Chapter 90

Both children were shrieking and Beth was almost hysterical. They were shooting at her babies! These monsters were prepared to slaughter children. They just had to make it to the trees...

Maria was a few paces ahead. Beth saw her daughter glance back.

“I’m with you, baby,” she assured her.

Maria stopped suddenly.

“Don’t give up. Keep going!” Beth shouted. But Maria stayed where she was and pointed at something behind them. Danny had run on ahead, but he looked back and suddenly stopped as well.

Beth turned to see what they were staring at. Instead of the gunman she expected to see pursuing them, she saw something she couldn’t believe. Tears flooded her eyes. They streamed down her face. They fell into the thick snow.

“Daddy,” Maria said softly.

Beth shook with relief as she saw Josh running toward them with a rifle slung over his back.

Maria broke free and ran past the two dead gunman. She sprinted through the snow and leaped into her father’s arms. He wept with joy as he showered her with kisses. Danny went next and raced to his father. Josh scooped him up and carried his children to Beth.

He set them down and looked at his wife with all the love in the world.

She threw her arms around him and they kissed until she collapsed against him, exhausted by the ordeal, unable to quite believe it was over.

“I love you,” Josh whispered.

“I love you too,” Beth just about managed through the choking flood of emotion.

“Come on,” Josh said, wiping his eyes. “Let’s get out of here.”

He held the children’s hands and led them away.

Beth took one last look at the place that had nearly broken her and robbed her of her children, before following her family into the trees.
