Pamela and Donna had been called into Ravan's office. They weren't particularly apprehensive because they had done nothing wrong. And of course they had still two months to serve. They were curious therefore, because it was not often that girls were summoned by Ravan.
Ravan looked lovely. She always did, but espe- cially so on this day. Her gown was black, and slit up to the waist on one side. The girls marvelled at her legs. Ravan was an inspiration to the girls of teenage years. The age of forty had always seemed so "old." Yet Ravan disproved the belief that, a woman was "over the hill" at that point. Her slim, sleek legs and full chest so apparent under the gown bodice proved that a woman of fort,y, if she took care of herself, was still vibrant and very desirable. Pamela worshipped Ravan, and vowed that at forty she would still look so attractive.
"How would you girls like to be serving maids at my home for my bridge club next Saturday night?" she asked.
The girls were stunned and extremely honored.
They had heard that on occasion Avondale girls were chosen by Ravan to provide domestic service at one of her "rather interesting" parties. Only the very best girl or two were selected for that honor.
It took exemplary behavior and the finest of acceptance to Avondale's training ordeals. In effect, Ravan chose only those who were well on their way to becoming beautiful young women!
Nothing could have been so prestigious as to be selected for such a thing!
Both girls curtsied, an act not performed often outside of meeting the Queen.
"We'd be honored, Ravan," said Pamela with total humility.
"You will of course be naked and with your rings on. The women at my bridge club are, shall we say, very discreet. Although their lives are not particularly entwined with the things that you and I deal with, they know a good thing when they see it. A wrong word from them here or there, outside of our circle, would result in them being ostracized from further invitations. They are well aware of that.
Besides, they do like to play 'penalty bridge.' It's surprising how many of today's women tend to enjoy such things. Females are peculiar, aren't we?
Avondale isn't the only place where the 'ultimate' pleasures take place, as you will happily find when you return home."
Ravan's lovely estate was but fifteen minutes from Avondale and the drive in i.he Rolls was elegant. The girls had not seen the "outside" for over four months, and they fairly bubbled with delight.
The manor was huge, in the old tradition, yet un- staffed. Ravan's needs were few since most of her hours were spent at Avondale, and the help she did need on occasion was supplied by fortunate Avon- dale inmates. Pamela and Donna were shown to an exquisite bedroom to shower and freshen up.
Ravan handed them a short length of chain.
"Wear only your heels, and fasten the chain be- tween your nose rings. You will serve in tandem."
"Yes, Ravan. Thank you so much." Donna was almost groveling in pride.
When the two come down the staircase an hour later they looked delicious. They were scrubbed clean, and had taken advantage of Ravan's rich cosmetics of lipstick, rouge and eye make-up. Fragrant lilac powder had been puffed onto their pubic hair. The chain between their noses glistened under the lights from the chandeliers as did the five dangling rings in each of them. As usual they held hands as they walked. They always held hands.
Their heels made beautiful clicks upon the stairs.
Few sounds are as elegant as the high-heeled shoes of a perfect pair of female legs. Ravan stood at the bottom of the staircase, and sighed. Nothing in the world was as perfect as a naked teenage girl fully ringed. They were just all legs and breasts and bot- toms and soft long tresses of hair tumbling on soft shoulders. Their thighs quivered just so slightly when they walked, and separated so beautifully at the top as if to purposely and impudently expose the soft fur which lay there.
"My guests will be here shortly. Prepare the serving trays wit.h wine and coffee in the parlor.
You will find a surprise there. I'm sure that she will explain herself to you. You may not get her to shut up.
There was indeed a surprise in the parlor!
"Who is it?" exclaimed Pamela in utter surprise.
"You mean what is it" said Donna open- mouthed. "Is it a girl, or an it"
"I'm a girl! Can't, you tell? How can I be an it?" came the young voice.
"Well you don't look old enough to be a girl, pumpkin," laughed Donna. "Besides, what are you doing hanging by your ankles from a ceiling hook?
You're really quite exposed with your little dress hanging 'round your head, y'know!"
"Well, I am a girl and I'm not that young, I'm eleven and I'm hanging like this because I got bad grades at primary school again and I deserve it and.I'm Ravan's daughter and my name is Kiki and I'm not really exposed, I have panties on as you can see and I'm gonna get caned again for my grades and I deserve that too and mother is going to cane me in front of her bridge club and I suppose you too and it's the very first time I've been caned in front of anyone else and everyone's gonna see my underpants and me howling and mother says I'm old enough to be caned in front of others now and it makes me feel tingly and I think my pants are wet right now and you look all upside down to me but I can see you haven't a stitch on which means you're girls from Avondale and all full of rings again which I think is gorgeous in a girl and I wish I was old enough to be ringed but someday I will because mother promised and how can you serve if you're all hooked together by your pretty noses and…"
"Hold it! Whoa! Crikey, you're like a parrot!" laughed Pamela. "You mean Ravan canes you, Kiki? You're awfully young for that."
