It was November, and because of a month having been cut from their sentence, Pamela and Donna had but a week more at Avondale. The other girls all had longer sentences and would not be leaving for awhile.
It had been a time of joy for them both, and their lives would never be the same again. Most girls in
England would have boys to look forward to, and a few girls might also find the pleasure of another girl, but few would know the excitement of the
whip and the rope and the rings. It was most unfortunate, for most girls were the same as Pamela and Donna. It was just that they would never have the chance to find out. The roommates had talked about this often. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all girls were required to spend some time in a train- ing school! The two often fantasized about such a world. Imagine, they thought, if each girl carried a lovely little whip in her purse and a piece or two of cord! No telling who one might meet every day on a bus or in a fast-food restaurant. Just a glance of desire between two girls and off they could go to the ladies' powder room for some delightful whipping before returning to their Cokes and French fries. Then just a friendly wave, and off they would go on their separate ways. Or, maybe they'd spend the night together. Perhaps it would be law that a girl had to spend one day with a boy, the next with a girl! Such things are young girls' fantasies made of.
One thing was very clear to Pamela and Donna.
They would stay together and recognize their own "marriage." Perhaps, when they found jobs, their mothers would let them share an apartment in London together. They would go out with boys and an occasional other girl too, for Avondale had removed jealousy beautifully. In fact, they would be delighted for each other when one went out on a date and they would wish each other fun and pleasure. If a boy, they would kid each other and tell each other not to dare come home until taking him in all three places. If a girl, they would kiss the date in sincere friendship, and tell them to have fun together, complimenting on how very cute the date was. It would be a beautiful life, and they would promise daily whippings. Of course they would keep their rings! They would play mistress and slave, taking weekly turns. It would be delightful!
They thought about Jan and Sabrina too. Constantly, now that their time was growing very short. The sexual desire for the two women had increased steadily over the months, which was to be expected.
In Sabrina's case, it was purely a physical thing.
She radiated waves of sex. It was not that Sabrina was lesbian, for she really wasn't. She was happily married with children. But her daily contact and "duties" with naked young girls made it unnatural if she had not grown to enjoy their curves on occasion. She also tortured them, and Sabrina would be a strange female if she had not been aroused by those activities as well, Yet, she never went further than the expected touching of a breast or a brief kiss, and she never proposed making it fully with a girl, even though she undoubtedly wanted to at times. She did her job, and her part in the training, with professionalism and love. It was only on rare occasions that she bedded with a slave.
It was for this very reason that she became so desirable for all of the slave girls. The hardest to get was always the most wanted! Those in the out- side world would not believe that girls would count the days until they could go to Sabrina's section to be tortured. It would seem insane. Yet, not only did the girls go eagerly, they often went early for their appointments, just to be with her and watch her move about the room. It mattered not t.hat they found themselves tied to a post or table and that the lovely nurse was hurting them, nor even that they screamed. They enjoyed smelling her per- fume, feeling her soft hands and looking at her slim legs so nicely revealed by her little skirt. They were pleased when they could see Sabrina's red nipples erecting under her opaque nurses' blouse, and had moan sexily to keep them that way when being tortured, for Sabrina did respond to hurting girls as any other female would do. If their performance was nice enough, they could often see that Sabrina's panties were a little wet between her legs, and they considered that the highlight of the day to bring her to that point!
With Jan, the situation was different, From the first day when the blonde girl had picked them up in the rain to bring them to Avondale they had slowly but surely fallen in love with her. It would have been impossible not to do so, for Jan was their whole life, and had been so each day. A girl could not be trained and whipped, day in and day out, by a lovely girl like Jan without it happening.
More, they knew that it was literally Jan who had given them the training and had molded their new lives, and they would be eternally grateful for her care and concern. They owed everything to her,and they were in love with her.
The number of times that they had made love to Jan in five months was impossible to recall, They had tasted the girl nearly daily, sometimes several times a day. At first as obedient slaves on command. Then commands weren't necessary as slavery became routine, for like any dedicated slave girls they learned every emotion and desire and habit of their mistress. An experienced slave girl does not have to be told by her master or mistress when her services are needed. A slave girl know when, by a word or the way a master or mistress talks or moves, or by the look of desire in the eyes.
