It was not often that transgressions were committed at Avondale. They were indeed rare, for the whip worked wonders in removing from a young lady most, bad habits. Yet occasionally an unfortunate incident did take place. After all, it must be remembered that the inmates of Avondale were there because of anti-society behavior in the first place, and even though the girls' habits had been mainly corrected, sometimes a girl reverted briefly to her old ways in a moment of weakness.
The ten girls had been called to Ravan's office, and they knew immediately that something was amiss. Rarely were all the girls gathered together in Ravan's office, and minor problems were usually corrected by the mistresses' application of a whistling cat across a girl's panty.
Ravan looked very stern, a manner not often seen by any of the girls.
"To be brief," she spoke, "mistress Jan has had her watch stolen."
A murmur of disbelief came forth from several mouths.
"I've called you here obviously to give one of you the chance to make a clean breast of it. Crimes here are forgiven if the girl is big enough to admit it. Of course, a significant punishment is also involved, but then the incident is forgotten. If no one con- fesses, and we find out who did it on our own investigation, the culprit is removed from here and sent to Danmoor Woman's Prison in Stratford for her original sentence. I simply will not tolerate dis- honesty here, considering the favor you have been shown by being sent here rather than prison. I will ask you now which one of you took mistress Jan's watch. Before you answer, I will tell you the punishment involved. You have one of two choices.
You may elect to be sent to Danmoor, or you will have your pussy sewn together in front of all the other girls, and left that way for twenty-four hours. Yes, I hear your gasps, it is a terrible punishment indeed. But so is the reverting to your old bad habits after all of our love and considerate training! Now, who did it"."
The silence was deafening, and disappointing.
All of the girls knew that one of them had done it, and were ashamed that the guilty one did not have the courage to confess.
"Very well You may return to your rooms," said Ravan with a sigh.
It was that evening when Pamela found the watch by accident in Donna's cosmetic case. She wanted to borrow a lipstick and found the watch tucked neatly under a comb and brush set. Pamela was stunned. Donna was swimming.
"Oh, Donna. Oh, darling. Why?" she said aloud.
Pamela sat on the bed and wept for the first time since she had been at Avondale. The whips had made her cry, naturally, as they did all girls, but she had not wept in mental hurt before. It was an hour of mental anguish.
As Pamela left the room, she passed Donna in the doorway just coming in. Pamela's face was wet with tears, and she held Donna and gave her a special kiss on the mouth.
"Ooooh, a special one! Mmmm," said Donna.
"Hey, you're crying, hon. What's the matter?"
Pamela did not answer, but continued on her way to Ravan's office.
Ravan stood up when Pamela entered. Pamela put the watch on her desk.
"I'm so sorry, Ravan. I don't know what made me do it. Punish me."
Ravan smiled and kissed her lips softly.
"I'm rather proud of you, Pamela. It would have been better if you had said so when all of you were here earlier. Yet I can understand how a girl must feel when she knows what the punishment is. It does take courage. But you are here, and I can see that you have been crying, so obviously you are sorry for what you did. The punishment, will he given now, by me, but then the incident will be for- gotten. Your mother will not be told of this crime.
Go get the other girls and bring them all to the library,"
"Yes, Ravan."
Pamela was tied naked upon the center library table, her hands and feet bound to the four corners.
The other girls stood around all sides of the table.
Donna was white-faced and tears welled in her eyes. She had never felt so ashamed in her life.
When she saw the long, heavy needle and thread she gasped, and she grabbed Pamela's arm to speak out. Pamela looked at her and shook her head negatively. Tears rolled down Donna's cheeks. She was ashamed at her lack of courage.
She didn't deserve Pamela!
Ravan sent the needle through Pamela's sex lip and drew the heavy thread through, before cross- ing it with an opposite stitch. Pamela's fists clenched, and her wrists tugged at her bonds, but she did not make a sound. She would not make a baby of herself in front of all the girls. The second criss-cross stitch had now sealed the lower inch of Pamela's vagina.
