I resume my pen according to the promise I made your ladyship last week, and will now describe the contents of Room III.
In an easy chair was seated a venerable looking gentleman, who appeared more like a man of eighty than seventy four, which was his real age.
Though so old, he yet took a great pride in his dress, which was cut after the latest French mode.
He wore a superb suit of sky-blue velvet, so covered with gold lace, however, that very little, of costly material was visible. His silk stockings was rolled above the knee, the heels of his shoes vermillion, the buckles set with brilliants, and he wore a large diamond on the ring finger of his right hand. His laced hat which he kept on his perwig was also ornamented with a red plume, and was wickedly cocked over his left eye, after the style affected by all the young bloods and gallants of town. Add to this a rapier of unusual length, and the portrait is complete. I think I need scarcely tell your ladyship who tliis well known personage was, as you must have recognised the likeness, especially when I tell you that he wore a star on the left breast. and the cordon bleu.
The old gentleman was sitting with one leg crossed over the other, playing with his enamelled snuff box, and occasionally taking a pinch, while he attentively observed half a dozen little girls, who, quite naked, played about the chamber, turned head over heels, or scrambled for the sugar plums he now and then threw by handsful amongst them.
Behind him, stood my old friend Chloe (not that she is herself old, bye the bye, for she is but twenty eight, and one of the finest women on town); on a console of marqueterie stood a massy silver salver with a bottle of hypocras and glasses, and her work was to replenish that of the old man.
Every now and then one of the little girls would come within his reach, when he would catch them frig them, kiss them, and let them go again. All this went on with but little variation for nearly half an hour. At length, the old boy turned to Chloe, and said,
"I think my dear, I begin to feel a slight sensation. Will you a-ah-that is-you know."
Then Chloe, kneeling down before him, undid his flap, and lifted out a large, and not badly formed pego. It had swelled up, but seemed to have no power to raise its head. Chloe therefore chafed it gently between her hands, the little girls crowded around to have a look, and at length, bo! up it stood all alone!
"Huzza!" cried the old fellow, tossing off a bumper;"now my dear, lose no time,"said he eagerly to Chloe, who had indeed pulled up her clothes in a trice. She straddled over him, and then the children, laughing and pushing, seized hold of" Mr Peaslin" and popped him in.
All this time the old man sat perfectly still, leaving Chloe to do all the work, and she began to move rapidly a la postilion. This lasted another half hour.
"The sensation's passing off!" said the poor old fellow."Quick, a gamahuche, a gamahuche!"
With the speed of thought a little girl (she was the loveliest of the six) sprang on to the arm of his chair,and nimbly pirouetting her right leg over his head, brought her foot down on the other arm, presenting him a l'instant, her beautiful peach-like little bottom, and a tiny rosy cunny, as fresh as a rose.
The old man's tongue was in it in a moment.
"It swells again, all right!" cried Chloe, mimicng a postillion as she went on with her trotting.
Presently the old fellow stretched out his arms and enclosed the buttocks of Chloe with a tight embrace, he began to heave up his body, and gave her push for push; then he tossed over the little girl, and Chloe hugged him to her bosom. The old man head fell back. Spending, he had fainted. Restoratives were now administered, and he was soon all right again. So, swallowing another glass of hypocras, he allowed Chloe to button up his flap, cocked his plumed hat again over his left eye, kissed the children all round, put a well-filled pocket book into Chloe's hands, and took leave with" Damme not-so bad for an old chap, neither!"
Cherry was much amused with this scene, and whispered me that it was as good as a play, and we now visited
Room IV.
The only person I could see upon looking in this room, was pretty Lucy Rackett, a charming black girl of sixteen, who was famous for captivating men of certain tastes, en masquerade.
That she was expecting a visitor was most evident, for she had just completed a most killing toilet. Her lovely black hair unpowdered, had been frizzled by the coiffeur, and tied behind with cerise colored ribbons. She wore a ruby velvet suit, lined with crimson silk, and her coat had gold lace down the seams; the flaps were richly embroidered. Her breeches fitted tightly on limbs of the finest mould and her pearl white silk stockings, richly clocked at the sides, were rolled over her knees after the most approved fashion. She wore also ruffles of lace, and had diamond buckles on her red-heeled shoes;while to complete the tout ensemble, a tiny cut steel sword peeped out beneath the skirts of her coat. With a hand placed jauntily on her left hip, her little laced hat under her arm, she stood the picture of graceful elegance, her head slightly turned towards the door.
At length steps were heard approaching, the door opened, and a man of about fifty years of age entered.