"Am not. Been caned for a year now. How old does a girl have to be? Bet it hurts you no more than me. Mother told me you were coming, says you two are in love. How can girls be in love? It's only boys, at school."
"It's easy, funny face. You'll find out when you get older," said Donna.
"Will you stop with the 'older' bit!" said Kiki.
"All right, so I don't have any hair on my puss yet.
What's so great about that? I do get wet pants sometimes thinkin' about things and looking at mother's sexy mags."
"You're something else, Kiki," laughed Pamela.
"You are really something else! Now you just hang there and jabber away, but we've got work to do.
By the way, what's those words on your little pants? They're all upside down."
"Says, Souvenir of Majorca. We went there last year on vacation."
The three women arrived shortly and were shown into the den by Ravan. Pamela and Donna timed their entrance with wine trays with the comfortable seating of all four of the older women.
They were well aware of the drawn-in breaths they created.
"Divine, Ravan. Simply divine, as usual."
"Even more lovely than last month. Aren't they precious!"
"Simply ravishing!"
The two girls served the wine, careful not to stray too far apart and earn a painful tug in the nose. They curtsied before each guest and allowed the women to finger their nipple-rings with admiration. The women were not really that old, perhaps in their thirties, and quite elegant in their fine dresses.
"There's simply nothing so attractive on young ladies as rings," one said. "Ravan, your locking pin idea is utterly marvelous. Come here, dear," she said to Pamela. "There's really not much nipple left, is there, honey?"
"Not very much, ma'm," answered Pamela.
"More brass than nipple, I'm afraid, yet I'm sure that my nipples could hold even more. Just so long as there's the outside skin left. Thank you ma'm."
"Oh, she's just precious!" gushed the woman.
"You train them so wonderfully."
"Thank you, Phillipa," said Raven quite flattered. "Now, as I've promised you, I'm going to cane Kiki before we start the bridge. Her grades have been most dreadful, I'm afraid, and perhaps a sound caning in front of others will have some effect on her. Girls, please get Kiki for me."
"Excellent idea, Ravan," said one guest. "Wish
I had started with my Susan before she grew up so fast. Nothing beats the old-time tradition."
"I have one just nine," said another. "I'm defi- nitely going to start in a couple of years. Good for a girl."
Kiki was brought in in the tow of the two girls.
Ravan asked her to lie over the card table, and bound her ankles and wrists to the metal legs.
"I'm afraid a card table really isn't the best" said Ravan. "It bounces around so when she jumps, but it'll have to do."
Ravan pulled Kiki's skirt up and bunched it around her waist. Kiki's little panties fit, her perfectly. Ravan presented the cane to Kiki's lips and the youngster kissed it.
"I deserve to be caned, dear mother. I think ten strokes would bring my grades up. No, eleven, to match my age. Very hard, of course. It's very hard for me to know that others are watching, and t,hat they can see my panties completely, but perhaps it will take some humiliation to get the message across."
Pamela and Donna were speechless. Words like this from an eleven-year-old?
"Ravan, Kiki is just precious. So well trained," said a guest. "And at so impressionable an age.
You should be proud of her."
"Ready, Kiki?" said Ravan.
The cane whirred and made a sharp crack across a very small bottom. It would have been too much, of course, to expect that so young a creature would withstand the cane with little reaction. Kiki reacted.
"Wowee!" she wailed, and wiggled the whole card table.
The second cut made her head snap backwards.
Kiki was never without something to say.
"Oww! That was a corker! Burns like all get out!"
The eleven strokes were delivered without anger, and without hurry. Kiki thrashed and uttered some type of comment after each one, along with appropriate yelps, screams and wails. Her thighs and legs were wet with perspiration from the hurt. One could see clearly through her thin nylon pants and the perfect blue-red welts were very visible. Even as Ravan untied her, and made her once more kiss the cane, the precocious child uttered another of her unending comments.
"Well, anyway, the panties helped. Hate to be caned bare-assed!"
Kiki's pants, of course, had been no aid, and Pamela and Donna laughed at the girl's flippancy.
She was something else! Yet, they held a sincere admiration for Kiki. Eleven strokes of the cane, at her age, was incredible! Pamela and Donna had only had five and had thought that they would faint. Now here was this miraculous moppet taking eleven on a bottom that you could almost hold in your hands, and came up making jokes!
Kiki was not really old enough to turn her on yet, but Pamela had felt the tingly feeling again during the caning, especially when Ravan had brought her slim hips up off the card table with most of the strokes. She might be fun to play with at that!
Kiki left. The muffin hadn't even cried tears!
Pamela and Donna went about their duties as the card game progressed and did not mind at all the occasional pat,s on the rump or feel of a breast.
After all, that's what those lovely pieces of anatomy were there for. Phillipa and Carry had lost and Pamela and Donna were most interested when the two, without a word, had peeled off their blouses and put their hands behind their chairs to be bound by the two winners.
