Mrs. Marienne McNee June 6, 1972
46 Queen's Road
W. 3, London
Dear Mrs.. McNee:
It is a practice of all the mistresses at Avondale to write on behalf of the inmates, since they are not allowed to do so. You will recall me from yesterday when I picked Pamela up at your residence. and I am the mistress of your daughter as well as of another young lady, Donna Carson.
I shall keep you regularly informed of your daughter's activities and punishments. As you must be aware, punishments are not given for being disobedient (girls aren't disobedient at Avondale) but they are given regularly and systematically for the good of the girls' proper and necessary training and correction. I am sure that you recognize that young ladies in England have received similar punishment and training for centuries, so your daughter will not endure anything that thousands of other young- ladies have not endured before. Additionally, you will find Pamela a very beautiful and exceptional young woman when she returns home in six months. There is no substitute for proper training and punishment to turn a troublesome girl into a fascinating young woman.
It has been the practice at Avondale, for several years now, to also have photos of the girls sent home, showing their various activities and punishments. The reason for this should be clear to you, as a mother, for in a way you too are responsible for Pamela's unlawful actions, and you should share in the knowledge of what we are doing to her for her misbehavior. The girls know that the photos are sent home.
In truth, your Pamela is a slave for six months, with all that the word entails. However, I'm sure that you know this, and that you still would choose six months of strict punishment to three years in a woman's prison for Pamela. It may well hearten you to know that girls of Pamela's young age are very wonderful and unusual creatures. Very soon Pamela will actually learn to enjoy and receive pleasure from being punished. You may find this hard to believe, not having been initiated into such things yourself, but it has been true since ancient
Babylonia and Persia. I myself have been an inmate at Avondale, and I know that it is most definitely true! Even now, on her second day, Pamela has already shown signs of accepting and enjoying what has been done to her so far.
I shall not go easy on Pamela, for it would be to her disadvantage. I shall not also go easy on you, and will be most explicit in my letters and photos.
In the enclosed packet are several photos taken yesterday and today. I shall explain them to you. I did not take photos of Pamela in the van on the trip to Avondale, but I will tell you that she was chained by her wrists to the interior roof for the entire three-hour journey, drawn up to her tiptoes.
Photo 01: Pamela and her roommate, Donna, strung up by their thumbs in their room upon their arrival. They hung for nearly three hours, and Pamela did not complain. As you can see, panties, garter belt, stockings and heels are all that the inmates are allowed to wear at Avondale each day.
It is a concession to modern times, since in the old days the girls were naked. However, for punishments and bondage and bed, Pamela will be naked most of the time.
Photo P2: This photo shows Pamela licking my pussy last night. I'm sure that you know that Pamela will become a delightful lesbian here, and whether you have had such experiences yourself I'm sure you realize that girls have made love to each other since the beginning of time, and always will. We strongly encourage such activity here, for we feel that it helps the girls to become total women, who can enjoy both male and female love in their future lives. Pamela will have sex with me, with Donna, and with the other girls constantly.
She may very well fall in love with Donna, for roommates usually do. I will not return Pamela's love until such time as I feel she has earned the right to be called a woman. As her mistress, she will lick my pussy at least once each day, as one of her normal duties. Pamela did very well on her first lovemaking, which this photo shows. She enjoyed it very much and was able to bring me to orgasm the very first time, so I feel t%at she will become an excellent little lesbian. By the way, roommates sleep together in a narrow bed to promote lovemak- ing between them.
Photo P3: This one shows Pamela with her rings, put in by our nurse. As you can see, she holds five rings which is not unusual down through history.
Your daughter has lovely pussy lips, well suited for rings as the photo shows. She also has fine, healthy nipples which have accepted the rings and locking pins very nicely. The nipples are pierced laterally by the rings and also are literally cored by the lengthwise locking pins, thus the inside of Pamela's nipples are really quite filled with metal. Do not concern yourself with this however. In the olden days at Avondale, girls wore rings nearly triple this size (without locking pins and in those days some of the girls were just thirteen with quite dainty little nipples. Pamela's nose septum pierced quite nicely (some have a harder time) and her nose-ring looks lovely. I might add that your daughter loves her rings, and has found them very sexual to her.
I will be writing again in a few days, with more photos. Pamela will get her first, hard whipping this afternoon in front of all the other girls. It is a custom here that girls are whipped only in front of other girls. The whipping becomes more significant to them and, of course, the other girls who watch receive much pleasure from the watching. I will do the whipping, and will do it very hard on Pamela.
Jan Nelson
P..S. (On t;he back of the photo of Pamela licking me, I have had her write a line.)
