Fourteen Koslak

I wasn't gonna let Jason get too familiar with Mary and me. That bathtub scene was okay once, I mean watching Jason giving head and Mary going off like July Fourth was an experience, but I felt a bit like queer afterwards, you know what I mean, three persons, two of us being men? I don't want Jason getting familiar with Mary when I'm at the station because if I caught him at it without my permission I'd have to do something about him, wouldn't I?

I figured the best way to get Jason's mind off the bathtub party — I almost said bathtub party, isn't that funny? — I reminded him about Widmer. Jason, he wasn't too sure, but I invented a whole ton of stuff about how being a queen bee made her an expert in all kinds of things Jason might like to try, and I guaranteed him she'd appreciate the way he gave head.

Jason was no pushover, "You sure you made it with her?" he asked.

"Would I lie to you?" I said to him.

"She wasn't any trouble, was she?"

"All women are a bit of trouble," I said.

"Mary wasn't."

"Oh Mary can be trouble sometimes."

I really wanted to get his mind off my turf. From all the hours rapping at the station I've gotten pretty good at talking up a hard on, and Jason finally says okay, he'll join me the next time I have a go at Widmer.

I explained there was one problem, she hadn't been home for a few days, but I'd let him know when.

When came right away. It was only a couple of minutes later when I see lights in her window, I go racing downstairs to Jason's place and say, "Come on, man, now."