"Stop!" shrieked Donna. "Ravan, I did it!"
Tears poured from her eyes.
There was a stunned silence in the room.
No one spoke, but all felt, their hearts beating faster. What had just been witnessed in this room was a love story far beyond the writings of Shakespeare, Keats and Shelley. It was a love story of immeasurable beauty.
Such love stories between females were not rare down through the centuries. But they did exceed any love story between a man and a woman. The intensity and the dedication between females was an unsolved mystery. Many had died for another woman. Many, like Pamela, had made sacrifices of agony and pain for the love of a girl. Ruth, the..Christian martyr, had saved a girl from Roman rape by confessing, falsely, to an incident and submitting to ravishment for two days and two nights in public. Therina, an Arabian princess who had fallen in love with one of her little slave girls, took the blame for the girl's wounding of a visiting dignitary by concealing the bloody knife in her own room, and was given three hundred lashes in public. The stories went on and on, yet none was any greater than what had just happened in the library at Avondale.
Ravan herself was stunned. She had witnessed this very thing many times before, and it came as no utter surprise. Yet, each time she was stunned anew by the ultimate sacrifice one girl would make for another. It left her breathless.
She carefully removed the thread from Pamela and asked Donna to replace her on the table.
Pamela was crying now, too, for in turn, she realized the extent of Donna's love for her, just as
Donna had felt it. If Donna had stood mute their love might never be the same. But now, their love would last forever!
"Please, Ravan," she wept, "may I be excused from watching?"
Ravan knew the extent of the emotions being portrayed in this scene of love. To have insisted that Pamela watch now, would be utterly cruel and heartless.
".Of course, dear… and we all admire you very much." The other girls, and even Jan, licked and kissed her sniffling face, and hugged her before she left.
Donna, about to be sewn, presented a face of tranquility and beauty. The pain would not matter for, like an ancient Christian girl, her love and her confession had made her commitment desirable.
Her love of Pamela and the magnificent feeling of pride in herself for confessing had brought her to soaring heights of peace and soul-cleansing. She felt alive!
"Do not tie me, Ravan. For allowing my loved one to suffer for my lack of courage, I would like to accept it unbound. I will not interfere or move. In fact, I will watch you do it."
Ravan smiled and shook her head. Would the wonders of girls never cease!
"I believe also that you should ask for it,Donna," said Ravan.
"Sew my pussy together, Ravan," said Donna in a clear and strong voice.."Use as many threads as you like."
It took only ten cross-stitches to close Donna's pussy, and the girl had been true to her word. She sat up on the table as Ravan sewed her and watched every stitch go in.'She had uttered no sound of any kind" but several times she had closed her eyes briefly to cover the tears that were about to fall.
The other girls were silent in complete awe and admiration.
When Ravan had finished, Donna swung from t,he table without looking again at her ravaged sex lips, and pulled on her panties. She did not walk to her room. She ran, to be with her darling Pamela.
There the two girls held each other close for hours. No words were spoken, for none needed to be. No thought was given to lovemaking or kissing, for what had transpired between them was beyond physical ministrations. It was enough just to hold each other and feel each other's love flowing between them.
Finally, Pamela kissed Donna softly.
"May I see your pussy, darling?"
"I'd prefer that you didn't, my beautiful wife- girl. It's… not pr that way. Tomorrow it shall be pretty again for you."
"I understand, sweetheart. Sleep with your pants on tonight."
"Thank you, Pam."
"Thank you, Donna."
"For what?"
"For just being you."
It, was in September that Pamela and Donna were first scheduled to be taken to the boys at Dunden College. It came as no surprise to either of them, for they had been assured of such thing by Ravan on the day they had arrived at Avondale.
Besides, since they were the newest, inmates, the other girls had told them all about, it.
