I n ancient times, brides were traditionally expected to set forth on pre—wedding day pilgrimages from their own village to that of their betrothed. Due to the likelihood of her being set upon by thieves hoping to make off with her dowry (or the bride herself), the bride made this trip accompanied by armed maidens to defend her and her bling against marauders.

Thus was born the bridesmaid—or to be more historically accurate, the WARRIORMAID.

Tip to Avoid a Wedding Day Disaster

Today’s bridesmaids perform a much different function than their ancient predecessors, from helping to organize the engagement and bridal showers to shuttling guests—I’ve even heard of some babysitting and doing the bride’s laundry (ew).

Don’t forget your bridesmaids on your special day. A special gift—such as a silver necklace or bracelet—will go a long way toward showing them how much you appreciate all their help… although the basic human courtesy of not turning into a Bridezilla on them would also be nice.

