Библиография произведений Николаса Фрилинга


Love in Amsterdam

Because of the Cats

Gun Before Butter



Criminal Conversation

The King of the Rainy Country

The Dresden Green

Strike Out Where Not Applicable

This Is the Castle


Over the High Side

A Long Silence

A Dressing of Diamond

What Are the Bugles Blowing For?

Lake Isle


The Night Lords

The Widow

Castang’s City

One Damn Thing after Another


The Back of the North Wind

No Part in Your Death

A City Solitary

Cold Iron

Lady Macbeth

Not as Far as Velma

Sand Castles

Those in Peril


The Beach Murder

Van der Valk and the Old Seaman

Van der Valk and the Four Mice

Van der Valk and the Young Man

Van der Valk and the High School Riot

Van der Valk and the Great Pot Problem

Van der Valk and the Wolfpack

Van der Valk and the False Caesar

Van der Valk and the Man from Nowhere

Van der Valk: The Train Watcher

Van der Valk and the Cavalier

Van der Valk and the Spanish Galleon

Van der Valk and the Two Pigeons