In the training of a young lady, many facets are utilized for her total rounding out. These experiences had not diminished or lessened since the first Avondale girls came to the ivy buildings, over a century ago. All of the things girls felt and did then were felt and done now. Some new ideas had been added. with time, but none of the old ones were eliminated. So much went into the training of a young lady into a sensual and remarkable female.
Like parts of an intricate machine, nothing could be left out and still expect it to run smoothly. So it was with the training of a girl.
It took punishment, pain, bondage, slavery, sub- mission, obedience, masochism, sadism, lesbian- ism, humiliation, degradation. All of these things were liberally mixed into the stew at Avondale.
And it took sexual submission to males as well.
Sex with boys had always been an integral part of Avondale's training, from the earliest days, for two reasons. It was not good that the girls should not bed with boys for the long term at the school.
While it was true that the girls at Avondale had found complete and total enthrallment with each other in a plethora of delicious lesbianism, most all of the girls would quickly turn to boys as well once leaving school The idea was not to turn a girl into a dedicated and strict lesbian, but to allow her to become that ultimate, unmatched, perfect female who would travel the road of ecstasy in life by virtue of bedding and loving and desiring both men and women equally. The unique creature who could sit on a bench and eye both a handsome male and a winsome female. So it was not the best for a girl to spend the best part of a year without boys, and forget them!
Secondly, the forced sexual submission to boys was intended to be, in the truest sense, a punishment. There were of course many forms of punishment besides physical pain and discomfort. There was the intense pain of degradation and humiliation as well, which a girl needed so badly to rid her of inhibitions, pride and self-respect until she finally realized that her purpose and design in life, being born female, was to provide pleasure, completely, in every way possible. Being subjected to boy-use was most valuable, especially if used by totally unknown boys. There she learned that she was not a person, or a girl, or a loved one. She was just a handy pussy. It did wonders to a girl's self- esteem to know that she could just as well have a pillowcase over her head. Only her pussy mattered.
Avondale girls seldom came back from Dunden College with any false pride remaining.
A century ago, the sex with boys was a significant punishment and training method. To be accurate, thousands of very young ladies lost their virginity at training schools, but it was expected and accepted as a necessary part of growing up fifty or a hundred years ago. Sex with boys, in fact, was a very sophisticated punishment in those days, for most of the trainees were but thirteen or fourteen at the time. Rape was used as the initial experience because of the emotional excitement of it, and the necessary humiliation involved therein. The moppets, still young enough to have little or no fur between their legs, were forced to play a game of even younger proportions, and were made to wear little-girl hair ribbons and dainty little dresses before being made to walk through the adjoining woods on a special day. Within the trees, groups of cooperative lads from a neighboring boys' school, loaned for the occasion by the discreet master of the school, awaited their prey. Appropriate and sincere squeals were emitted as clean little skirts and immature underclothes were torn away, and the youngsters found themselves plunged and lanced time and time again for the longest time.
Most found, in the woods, that a boy's tool would work well in the three places a girl had to offer.
Later in their training, the girls would be taken to London to a cooperative hotel, where for a weekend they were required to prostitute themselves for money. It was an era where moppet availability was still legal. The purpose was, of course, not for the money at all, but to teach the girls the ultimate degradation of selling themselves publicly. Indeed after such activity a girl would have no inhibitions
left, and no matter if such things never again happened, she would remember all her life that she had whored. It did make a woman out of a moppet!
In 1972, however, sex with boys had little value as a punishment. Rare was the girl who at seventeen was still a virgin, so the required submission produced little of the humiliation it once did. Rape games too were meaningless for today's modern girl for she would probably have her clothes off before the boy. Yet the experience was still valuable to the extent that the girls still were required to accept money for their bodies at the boys' college. If nothing else, prostitution did at least have some emotional impact even on the most experienced of modern girls, and thus, was worthwhile for training purposes. In addition, Ravan had added something new.
Pamela and Donna had been sent to the nurse's office in preparation for their coming weekend jaunt up to Dunden. On other weekends they had watched other girls go off in the car of their mistress, and were told all about it by the talkative adventurers the next day! They knew their turn would be soon, and got the tingly feeling again when thinking about actually selling themselves!
