Additional Campaign Information

The Constitution does not specify that only a human can run for the office of President. One must be born a U.S. citizen and be thirty-five years of age or older. I qualify. I am fourteen, which in cat years is older than thirty-five, having been born in Albemarle County, Virginia. I currently live in Nelson County, Virginia.

I need help in my campaign. I am not allowed by law or my publisher to solicit funds. Should you wish to help in any fashion, perhaps be my campaign chair in your state, go to:

My Facebook page is

If all goes well, I will be able to hire Spotted Dog Productions, a mix of canine and human skills, to make weekly videos for you to download on all manner of devices.

Thank you for considering me. Even if I do not become your candidate, please take citizenship seriously. Without your political participation, there will be change, but it probably won’t be the change that you would like to see.


Sneaky Pie Brown

Rita Mae Brown,

Human Campaign Manager

Tee Tucker,

Canine Campaign Manager