Mrs. McNee turned the photo over and read its message: Mom, this is me sucking Jan's pussy. I think I'm going to love her. Isn't she beautiful! Put this photo up on your mirror, please…
Signed, Pamela
The whipping suite on the second floor had existed since the beginning of Avondale in the middle nineteenth century, and it was a pride of the institution. Since the first young lady had hung there awaiting the lashes, a thousand or more had taken her place down through the years. Unlike t.he cellars or dungeon-like whipping rooms of many early training schools, the original headmistresses of Avondale chose to associate whipping with warmth and loveliness for, if in truth a female's ultimate beauty lay in receiving the whip upon her body, the surroundings should relate an aura of love and concern for her. If to be whipped was in- deed pleasurable, and it was, why lessen those gratifications with damp walls in a dank cellar room? The suite had been maintained in it,s original dignity to t.his very day, and was without doubt the most significant reason t,hat young ladies left
Avondale firmly believing that whipping was their most precious virtue. Whipping became a beautiful experience which most of the graduates would continue all of their adult lives.
The room faced the lawns and gardens below with a large, long picture window which made the room one of light and beauty. How much better, as a girl received the whip, to look upon lovely trees and flowers, sunlight and sky, than to face only dingy stone walls. The floor had always been warmly carpeted to give it a feeling of femininity and homeliness, and in later years a cheery fireplace had been added. The suite indeed contained all possible to further enhance the beauty of whippings, and its goal had been achieved over and over again through the years. It is very possible that young ladies would also learn to love the whip in dungeons, for that is in the nature of being female.
But how much quicker and more delightfully pleasant it was to be whipped in such beauteous appointment,s!
In the olden days, nearly a century ago, a head- mistress had perceived the remarkable idea of furnishing the walls of the whipping suite with various items of feminine garments and punishment items, as well as two large oil paintings of females receiving punishment in ancient chambers of some long-forgotten era. The philosophy of such appointments was obvious. As a girl hung in her ropes, feeling the lashes upon her skin, she need only look about her at the walls which contained the inti- mate clothes taken from girls of years past before hanging in the exact same way and whipped in the same way. Or the punishment tools which had been placed on the walls between the items of wear, all of which had been used to hurt females, and still were.
had bound their wrists and elbows behind them very naturally and without fanfare. In a way, it meant more to her than to have a mistress do it for it clearly revealed that the girls themselves involved themselves in each other's training and punishments. It was a very sensual feeling to have another "slave" tie her, and she wondered whether she would enjoy tying another girl herself. She thought that she probably would. The girl, Tricia, who had tied her arms, kissed her on the lips when she had finished, as had Abby with Donna, It was obvious that it was a very sweet Avondale custom.
You tied a girl, then you kissed her in love and ' friendship. How very beautiful!
Earlier Jan had told Pamela and Donna about the whippings each slave received. Rarely were they given for misdeed. They were simply given by a mistress to one of her slaves when she felt like it, or when she felt that the girl required a whipping as a regular course of things. Whippings were like food or water. They were simply required every so often if the girl was to receive proper training. The problem was not in whipping a girl too often, but too infrequently. A girl was seldom whipped by her mistress in private for the pleasure of the whipping was much to nice to waste. Thus, usually, three or four of the other girls were brought to watch. In fact, it was considered a reward to be allowed to watch, deter-mined by behavior and classroom improvement! Pamela was surprised when told this.
Could watching another girl whipped be so attractive that girls tried to earn that reward? Indeed, it must be so.
Jan had rambled on about whippings, and had told Pamela and Donna that in a short time they would learn that a whip provided pleasure to a woman.
Thus the girl who looked upon these things felt not alone in her bondage, for all that she saw reminded her that hundreds upon hundreds of her earlier sisters received exactly what she was receiving, not only in this particular room but in whipping rooms all over the world in all periods of history. This knowledge gave her strength and pleasure to know that she was but carrying on the natural progression of whipped females, who since Eve revelled mysteriously in having marks etched into their bodies. No matter how the whip might burn, no matter how it might wring screams from her, she knew that she was indeed not alone, but only an insignificant girl among thousands before her. She represented the girls of the present generation, and it would not behoove her to fail them in the ghost eyes of all those before. If young girls of ages past learned to accept and love the whip here, she too would do so, with full dignity and complete pleasure.
The walls were quite filled with clothing relics of the past, from nineteenth century petticoats and camisoles to pantaloons and cotton stockings.
Each generation of clothing styles had been added, down through bras, full slips and silk stockings to current bikini panties, body suits and garter belts.