When they entered, Sabrina was at the filing cabinet, bent nicely to the lowest drawer.
"Seems kinda silly for you to wear that little skirt at all 'Brina," laughed Donna. "Pants show all the time anyway. Why don't you wear just pants and stockings and nothing else just like the rest of us. I wouldn't feel right wearing any more than that anymore!"
"Hi, kittens!" said Sabrina, turning around.
"Because I'm staff and you're slaves, if you must know. Slaves don't wear much, you know. Besides tomorrow you'll have to put blouses and skirts on for your trip to boyland. Can't afford to have anyone nicked on the way. And no rings, for sure.
Take 'em all out, and don't forget. The boys just wouldn't understand such things like we girls do.
Ready to fuck your heads off?"
"Sure, Sabrina," said Pamela. "But why did we get called in here? Not that I mind! You're scrumptious, y'know, even if you are an ancient twenty- seven. Gonna torture us again so soon? It was just last Monday that you made us howl By the way, thanks for doing us together, 'Brina. We sang a nice duet, didn't we? It's super to see each other hurt, 'n' after all, we are wife and wife. Do us again together?"
Sabrina laughed. "You two are incorrigible!
Sorry, no torture today. Just the required nurse's speech before being ladies-of-the-night tomorrow.
Some things you should know, and as your friendly neighborhood nurse, I'm elected to lay it on you, so plop your pretty little bottoms down in the chairs and I'll get to it… that is, if you can sit. I see the cat has been at your rumps again today. Cor, you both got laced, didn't you?"
"Yep, we got laced. Jan can be heavy-handed sometimes," said Donna.
"Being made to have sex with boys is supposed to be a punishment at Avondale," said Sabrina.
"In the old days a moppet lost her cherry here, but today's girls are something else again. You two probably haven't kept your legs crossed for years, so your romp with the boys will be just fun and games. Ravan is well aware of the sex bit not being what it used to be to degrade a girl, so she came up with something a few years back. Here's how the game is played. I have supplies of the pill here for you to take, and you're welcome to them. You will have three sessions with the boys about a month apart. Only three times, but all night, of course.
Now, here's the fun of it. You can also choose not to go on the pill! It's entirely up to you. It's what we call, taking it 'natural.' It's the chance t,hat makes the whole thing exciting for you! If you don't wan't to play roulette you can take the pill, and none of the other girls, or Jan, or Ravan will know, and I would not tell anyone or think any- thing less of you. I realize it's a serious decision and would not be forced upon you. It would be too great of a punishment. On the other hand, if you feel that being made to have sex with boys should be part of your punishment training, including the chance of pregnancy, then you can choose to fuck 'natural.' "
Pamela and Donna looked at each other. It was the old tingly feeling again!
"If you do choose to get laid natural and you get pregnant, here's what would happen. You would be released from Avondale at once, and put on probation to your mothers. After the birth of your child, arrangements have been discreetly made with a society in London to accept your child for adoption purposes. Thus you will not be saddled with a child at your age. On the other hand, you may also keep the child. It's up to you. After the birth of the child, whether you keep if, or not, you do not have to come back to Avondale to complete your sentence. You do, however, have to report back to me, or whatever nurse might be here, to be whipped once each month for two years in lieu of your early release. Now. want, the pill, or want it 'natural'? Come hack in an hour and tell me."
The discussion in their room was rather brief.
Pamela and Donna used most of the time for a good romp in bed together.
"Abby and Tricia left a note," said Donna.
"Want to know if we'd like to swap bedmates with them tonight. Abby with me, Trish with you. What say?"
"Sure!" said Pamela. "We haven't made it with others since Sunday. 'Sides, Trish has some tongue. Hey, we better get back to Sabrina, it's almost four."
The two skipped back to the nurse's room.