Have you ever, madam, observed attentively the face of a fox? because, if you have, a pretty correct idea will be conveyed to your mind of this persons phiysiognomy; in all other respects the gentleman as well enough. A wiry well set figure set off by a; grand suit en Pompadour, and the usual accessories of a person of quality, together with the bel air, approved his breeding. Doffing his hat and advancing, writh a profusion of grimaces, he began in broken English.
"Ah! ma petite ange, and how is you to-night? If by your looks I may tell, vy, I tinkl should say sharmant. Ah, mon dieu! vat a delicieux costume.Ah! cocime une ange!"
" Thank you, Monseigneur, I am quite well. What will you please to take? There is some excellent claret and also burgundy."
"Ah, parbleu! I see dis dear love before me, and she ask me, vat you tak? Yy, my dear, vat sud I tak but yourself?"
There was a good deal more of this sort of jargon, and then Monseigneur le Due de Bellaire (for it was that distinguished foreigner) proceeded to somethin more practical.
But his proceedings were dashed with a certain oddity, which little Cherry did not at all comprehend. First he undid the flap of Lucy's breeches and put in his hand, every now and then ejaculating" Bel gargon! bel gargon!" At last he,unbutton them altogether, and pulled them down to the knees.
But he never even glanced in front, but turnin her round, paid his devotions to her well formed hinder beauties. Then he released his pego;
Mercy on us, what a queer affair! It was not above half the size of an ordinary man's, but what it wanted in bulk it made up for in length.
This concern he began to point much too far behind; but Lucy would not allow this game, aand guided him right. The duke appeared chagrined at this.
"Look," he said,"I will give you one hundred guineas."
Lucy shook her head.
"Two hundred."
Another shake of the head.
"Tree hundred!" he exclaimed eagerly, pulling out his pocket book.
Lucy wavered.
"Oui, ma mie!" cried he" I vill give you fifty more for yourself!"
Then, after counting out the notes, which she secured in her bosom, he again caught her in his arms; My God! be careful! it's the first time, cried the artful minx. The duke having applied some spittle to her beautiful brown bum hole, easily guided in his long thin prick; Miss Lucy was soon reconsiled to this mode and gave way to her — delight, how nice! it's better than the other way, go on, and tickle my fanny at the same time. Suiting her actions to her words, she wriggled and plunged under his pricker, oh! you do make me spend! oh! youv'e come, it's so nice and warm, and beats anything I have ever read in the books, oh! oh! keep on again! The duke exhausted with delight, cried,"Quelbel plaisir, dis is what cle serpent teach Adam and Eve! dis is de forbidden fruit! ma belle Lucy!
"Oh- oh! "whispered Cherry, I don't fancy that man at all; Let us come to No. 5,dear Mrs Kissagen."
Room V.
On looking through the aperture, we beheld our pretty blonde, Clarissa Fairfield, entertaining the wealthy Indian Rajah, who you are aware is now on a visit to this country in consequence of some dispute with the East India Company respecting the boundary of his territories.
Rajah Rum-un-fuckum-juim-fah Bahadoor (what long names these Indians have!) is a great fat man, of dark chesnut color, with little black eyes, and short moustachios. He wore a turban, and his dress, entirely of gold tissue, shone in the waxlights,every movement he made.
I have seen people dressed very similar to him, on the playacting booths at fairs. Squatting cross legged like a tailor, smoking a tremendous pipe, which I believe they call a hookey (but your ladyship understands, I dare say,) he had got Clarissa in the funniest attitude imaginable; her heels rested on his shoulders; and she sat down on his two hands, his queer black pego, of considerable bigness, was just begining to enter her cunny, when we arrive at our post.
The method was novel; when he wanted to give a home thrust, he dropped her upon him; then he would have a pull at his hookey, blow the cloud into her face, and handle her bubbies a bit, saving every time he did so,
"Rubbee bubbies, missee, dat makee de lub come!"
Then he would lift her up again, and so on.As for Cherry and myself, we were ready to die with suppressed laughter.
But what amused us most, were the grotesque efforts made by poor Clarissa to suppress her disgust of her swarthy admirer, and appear pleased. He made her strip entirely naked, shoes and stockings included, saying,
"Ladies, in my cunt-arey nolee wearree. Rajah not likee; Feringhee dress not good. White missee, too much nicee-much pretty got."
To add to the poor girls mortification, he appeared as if he would never come to an end, for when he thought the finish was coming he stopped, and had a few puffs at his pipe. I am sure we must have watched them half an hour at least, and they were still hard at it when we left.
But it is time I concluded this billet, remaining.
Your obliged, humble servant
Phcebe Kissagen.