Chapter 49

Saturday, July 3, 0403 Zulu
Nightwatch 676

“Well, how about it, Jake? Are we going to need that additional pit stop before landing at Andrews?”

The E-4B’s flight engineer held back his answer until he doublechecked his latest fuel calculations.

“Don’t bother with it, Lucky. Even with our brief wire-out, the lack of head winds is gonna put us in a good fifty minutes early.”

Lucky turned to address the officer seated to his left.

“If it’s okay with you. Major, I’d like to abort our last scheduled aerial refueling.”

Owen Lassiter stifled a yawn and unenthusiastically replied, “Very well.”

“I can’t help but wonder what’s going to be waiting for us back in Washington,” offered Jake from his workstation directly behind the copilot.

This remark hit a nerve, and Lassiter readily chimed in.

“One thing you can be certain of is that the President’s death is going to put a damper on the July Fourth festivities. And here Peg’s sister and four kids are visiting from Tacoma, and we planned to take them to the Capitol Mall to enjoy the fireworks and music.”

“Prom the somber mood of the Chairman and his staff of late, I’m just hoping we won’t be at war come the Fourth,” said Lucky.

“Tell me about it,” Jake muttered.

“I heard from a sergeant on Captain Richardson’s staff that FEMA still hasn’t made contact with the VP. Now that’s certainly strange, as was that unscheduled EAM we just finished transmitting. Do you think the rumors are true, and that our Atlantic alert platform was intentionally rammed by a Russian attack sub?”

“That’s enough of your groundless scuttlebutt. Lieutenant,” ordered Lassiter.

“Next you’ll be telling us that Coach really has the Ebola virus.”

“I can personally attest that’s not true,” cut in a familiar deep voice from the back of the flight deck. Fresh from climbing out of the open hatchway on the floor of the upper-deck rest area, Coach nodded in greeting, with Brittany and Red joining him in quick succession.

“Look who’s back from the dead,” Jake fondly greeted him.

“Are you finally feeling better. Coach?” inquired Lucky.

“If I were you. Major, I wouldn’t rush things,” suggested Lassiter.

“As I was telling the boys, I suffered from the runs myself, during my honeymoon. And just when I thought I had them licked, I couldn’t get to that infernal toilet quick enough.”

Coach had all but forgotten the fictitious excuse that the Chairman had circulated to explain his incarceration. Yet before he could set the facts straight, the collision-avoidance radar began loudly chiming. It took only a quick glance at the center console for him to determine that the radar scan was set on maximum range. And it was Lucky who pointed out the two flashing blips visible on the outer perimeter of the blue-tinted radar screen.

“Since they’re coming out of the west, the smart money says they’re ours,” added Lucky.

This fact was verified seconds later, when the intercom filled with the sharp voice of one of these newcomers.

“Nightwatch six-seven-six, this is Eagle One. Good morning. Please be advised that per the express orders of General Lowell Spencer aboard Iron Man One, you’ve been diverted to Langley, and we’ll be accompanying you. Over.”

Confusion filled Lassiter’s face as he pushed away his chin mike and addressed his copilot.

“What the hell is this all about?

Captain Davis, get the Chairman on the horn, and inform him of General Spencer’s request to alter our flight plan.”

“Lucky, if you’ll just hang loose a sec,” interjected Coach, who beckoned both Brittany and Red to join him on the flight deck, before instructing them to shut the cockpit door, and then sharing with the flight crew the real reason for their presence amongst them.