"We'll take it 'natural,' Sabrina! Puts a lot of excitement into it!"
"Thought you'd say that, kittens. Good slaves.
Makes me think a lot of you."
Jan drove them up to Dunden College late Satur- day afternoon where they met the boys in the game room. On the whole most of them were nice-looking lads, and mannerly towards their visitors. Despite the fact that t,he two girls were inmates of a
"reform" school and were there for the selling of their young bodies, there was no excuse for not being gentlemen at all times. The college boys were from fine families where the presentation of courtesy and good manners towards females was most expected.
Pamela and Donna were shown a bedroom, where they undressed and plopped on the bed to await their first "customer" of the evening. They were told that there would be twenty-four boys, all told. An even dozen apiece. Jan sat in a nearby chair to play the pimp she was for the night! The first pair of eager lads came in happily.
"Hi, boys!" said Jan. "Here they are, sweet seventeen and never been kissed! Not more than a million times, anyway! Here's the menu. Two pounds for fucking them in the cunt, and you can come in them of course; three pounds for a super blow-job; four pounds to ass-fuck. Take your choice! Let's see the quids first, though."
The first lads entered Donna and Pamela, and the bed began to bounce. The boys were eager, and it did not take long for the two to feel the warm emission pump into their pussies.
Pamela turned to Donna and laughed. "Here's to twins, baby! Cheers!"
"Cheers!" laughed Donna.
"What?" asked the boy,confused.
"Oh, nothing," said Pamela to the boy. "Let's hold hands while we're getting laid, Donna."
"I'm for that. Hey, Jan, do we get a chance to have a go at each other once or twice tonight?"
"You're here to work, slaves," said Jan soberly.
"Besides, it would be a messy lunch in there, I'm afraid!"
"We don't care," said Pamela, pouting. "Oh, well, you're the boss."
Mrs. Marienne McNee September 17, 1972
46 Queen's Road
W.3, London
Dear Mrs. McNee:
Just a note with some photos, since I wrote you at length last week. Thought you might enjoy these of Pamela's prostitution night with boys.
She did well, and didn't seem to tire at all.
The photos are close-ups because we don't wish to show the boys' faces. Obviously, as part of our discreet arrangement with the college. The first three are close ups of Pamela's pussy, mouth and ass showing boy-stuff running out. Just wanted you to know she took it in all three places, interchangeably. The last photo was fun! Two boys in Pamela at the same time, an inch apart! Did you know that girls can take two boys at once? Three really, if she used her mouth on another.
Pamela made thirty-seven pounds for me! She's a sweetheart, and I sure could use the money.
Anyway, your daughter is now a "legal" whore.
One more price to pay for her indiscretions in shoplifting.
Jan Nelson
P.S. Donna was with Pamela, too. They are rather inseparable since being married and it was nice that they could sell themselves together.
Bondage was beginning to become more rigorous, intentionally, for Pamela and Donna. Jan was following Ravan's guidebook to the letter. By this time a girl should begin to learn patience and tranquility in bondage and so Jan began what was called "solitary." The new phase did not consist of particularly harsh confinements. The first day,Pamela had been hung by her thumbs in the Pink Room for four hours. Alone. Two days later she was fastened to a cross for six hours. Alone. A week later she was simply tied by her wrists to a hook high over her head on the wall, and left for twenty-four hours. Alone.
It was not the discomfort of agonized limbs, of course. It was the loneliness, and of not being told when she wouId be released. A girl just didn't know, during the "solitary." It could be for an hour or it could be for a week. That was the purpose of it, naturally. A girl was left only with hope.
"Solitary" did wonders for a girl. Primarily, it taught her as nothing else could that a girl was simply born to be bound for whatever length of time was chosen by her mistress or master. If a girl continued on with self-imposed slavery after Avon- dale, to a chosen master or mistress, she should certainly be ready to be bound for incalculable periods of time. Most girls, of course, did go on to the pleasures of slavery.
