Colonel Callahan know, it is highly unusual for us to receive tasking from a government organization other than the DOD. This is especially the case when this tasking concerns an operation on American soil. Title Eighteen of the United States Code, Section 1385, severely limits the manner in which the military can operate under such circumstances.”

“The Posse Comitatus Act,” added Ted Callahan.

“Precisely,” said the Judge Advocate.

“And to legally overcome these restrictions, we intend to invoke House Joint Resolution 1292, which directs all departments of the government, upon the request of the Secret Service, to assist that service in carrying out its statutory protective duties.”

Major General Atwater quickly chimed in.

“I’ve already called together a Search and Rescue force, comprised of a squad of combat Sappers and the post’s MP Special Response Team. They’re currently gathering their gear, and will be ready for a helicopter airlift to the Eleven Point within the half hour, with a mechanized unit to follow by road.”

“Special Agent Kellogg, to ensure that our men don’t infringe on Posse Comitatus restrictions, we’d feel a lot better if you’d consider accompanying them,” posited the Judge Advocate.

“And Colonel Callahan,” added Atwater.

“You’d also be an asset in this regard.”

Thomas replied without a moment’s hesitation.

“I’d be honored to go along, especially since my brother, Vince, is the Special Agent in Charge of the VP’s security detail down on the Eleven Point.”

“You can count me in,” agreed Ted Callahan.

“Excellent,” replied Atwater.

“I’ve taken the liberty of putting together some gear for both of you. So good luck, and good hunting!”
