Chapter 38

“It gets worse,” Sci said.

I sensed movement and glanced round to see Beth Singer heading over. The children were still engrossed in their movie.

Sci paused when he saw Beth approaching.

“Go on,” I said.

“I was able to call in a favor from a pal in the State Department,” Sci said. “It seems Joshua Floyd was on a mission in Afghanistan and his aircraft was shot down.”

Beth’s head drooped. Jessie moved round to comfort her.

“The State Department is making representations to the Afghan government to let an investigative team visit the scene,” Sci revealed. “But the Afghans are saying...” He hesitated.

“Tell me,” Beth pleaded. Tears were forming in her eyes.

“The Afghans are saying there were no survivors,” Sci revealed.

Beth shut her eyes and inhaled deeply. Tears traced their way down her face, but she wiped them away and turned to me.

“He’s alive,” she said. “And I’m not saying that as his doting wife. I’m saying that as one former pilot to another. If Josh was dead, they wouldn’t need me and the children as leverage.”

I didn’t disagree. There was a slim chance the two incidents were unrelated, but the timing of the events and the nature of the people involved suggested orchestration. I nodded and turned back to the laptop.

“Sci, see if you can find out where the bird went down and whether there’s been any activity in that area.”

“Will do, Jack.”

“We’ll check in soon,” Justine said, before ending the call.

I could see Beth struggling with her emotions.

“We’ll find him,” I assured her.

She replied with an uncertain nod. I’d been shot down in Afghanistan, so I knew the horror of the situation all too well, but I’d been lucky — which was more than I could say for most of the men who’d been in the bird with me.

“We’ll keep you and your kids safe,” I told Beth Singer. “And we’ll find your husband in Afghanistan. We’ll find him and we’ll bring him home.”

She responded with a faint smile.

“Moscow is our nearest office,” I said to Jessie. “Get in touch with Dinara Orlova. Bring her up to speed.”

“Will do,” Jessie replied.

I backed away from the counter and took my phone from my pocket.

“Where are you going?” Jessie asked.

“To call in a favor,” I replied, heading for the door.