The first hour or two was the hardest, for a girl was most conscious of her discomfort. Then, how- ever, a merciful tranquility set in, and a female could remain in her bondage seemingly forever.
Her thoughts turned away from her predicament to other things, and she became a silent hanging mannequin. She could even sleep, or doze in a state of self-imposed unawareness. The release, of course, was sensational It was Utopia! It was Valhalla! No matter how hateful earlier thoughts might have been towards the one who had put her in bondage, a girl would fall to her knees to kiss the hand or foot of her tormentor. Release brought love.
For Pamela, the hardest thing was being alone, without Donna. With her to share the ordeal, or even any other girl, it would have made it much easier. They could talk, and play sexy word games with each other, and stay there endlessly. But then it would not be "solitary" nor accomplish its purpose.
There was another thing, too, during "solitary," for which a plastic sheet had been placed under the girl Trips to the powder room just weren't avail- able. A girl had no choice but to perform her bodily functions right where she was. Of all the things a girl must bear, this was probably t,he hardest.
Even when totally alone. most girls tried to hold off as long as possible, hopefuI that her release might come at any minute. But in the end she knew that it must be done to end the discomfort. After the first time it was much easier to accept.
After the ''Solitary'' training came the "Silence." All that was necessary was a girl-gag of any type. The first day was six hours, the second day eight, and a week later, twenty-four hours of gagged silence as she went about her classes, walks, swimming and sleeping. The gag was only removed for eating, and if silence was broken, a second twenty-four hours was given. It was not all that difficult, and taught a girl silence and listening. It felt odd, of course, when Pamela and Donna made love in bed. It wasn't that t;hey were unable to speak the words of endearment to each other.
Those words were not necessary, for they could tell each other everything by their delightful eyes of love. If, was just that when one of them climaxed, the normal squeal came out a muffled gurgle.
It was on a Sunday afternoon in early fall, with windy rain squalls blowing in from the west, that Jan came for Pamela and Donna in their room. The two had been cutting more pictures of naked girls out of Playboy and other girlie magazines to tack up on their now nearly covered walls. One would have thought it was a men's prison cell, but then people just aren't used to erotic lesbian teenagers. several of the large centerfolds of luscious young women had lipsticked kisses on their pussies.
Jan attached leads to the pussy rings of both girls. Whipping time, they thought. Yet it was odd that two slaves didn't come for them as usual. The pattern had been broken.
Jan handed each other's lead to the other girl so that they.could lead each other out of the room.
Utterly nice! But mysterious!
In the whipping suite, Jan removed all of their rings, lay the cat, the whip, and the Angel's Kiss in a neat row on the floor, and left. She had not spoken one single word! Pamela and Donna looked at each other, confused.
"Mystery time," said Pamela. Donna put her arms around her loved one.
"No it isn't, darling. Can't you guess?"
"You mean;..?"
"I think she's trying to tell us to whip each other, Pam!"
"Oh, Donna. I've just drooled over someday being able to whip a girl, like Ginny or Heather or
Maryl, and I know you have too. Goodness, we've talked about it enough. But… each other! I… just don't know if I can."
"Darling, look," said Donna. "We know girls need to be whipped, right?"
"And you and I know we should be whipped a lot, right?"
"And we kinda like it, don't we?"
"Mm hmm."
"And we get kicks out of watching a girl gettin' flogged?"
"Makes our pants wet."
"And we're dying to stripe a chick ourselves?"
"You know it!"
"Well, taffy-apple, since we love each other so bloomin' much and know the whip is good for us, doesn't it make sense to lay it on each other? I mean, who's better qualified t,o make me yell than you, and vice versa? Besides, darling, I don't know of anyone I'd rather have whip me silly than you,'cause I know you love me and are doing it for my own good. I really think it's going to turn me on terribly."
"Oh, darling, you always say things so beautifully, and it always makes sense," said Pamela. "I hadn't thought of it that way… but it's still going to be hard for me to hurt you terribly."