There are signs, and an experienced slave knows them well. And when she sees them, she gives her mouth or her body without having to wait for command.
At other times, a slave can see tiredness, and at these times, Pamela and Donna gave Jan a hot bath and a rubdown, without being told. It was the sign of well-trained slaves. On other times, when Jan was a bit down or sluggish, a good pussy- eating by two tongues at once was given voluntarily and without comment. It brought Jan around, as they knew it would! When Jan's hair needed washing or shampooing or brushing, it was ob- served and done. After Jan had given one or both of them a rather exciting whipping and returned them to their room, they automatically peeled Jan's panty off and hand-washed it at once, for they knew that it was sopping wet, All without being told, for a good slave learns to anticipate and do things without command. When Jan's pubic hair became a little tangly or unruly they trimmed it and kept it short and nice, oiling it with perfume.
They also shaved Jan's underarms and legs every other day.
Jan was most aware of just how beautifully her two slaves had taken to training and slavery. In fact, they just might have been the best pair of young girls that she had ever trained, and she loved them very, very much, Her tongue had not tasted them however, nor had she kissed them. She had kissed in return, of course, but she had yet to initiate a kiss. This was how it had to be when training young girls. A mistress could not allow her own feelings to interfere, for love initiated on her part would only harm proper mistress-slave relationships. Mistresses took, not gave, and slaves were aware of this. They hoped but not expected. They hoped constantly. For to have a mistress initiate lovemaking was the ultimate of a slave's existence. It had been so since time began. If it happened, the slave knew that she had reached such perfection that her mistress had been aroused to a rare condition of love, if even briefly. It did not happen often.
Jan had told them both that they would have to earn her tongue. She had told them that on the very first day, and it had not been elaborated on or mentioned since. It had not been forgotten, how- ever Pamela and Donna had not attempted to do so in any extraordinary way, for they knew not what Jan had meant nor did slave girls dare to ask such personal questions of their mistress. So they just tried to be good slave girls. And they were.
It was on the Wednesday before the Saturday when the two would leave. Donna was swimming with Ginny.and Tricia, and Pamela was resting on her bed reading when Jan had come in to get her freshly washed clothes. Pamela had been thinking about Jan all day, and how she would miss her It had been so beautiful to be in slavery to another female, and of course she would miss Jan's lovely whippings too. After lunch, Pamela had gone to the whipping suite and borrowed the Angel's Kiss.
Jan glanced twice at her slave on the bed. Pamela was naked, and was not wearing her rings. It was a breach of rules.
"Slave, you're only naked for torture from Sabrina, for swimming, or in the whipping suite!" she said. "Where's your panties, heels and stock- ings?.And your rings! Just what do you think you're doing?"
"My goodness, how careless of me," said Pamela in a funny voice. "Guess I'll have to be whipped, won't I? You'll find the Angel's Kiss on my dresser, mistress. I've been much too careless just to have my bottom and back whipped. Appears to me like I need to have my tits and cunt punished."
Jan said nothing, for she was taken aback. She knew' Pamela well by now, and this was just not Pamela. As she walked to the dresser, she felt a tingle that she had never felt before with Pamela.
When she turned back to the bed she found Pamela kneeling, her hands back on her ankles, her breasts thrust nicely outwards for whipping!
"Where's some rope, slave?"
"You won't need any, mistress. I won't move.
Whip me untied, please."
Jan tingled again. Girls rarely asked to be whipped unbound for it was a,near-impossible act of dedication and conviction. When a girl reached that point in life, she needed no further training!
"Whip my breasts, mistress. They are yours," said Pamela softly.
The Angel's Kiss whined and smacked across both breasts. They bounced wildly. Pamela did not move, nor did she make a sound of any kind.
Jan whipped her breasts hard, hitting the nipples most of the time, yet still Pamela did not utter a gasp or a moan. Instead, she just looked into Jan's eyes with love. Jan knew then that she could whip
Pamela's breasts all night and the girl would not move. Jan's pants became wet. She stopped the breast;whipping;
Pamela responded by putting her hands under her hips and spreading her legs wide and high, towards the ceiling. Jan moaned in emotion from what she saw. Pamela's clitoris was flushed and erect from the punishment.