Pamela and Donna had never seen nipple-screws, but they had heard of them. They were ancient devices, born in the medieval period, for the ultimate hurt of female nipples. It was assumed that there were few left in existence, but it would be correct to guess that there were still a few about. They watched spellbound as Ravan and her partner at bridge applied the punishment of "pen- alty bridge."
The devices were iron clamps which were tightened by a small strew-head. At first there was no reaction from the two losers at bridge, then suddenly their heads fell backwards and their nostrils flared. There were no cries of pain, or loud moans, but there were whispered "ohhhhs." When the nipple flesh began to protrude through the hollow opening of the circular metal, the women whisked their hair from side to side. Yet still the two winners turned the screws. The tortured nipples squeezed out of the clamps like wet clay, fully an inch long now. Ravan and her partner still turned the screws with no particular expression on their faces, small droplets of blood now oozing from under the metal. The two women thrashed in their chairs and now their throats gave forth with the howl of an animal.
"We'll have tea now, girls," said Ravan to Pamela and Donna. "You'll have to serve it to their mouths, I'm afraid. They do have to stay like this for an hour."
Pamela and Donna were in a state of utter numbness, their sex shamefully wet, but somehow they got themselves moving again. They brought back the tea with Kiki happily trodding beside them.
The moppet had no reaction at all to the tortured nipples she saw.
"Oh, good! You've won at bridge again, mother!
You're ever such a good player."
"Thank you, Kiki. By the way, Pamela and Donna are done serving now. I think it would be nice if they took you up to their room and taught you a few things. You're getting old enough now to begin understanding things. You'll find them excellent teachers. Girls, take Kiki upstairs. She's yours for the night. Anything goes, of course, but do your hurting things before twelve please. I'm a light sleeper and I don't want to hear her yelling after I go to bed. You'll find all the things you might need in the top bureau drawer. Kiki, be a good girl now."
Pamela and Donna looked at each other. Pamela said, "Geez."
Pamela and Donna led Kiki by the hand to the bedroom, and explored the miscellaneous items in the bureau drawer. The ceiling had hooks, as did most of Ravan's rooms.
"Well, snippet," said Pamela, "the first thing we better do with you is teach you that you're a girl rather than an it. Strip, 'cept for your pants."
"Ho hum," said Kiki, and peeled off her clothes.
Kiki was hung like a turkey from the ceiling hook by her thumbs, and the two sat down to watch her squirming antics.
"Never knew girls were hung by their thumbs," said Kiki. "Hey, I've been up here for a few minutes now, 'bout time for this game to end, isn't it?"
"You see!" said Donna. "A real girl can hang by her thumbs all night without fussing. You're just an it. Let's see, Pamela, I think the nipple screws might not work. She just hasn't got much nipple to work with. Those clothespins might do fine, though."
The springy clothespins stuck out like beacons on Kiki's dainty breast tips.
"Whoops," piped Kiki, "makes me know I've got nipples, doesn't it! Very clever."
"Perhaps just two across her back with the whip," said Donna.
Pamela swung and the whip made a delightful crack across the slim back. A pink streak appeared on a long diagonal direction.
"Ow," said Kiki. "Rather uncomfortable.". The second lash crossed the first making a per- fect X on her bare back. Kiki swung her face from side to side in pain.
"Only eighteen to go, muffin," teased Pamela.
"Real girls can take twenty without much fuss." Kiki pondered.
"Oh, okay, you win. Guess I'm not a girl after all, just an it. Don't really think I can take any more of a whip. Darn it, growing up is so slow.
Teach me to be a girl. I surrender."
Kiki was released and her clothespins removed.
"On the bed, kitty-cat," said Pamela, "and take those silly little panties off! Souvenir of Majorca, of all things! Girl games are played bare butt, y'know."
Kiki flung her pants across the room, trying to hit the chair, but missed. Pamela and Donna bounced onto the bed beside Kiki and spread her legs.
"Well." chirped Kiki. "All I can see is a bunch of nipples and pussies everywhere I look. What's so great about that'?"
Pamela bent to her task.
"Hey," squeaked Kiki, "what the heck are you doing, Pamela, stop licking me down there, that doesn't do much for me, girls aren't supposed to lick like kittens, this is so silly, how can girls make love, they don't have a 'thing' to stick into a girl like boys do and what's your tongue supposed to do, turn me on or something, Donna, slop sucking on my nipples, Pamela, don't lick so hard down
there, it simply won't do anything for me, well, it does feel a little bit nice at that and I suppose you'll want me to do that to you next and I'll do it, to be nice but I don't see the point and I feel awful funny and tingly and wet but if you think that it's turning me on you've got another think coming, there's just no way that it w…"
The parrot had stopped chirping. The next sound she made was a very long moan. It was the only adult sound she had made all evening.
"Well, we just might have a girl here after all,
Donna," said Pamela. "What do you think?"
"She has possibilities," said Donna.
"Hey, I think I'm a girl," said Kiki. "Donna, when you do it to me can I put my hands in your hair, there's really nothing to do with my hands."
"You do just that, pumpkin," smiled Donna.