"Well, baby, let's give it a go anyway, and see what happens. You whip me First. I'll get like a centerfold for you. and you string me up. Face me towards the window, hon. I like to watch the rain storms. Toes on the floor, or off"
"Let's try 'em off. I like to see a girl hang off the floor. Okay with you?"
"Fine with me if it's fine with you, love. Zip goes the panties… I'm all yours, girl. Do your best,… or I guess, worst!"
Donna hung beautifully, watching the rain splatter against the window. They had both tried to be flippant, but both knew it was an extraordinary moment for each of them'. It was the beginning of what could be for Pamela McNee and Donna Car- son. Pamela chose the whip.
The lash across her back made Donna jerk and she involuntarily licked her lip in hurt. Pamela stood spellbound looking at the long red streak she had just made on her lover's flesh. Donna sensed Pamela's emotion, and turned her head to look at her.
"Darling, do you love me?"
"You know I adore you, Donna."
"Then whip me. Hard. If you play namby-pamby with me you're not proving your love. Turn it on. If
I know you like I think I know you, you'll start gettin' turned on after a bit and then it'll be funtime for you."
Pamela never ceased to be amazed at the many ways Donna showed her love each day. One would think she was an experienced mature forty, rather than a cute seventeen.
Pamela brought the whip screaming across
Donna's back
"Owwwwww," howled Donna, "… that's better! Oww! Whooee!"
Pamela whipped her back ten times before turn- ing to the cat. There were little trickles of blood from some of the deeper cuts on Donna's back, but not enough for concern.
Pamela's wetness began at about the fifth smack of the cat across Donna's pretty bottom. The emo- tion of knowing that it was she who made Donna's cheeks bounce so terribly was strange, and very exciting. Pamela had dreamed of the time when she could whip a girl. Then when it turned out to be
Donna she had vacillated. Now, she was glad that her first time was with her adorable little wife!
Yet still when it was-time to whip Donna's breasts, she hesitated. She knew every inch of those lovely items, by hand and mouth. She loved them, and they belonged to her. How could she punish them with the cruel Angel's Kiss? Her first hit with the rubber whip hardly made Donna's breasts bounce. The second and third were placed high and low,
"Darling, you're supposed to whip a girl across her nipples. You're aiming to miss mine purposely," said Donna with a sigh. "If you're gonna whip a girl, do it right, else what's the sense? I shall whip your nipples terribly, so if you just want to play games with… owwww! Cor, girl, you got, 'em that time!"
It might have been Donna's words or it might have been her growing wetness which made her begin to lash Donna's breasts with a fervor. More than likely it was the age-old and unexplainable instinct of females. History had shown, over and over again, that even a girl who had never whipped another, and was forced to do so against her will, began to whip harder and harder and harder as a virginal passion began to rear itself. Later the girl might well shake her head in disbelief at how terribly hard she had lashed her victim in those mo- ments of uncontrollable frenzy!
Whatever the reason, Donna's breasts bounced wildly under the torrent of blows. Her head thrashed and her screams were like sirens in the night, as Pamela hit them with increasing force.
Donna fought back the tears.
"God, Pam. Jan never hit my tits that hard..It was beautiful. You hurt me a lot, but I love you all the more for it. I'm close to coming,"
"Spread your legs, cunt!" Donna squealed in ecstasy at being called that by her lover for the first time. Pamela had said it in the fun of the game of course, but it was exciting for both of them. A slave to a slave!
"Yes, mistress Pamela," replied Donna, going along with the erotic scenario. Both girls felt on the verge of exploding into bits, and by the time the first lash up between the legs was delivered by
Pamela, Donna was a veritable sea of wetness. The blow smacked liquid into the air. It was too much for Pamela to continue, and she threw the Angel's Kiss onto the floor and held Donna tightly, as they both moaned and writhed in joint orgasm.
They would do it again a short time later when Pamela hung gasping from Donna's whips.