Pamela had arrived. She had joined her ancient
Roman and Arabian sisters whose clits had risen to the feel of the whip in harems and whipping posts and courtyards. It was the ultimate level of femininity that could be achieved. Punishment had become pleasure..Screams would still come from most, but that was only a natural response to pain and unimportant. An erect clitoris was the gauge of the female.
Pamela, however, did not cry out from the searing lashes into her sex. She continued to look lovingly at her mistress, and did not flinch when she saw Jan's arm rise and fall, rise and fall. The tenth lash deep between her sex lips made her orgasm, but even then she did not cry out or move a muscle.
She did close her eyes momentarily and gave a whispered gasp, the only sign that Jan could per- ceive that told of her climax, That, and of course the trickles of liquid that ran down her stomach.
Jan was stunned. The girl had not even moved during a wrenching climax!
Jan screamed in passion and threw her whip across the room, before flinging herself on Pamela.
Pamela felt her kisses on her mouth, then on the aching nipples, then between her legs and into her wet sex. Jan moaned like an animal as she attacked Pamela with wild frenzy.
This time Pamela did cry out in orgasm. Her world spun in delirious happiness.
"Pamela, oh Pam darling, I love you so!" cried
Jan. It was the first and only time that Jan had called her by her first name without adding the word "slave" to it. "As a mistress, this shouldn't happen, and when I leave this room, it won't hap- pen again but… right now… I love you. Forgive me."
Pamela held her close and wept. "It's okay, darling. It's okay. I understand… just this once.
Turn round and we'll sixty-nine."
Much later after Jan had gone, Pamela still lay on her bed in rapture. She had earned her mistress' tongue. The world saw such things rarely!
The night before they were to leave was spent in tearful goodbyes and tender hugs and kisses. They would never forget the other eight and all promised to write and visit. They had not been idle promises, for they would be kept. They even kissed t,he other four mistresses, who they had not had much dealing with but of course saw every day. It was short- ly after ten when Sabrina came to their room. It was a singular thrill, not only to see her, but be- cause Sabrina went home normally to her family at five. She had brought a bottle of champagne with her.
They talked of many things and held hands on the bed, the girls thanking her for her part in the training they had received.
"We know you t,tortured us 'Brina, but it was your job, and we know now that we needed it to be women. Thank you for hurting us," said Donna.
Such a remark would have been deemed insane outside Avondale. But of course, others just simply didn't know.
"I've come to tell you about the branding," said Sabrina lovingly.
"We know," said Pamela.
They had thought about the branding often. In the early weeks it had seemed so cruel and unneces- sary, and something definitely not looked forward to. But that was before their lives had been so beautifully changed.
"A century ago," said Sabrina with her arms on the girls' shoulders, "girls in every training school in England were branded at graduation ceremonies without exception. It was considered proper, for it is the mark of a finished product. Remember too that England had dozens and dozens of training schools at that time and they were not reformitories such as Avondale is now. They were just grooming schools for young ladies, and every girl in England would give her right arm to be enrolled.
It was an honor for the reason you have just learned here over the past five months. A girl came out a very desirable and total young woman. It's a shame such schools are gone. Every girl would be much better to have learned to live the lives you will now lead. Remember also that girls were as young as thirteen back then, yet they too were ringed and branded by their own choosing. Back then, to have a training school brand was the ultimate compliment for a girl, and she spent the next ten years showing it off! Girls were branded on the bottom cheeks at graduation in front of their admiring and proud mothers."
Pamela and Donna tingled from the excitement of Sabrina's historical resume! Wouldn't it be great if thousands of young women were still branded today!
"Later, things changed in society, and branding was not made mandatory, but it has always been a part of Avondale's tradition. The brand of Avon- dale still means a great deal to many people in
England," continued Sabrina. "In modern times, branding is optional with the paroled girl. She may choose it or not. If she does, she must sign a paper, in case authorities would possibly question it later on. I am responsible for the branding, in my laboratory. Unlike the old days, parents or other girls are not in attendance. Furthermore, I apply a painkilling salve at once.
"Despite all the modern things we use on the girls today, the branding has not changed. It is the one tradition kept pure. It is still done with a hot branding iron as it, has been done since days of ancient Persia. It could be done these days with an electric iron, or a form of electric tattoo, but the custom is like the whip. It never changes. A female should feel the iron fresh from hot coals.
