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Copyright © 2017 by Stephen Kotkin
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Kotkin, Stephen.
Stalin / Stephen Kotkin. volumes cm
Includes bibliographical references and index. Contents: Volume I. Paradoxes of power, 1878–1928.
ISBN 9781594203794 (hardcover)
ISBN 9780143127864 (paperback)
Volume II. Waiting for Hitler, 1929–1941.
ISBN 9781594203800 (hardcover) / ISBN 9780735224483 (e-book)
1. Stalin, Joseph, 1879–1953. 2. Stalin, Joseph, 1879–1953—Psychology. 3. Heads of state—Soviet Union—Biography. 4. Dictators—Soviet Union—Biography. 5. Soviet Union—Politics and government—1917–1936. 6. Soviet Union—Politics and government—1936–1953. 7. Political culture—Soviet Union—History. 8. Soviet Union—History—1925–1953. I. Title.
DK268.S8K65 2014
947.084”2092—dc23 [B]
Maps by Jeffrey L. Ward
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