Chapter 30

Saturday, July 3 0127
Zulu Nightwatch

“NORAD reports that the Russian missile continues on its polar trajectory,” informed Master Sergeant Schuster from his comm console in the 747’s Op area.

“Estimated time of arrival over the CONUS in seventeen minutes and counting.”

“Iron Man One indicates that the Rhode Island has acknowledged receipt of the EAM. Missiles are spinning up,” added Red from her own adjoining console.

Brittany Cooper was amongst the group of concerned senior officers gathered close by. She found it hard to hide her nervousness, especially now that the briefcase she was responsible for carrying lay open on the counter beside Red. The thick crimson file folder that it held was now in the hands of Admiral Warner. With bifocals perched on the tip of his nose, the Chairman completed his study of the document before handing it to his SIOP advisor.

“If we’re forced to order a retaliatory launch, which target package do you like. Major?” asked Warner.

Hewlett answered while reading the top page.

“Unless we want a full-scale exchange, our only option is to answer this attack in kind, with counterforce package Zulu Tango. By ordering the Rhode Island to launch such a three-shot salvo, we can hit them with a high-altitude pin-down blast, followed by a strike against those Strategic Rocket Forces command and control facilities that are farthest away from any major civilian population centers.”

Warner appeared distracted as he looked to Red and questioned, “Any luck reaching Zhukov?”

Red pushed back her chin mike and shook her head no.

“Sir,” interrupted Hewlett, “I advise contacting Iron Man One at once, and getting them to pass on target package Zulu Tango to the Rhode Island. Time is critical.”

The Chairman appeared to ignore this urgent advice and instead turned to address Captain Richardson.

“What are the results of the latest central locator query regarding the Vice President?”

“They’re still negative, sir. With our move to DEFCON Two, FEMA is implementing a Level One evacuation of the Capitol.”

“And the location of the Speaker?” queried Warner.

“Sir, he remains in air transit to Leonard Wood.”

“I guess there are worse places to be in the event of a nuclear detonation,” mumbled Warner, who glanced back at his SIOP advisor.

“Under the circumstances, it appears that we have no option but to be prepared for a worst-case scenario. It’s time to instruct Iron Man One to relay Zulu Tango to the Rhode Island. Sergeant Rayburn, if you’ll be so good as to reconnect me with General Spencer.”

Red failed to react to this request, her attention focused on the unexpected arrival of a superhigh-frequency radio message.

Brittany and her fellow officers watched Red’s face lighten with renewed hope as she looked up to address the Chairman.

“Sir, it’s the Russian Defense Ministry calling for you!”

“It’s about time,” said Warner. He grabbed the nearest red handset and shouted into the transmitter.

“Alexi, what the hell is going on down there?”

Brittany breathlessly listened to the Chairman initiate a spirited conversation filled with choice curse words and long pauses.

It was during the course of this long dialogue that Sergeant Schuster’s excited voice filled the compartment.

“NORAD reports that the Russian missile has dropped off its radar screens with a splashdown in the East Siberian Seal” “So I understand. Comrade,” continued Warner into the handset.

“Get back to work, and don’t hesitate to contact me should the situation warrant.”

The Chairman hung up the phone, a relieved grin on his tired face.

“Sergeant Rayburn, contact Iron Man One and relay the code sequence to terminate the alert. And I want an immediate status change back to DEFCON Four. That was no belligerent launch on the part of the Russians. It was only their Defense Ministry’s way of showing the world that they still have control of their nuclear forces.”
