Ever wonder why it’s called a “shower”? In the late nineteenth century, a bride would invite her closest friends and relatives over for a little stress relief right before the wedding. Everyone would bring small token gifts that would be placed in an upside-down umbrella or parasol. This would then be raised and turned over the bride, and the gifts would “shower” down on her for luck.

How this charming little tradition transformed into the monstrosities we know as showers today is a mystery for the ages.

Tip to Avoid a Wedding Day Disaster

Bathrooms. No one wants to think or talk about them… until there aren’t enough of them, or they’re overflowing… during your reception.

We know you’ve got a lot on your mind, but when choosing a place for your reception, make sure you take into account the little things… like where your guests are gonna go. Because they’re gonna hafta.

Are you going to be the one to tell them to hold it?