The punishment items, such as dozens of various whips, nipple screws and branding irons had not been particularly added to, for they could not be improved upon by time.
Late in the afternoon, following their ringing, Pamela and Donna were taken to the whipping suite by two of the other girls, Tricia and Abby.
Pamela had thought it quite sweet that two of their sisters had come for them rather than Jan, and found it rather exciting that Tricia and Abby female in three ways, all very sexual indeed. First they would begin to be aroused by being whipped, especially in front of other girls. Then they would begin to be aroused by watching another girl whipped Finally they would become aroused by being given the privilege of whipping another girl themselves! It was the three virtues of being female, and it was the three traits each female possessed. Masochism, voyeurism, sadism. All lay within a female, and had only to be brought out!
It had been a happy custom for decades at Avondale for a new girl to be whipped in front of all.the other girls. For the girls who had been at, the school for several months it was, of course, an exciting occasion. They had learned by now how each other reacted under the whip, for they had seen each other lashed many times. It was always exciting to still see each other whipped, but a new girl was terribly arousing, especially if it was t,he first whipping of her life. The first whipping of a girl was very similar to rape in that it was her first violation of that nature, and thus very arousing sexually to watch.
Abby and Tricia had brought Pamela and Donna to the suite where the others had already gathered, and the two newcomers were most impressed with the beauty of the room. The whip would hurt the same anywhere, but how much more pleasant to at least have it done in warm, attractive surroundings. The room contained ceiling chains and cuffs where a girl could be suspended by her wrists or thumbs for a full whipping on back, bottom and breasts. It also contained a framework device especially designed for whipping females on their bottoms. It was a slanted benchlike structure with four legs to which the wrists and ankles of a girl were bound. The bench slanted upwards towards the rear so that a girl's hips and bottom were upraised delightfully.
Jan did not tie Pamela to the frame. It was done by Tricia and Abby, again to impress Pamela with the fact that the girls became happily involved with each other's punishments. Tricia handed the whip to Jan in fact, and joined the other girls seated around the floor.
The cane, a longtime customary tool of girls' schools, had not been used since the war years, being replaced by pliable single-thonged whips for lashing all of a girl, and a five-thonged "cat" for specific whipping on the buttocks. It was the cat which Tricia had handed to Jan, for it was the customary item used in the initial whipping of a new girl.
"You will receive twenty lashes, slave," said Jan very calmly, admiring the way Pamela's whit.e panties fit her bottom like a second skin.
The first lash resounded off t,he walls with a sharp cracking retort, and Pamela jerked in her ropes. The stroke had burned like fire to Pamela. A new girl always thought about her first whipping, and about how it, would feel. She had no idea.
Would it be unbearable? Would I cry? Would I scream? Pamela's first sound was not a scream at all. It was, in fact, more like a hiss, produced not so much from the hurt, but from the utter shock and surprise of how very much it did hurt. The second Iash also produced a hiss.
Jan did not hurry the whipping, being well versed in such matters. Each lash should be well separated from the next, so that it became an individual punishment all in itself. The lashes now produced a variety of gasps and moans from Pamela partly from the hurt, partly from the utter humiliation of having her bottom whipped in front of other young girls. It was the latter, rather than the hurt, which produced in Pamela at least the slightest beginning of a sexual awareness. She could feel the moistness begin, and, despite her pain, began to understand the unique and mysterious puzzle which the whip brought to a girl. The whip hurt very much, there was no denying that. But at the same time it produced an arousal in a girl to offset the hurt. In a sense, it was punishment and reward at once. Even a whipping produced some pleasures, and as a girl continued to be whipped over time, the arousal became stronger and the hurt weaker, until finally a whipping became a thing of pure pleasure and the discomfort of the hurt became insignificant. It had been so since the first female in history had been whipped. But it took time, and the first whipping was more hurt, than pleasure, as Pamela realized!
Pamela knew very well t,hat if Jan had whipped her privately she might very well be thrashing upon the frame and screaming to high heavens.
But somehow being whipped in front of the other girls gave her a resolve to receive it with dignity.
