Chapter 58

Saturday, July 3, C.D.T.
Beneath Freeman Hollow

“Hell’s fucking bells. Chief. Do you mean to say there’s still no answer to our page?”

There was fear in the communications specialist’s eyes as he met the intense gaze of Dick Mariano and curtly replied, “That’s affirmative, sir.”

“That sniveling, ass-licking beaurocrat!” exclaimed Mariano, who allowed himself one last look at the Op Center’s digital clock before venting his anger on the five BDUclad, green-faced commandos standing beside him.

“It’s another goat fuck, com padres A goddamn, motherfucking goat fuck! You’d think we’d know better than to trust another pencil-dicked politician. But no, we allowed ourselves to be stroked by Admiral Spit and Polish Warner, and swallowed the line of the kingpin bureaucrat of them all — that smooth-talking, sniveling idiot Pierce!”

“Maybe there’s been some unexpected delay in getting Yankee Hotel implemented. Skipper, and that’s why the warheads have yet to fall,” offered Doc, who had a much better understanding of nature than of the complicated world of man.

“No, Doc,” said Mariano.

“I bet Yankee Hotel was nothing but a scam, most probably to light a fire under our asses to track down the VP for them, and now we’re the fucking shills.”

“I say let’s complete the job we’ve been sent here to do, and kill Chapman,” suggested Richy.

“We can still access the river, and those faggot Sappers will never know where the hell we disappeared to.”

Mariano looked at Richy, and nodded supportively. ““Compadre, I believe we’ll do just that. Since it’s obvious we’ve been cut out of the loop, it’s time to cut our losses and run while we still have our dicks.”

A reverberating explosion sounded in the near distance. Doc looked out into the cavern’s dark recesses and queried hopefully, “Could that be Yankee Hotel?”

Mariano’s two-way activated, and the frantic voice of their sentry broke from the speaker.

“It’s the Sappers, Skipper! They’ve breached the outer perimeter, and it looks like they’re coming in!”

“Damn those pesky gee ks cursed Mariano.

“Doc, take your boys and see what you can do about denying them further access.

And, you come with me. It’s time to pay our prisoners a visit, and then get the hell outta this stinking hole.”