"A girl today may have the choice of being branded on her buttocks, or on her breasts. Breast branding began in 1931 by a headmistress who found, through study of old historical books, that breast-branding was normal from Babylonian days clear up through the fifteenth century. So, it was begun again. On one breast or bottom cheek is branded the word Avondale. On the other, the year of 'graduation'. The decision is yours. I will tell you that some girls elect to be branded, some do not. I will not tell you the proportion for it would sway your decision possibly. Whatever you choose, it will not make me think better of you, or worse. I love you two very much, Pamela and Donna, and will not change my feeling whichever way you decide. Would you like an hour to think about it? It will be done tomorrow morning, just before you leave."
"We know our decision already, 'Brina," said Pamela. "It was made two weeks ago. We wish to be branded on our breasts."
Sabrina smiled. "I knew what your decision would be. I don't often make mistakes in judging girls here. When a girl makes that decision, I feel a deep love for her. I know by looks and vibes when a girl wants me in bed. I've seen it in your eyes, both of you, since you first came. If you would have looked beyond my mini-skirt and took time out from making cow-eyes at me you would have seen that I've wanted to make it with you also. Both of you. This is not true for all the girls. You two are special. As you can see, I've brought my overnight, bag. Your decision was important. If you had chosen not to be branded, I would not have spent the night in your bed. I felt you would. That is why I told my husband I would be sleeping with two precious girls tonight. For the first time, I also told my little daughter. She knows not what it means, but I saw no reason to lie about my absence to night. She'll understand in a few years."
Pamela and Donna were spinning in joy. A night in bed with Sabrina!
"Geez, 'Brina. Donna and I used to wet our pants. just dreaming about making it with you. I'm going to need some of that champagne! But why was our decision that important, darling?"
Sabrina said nothing, but unbuttoned her blouse and peeled it back. On her beautiful breasts was emblazoned Avondale… 1968.
Nothing needed to be said. It was all there. Skirt and panties followed Sabrina's blouse to the floor. Little sleep was had that night by any of the three.
The two girls found that Sabrina, wife and mother of three, was very much qualified to handle them both endlessly!
Normally girls were branded alone, except in the case of "marriage." Thus it was that Pamela and Donna went together to the lab the next morning at ten, holding hands all the way.
Sabrina was prepared, and in the center of the room, an antique brazier glowed brightly with its red coals. The iron had been inserted at eight. The two were tied to posts facing each other, but it was more than the usual tie. Sabrina knew from experience that a girl had to be tied perfectly immobile to be branded. Any sudden movement when the brand was applied could affect her careful placing of the branding iron. The girls were bound at ankles, knees, thighs, waist, armpits and, behind the post, wrists and elbows, "Sorry, darlings," said Sabrina. "Can't have you move when it hurts. Also have to gag you, I'm afraid, You know I like screams from a girl, but your screams will be wild and I never know when one might may my hand jerk or something.
"No, 'Brina. But can you do us one brand at n time?" asked Pamela. "I mean, Avondale on a tit of both of us, then 1972. Be nicer than doing one of us completely, then the other girl!"
"Be glad to, honey," said Sabrina. "I think that's sweet of you."
"Cor, I don't think I've ever seen two girls more in love than you two! Here come the gags… open wide."
The gags were put in place and Sabrina withdrew the Avondale branding iron from the coals.
"It goes just below your nipples, kittens. That way you can wear low-cut blouses and bikini swim- tops without the brand showing. You first, Pam."
Pamela was glad Sabrina had tied her so completely. Her brain was stunned as the bran.d sank into her breast with a searing response. She bit her gag. Donna had her turn, and despite her pain, Pamela looked to see the branding of her loved one.
She watched in total love. 1972 followed, on the left breast of both. Sabrina stood back to admire her perfect placement. Pamela and Donna were looking into each other's eyes with total love. They once again had shared something which only made their love even deeper. This time the ultimate mark of slavery.
Sabrina applied the salve, which helped tremendously. When they were untied, they held each other close, their aching breasts melded against one another's. Then they kissed Sabrina in love and admiration before exploring, with fingertips. the red-black words which were now part of them for life.