After all, a girl did have pride, and she did not wish her peers to think her a crybaby. A girl thus took a whipping much better in front of her sisters. This fact had been observed down through all the centuries, in all lands, and therefore females were usually whipped in front of others. It was indeed the reason why girls at Avondale were not whipped alone in a room. That, and of course, because of the pleasure it brought to the girls who watched
Pamela tried not to scream, but soon realized that it was impossible not to do so. For a brief moment she felt ashamed to cry out, then just as quickly realized that certainly girls did scream when whipped. Even those here in the room who had been whipped for months or a year. On this point, Pamela was exactly right, for a girl was foolish to try and remain silent under the whip. Crying out helped considerably, and as Pamela would find later, a girl's cries and moans and screams were very arousing to those who watched. When she learned to love the whip, and to care for her sisters, she would actually cry out, much more than even necessary to please them and arouse them. It was a matter of Avondale girls loving each other so much that they tried to scream and moan beyond normalcy, simply to turn the other girls on with sadistic pleasure. But this philosophy would come later as Pamela became experienced. It would be the ultimate act of sacrifice and love that a girl could do for others, to actually desire to be hurl to provide pleasure to other girls! When this point was reached, a girl became a total and perfect woman.
By the end of the first dozen, Pamela's panties were beginning to shred from the five thick leather thongs, and she could feel the welts rising. The hurt was not getting any better, but, on the other hand, it was not getting particularly worse either.
It has been said that there is a point in whipping a female beyond which she can accept unlimited
punishment, for she has reached a point, of hurting which no longer can be intensified. Thus at public floggings in ancient Rome or medieval Europe a woman would scream and writhe during the first fifty lashes, but then hang quietly while her whipping went on and on. In most cases, at this point, her punishment would end for it was no longer having the desired effect upon her. Pamela was certainly not near this point, but her ability to accept the continuing lashes seemed to improve.
The twentieth lash was delivered by Jan and brought the expected moan from her slave. Pieces of Pamela's pants were scattered about the carpet and she was glistening wet down-her back and on her forehead. It had been a good whipping and Jan was pleased with her effort, as well as nicely aroused by her Pamela. Some girls were more ex- citing to whip than others and Jan could see that Pamela would provide her with much pleasure in the future..
"We have a cute custom here with new slaves," said Jan. "You have taken twenty, and it is all that is required at your first whipping. However, you may elect to take more. It is rather a tradition for a first-time girl to have her panties whipped off.
That is why you were allowed to wear them for this whipping. It will take about fifteen more lashes to strip you completely. This is not required however, and if you have had enough then I will stop right now, and hold no claim against you, nor think less of you. The choice is yours, but you must instruct me, slave Pamela."
Pamela shook her head and her auburn hair whisked across her shoulders. She could take no more. Perhaps after weeks of experience, but not on her first whipping. Tears filled her eyes from the emotional position she had been put into. She glanced at some of the girls seated on the floor in front of her, trying to find the answer, but they purposely looked away. The choice had to be hers.
It was a judgment of some importance, obviously.
A repeat of what she had just taken would be unbearable… far too much for her first time. Yet, should she request no further punishment, what would the girls think of her? How many of them had asked for more? All of them? None of them? If most or all of them had, would they think her a baby and not share their love with her? More of the terrible hurt, or the love and respect, of her peers?
"Mistress Jan, please whip my panties off!" she said clearly. The decision had been made, now she must pay for it. Yet, as she looked at the girls, she saw that they had all turned their faces towards her, and there were looks of love and admiration upon them. Two or three blew little kisses to Pamela, including Donna. Pamela swelled with pride. The decision had been right!
The first searing lash made Pamela snap her head back, and the second made her yelp like an animal. Jan was whipping her much harder than before. Despite the agony of the whip, Pamela nearly smiled in a remembrance that she had nearly decided that morning to wear her tiniest bikini panties, but instead had put on a normal pair. How much quicker the job could have been done if she had worn the little pants!
It was then that Pamela began to learn about girls, and the unique creatures that they are. For as Jan's cat stripped the nylon shreds from her tortured bottom, the other girls began to vocally en- courage Jan, and cheer as each piece of panty flew into the air.
"Whip her harder, mistress Jan!"
"Righ to, make her scream!"
"Let's see her bawl like a baby!"
"How's it feel to lose your pants, baby?"
Pamela nearly wept. Had she misjudged these girls? Were they nothing more than little sadists?
How could they ask Jan to whip her harder? Pamela would find the answers to these questions sooner than she thought.
Pamela had no idea of how many more lashes she took, as she lay against the frame in a semi-stupor of hurt and confusion. She was aware of cheering after an eternity, and of the other girls untying her, and kissing her ears and lips. Several put their arms around her and helped her to walk. She looked down and saw that her panties were gone entirely.
Despite her hurt, and despite the stunning things the girls had said to encourage her whipping to a greater level, she knew that, the girls did love her now. They talked t,o her, and hugged her, and kissed her, as they. led her to a clear spot on the floor.
Lisa, a pert and pretty blonde, put Pamela on her belly upon the carpet.
"Good girl, Pam! We all love you, y'know. We think you're smashing. You'll soon find why we urged Jan on. Now, just lie there, propped up on your elbows hon, and Ginny and I will rub some body salve on your poor ass… makes it feel lots better… you'll love us for it. I know! You just lie there and enjoy Donna's turn and we'll take care of that pretty little bottom of yours;"
Pamela's eyes moistened from the cool feel of the lotion on her welted bottom, She had never felt such love and caring from other girls. Their very soft hands were like those of angels, ministering to her wounds. It wasn't really the soothing effect of the salve that made her nearly purr in relief, but it. was the feel of those loving and tender hands upon her flesh. At that moment Pamela began to know girls and their funny ways. They had cheered her whipping, yet now tended to her with love and kindness. In that moment Pamela began to know that she was in love with the female gender forever more, and that she would always love girls… in every way possible.
Pamela's mind was nearly dizzy from trying to absorb all of the new feelings and emotions that she had experienced during the last twenty-four hours. She had felt more, and learned more, about herself, and girls, in one day than she had in her entire life. And for the most part, these new emotions and sexual responses were very, very pleasant indeed! She never had had a desire for girls.
Until now. And it was very strong. She was virgin to rope and whip before yesterday, yet now she felt their impact upon her emotions, and she liked what she felt.
As Pamela lay upon the floor, her chin propped up in her hands, the full realization finally came to her that she had been whipped! She had been whipped like thousands before her, and she felt proud and glad to be called female. Now that it was over, her feelings became sensual to know that she had indeed been whipped. Not like a schoolchild… but like a woman. Pamela suddenly gasped as she felt a surge of wetness between her legs, brought on partially by the thought of her whipping, and partly by the feel of those beautiful hands soothing her inflamed bottom cheeks. One of the girls behind her had lovingly used a handkerchief to wipe Pamela's wetness away so as to not go onto the carpet. Pamela turned her head to see which girl had been so thoughtful and tender to think of doing such a thing. Abby winked at her. Was there no limit as to what these girls would do for each other? thought Pamela. If not, then why should I care if they do get kicks out of seeing me whipped!
They're worth it… all of them!
Pamela was not surprised when yet another new pleasure came to her. Nothing she felt or did would surprise her now. The new pleasure, of course, was watching Jan's cat burning its way across Donna's bottom in front of her. The pleasure was immense, now that her whipping was over, There was nothing to do but enjoy what she saw, now that she was on the outside looking in. Pamela felt her arousal growing again. She felt almost like a harem girl in an erotic scenario! Imagine, she thought, lying here watching a girl being whipped while two others used lotion on my own bottom. Such things were only possible in books… and at Avondale!
Suddenly she did not feel guilty or ashamed to realize that she was very much,enjoying seeing a girl being whipped. And she was enjoying Donna's moans and cries of hurt too! The honesty here was totally pure, she realized. If girls were whipped here at Avondale, and they were, then why not enjoy it?
It would be so much more fun than trying to pretend that it wasn't exciting! A girl being whipped knew that it was arousing to others, and it made her feel good to at least realize that her suffering brought joy to her sister slaves. What a fantastic and beautiful philosophy! A girl could please an- other not only with tongue, but with supplying her body to the whip so that the other could become aroused! What a unique and magnificent love girls must have for each other! These unbelievably stunning thoughts were now entering Pamela's mind.
Imagine loving a girl so much that another would ask her if she would like to be given pleasure by mouth, or in watching her hurt and whipped for her personal pleasure!
Pamela never dreamed that she had sadistic- voyeur tendencies within her. Most do not realize it, but they are there. And the lashes upon Donna were pleasing to her, very, very much. She liked Donna's cries of hurt" and she liked the sight of the red-purple welts. She liked the sight of her room- mate's blue panties flying apart under Jan's strokes. She liked those hands ceaselessly rubbing her bottom behind her, She purred when Donna chose the "extra" whipping as she had done. And above all, she found herself yelling, along with the others, for Jan to whip Donna harder! She knew now why the girls did such things. It was an animal-like, but totally honest, desire to see girls hurt as much as possible! It was pure sadism, but magnificently exciting! It was indeed, another form of sex!
Only a few last blue threads remained on Donna's bottom when Tricia's fingers slipped into Pamela's sex. As the whip slashed at Donna, Tricia's fingers moved within Pamela. It was beyond imagination, and far more than a girl could expect to endure!
Pamela screamed in a violent climax, the intensity of which she hadn't thought possible.