‘Neil,’ Skinner barked into the phone, ‘I want you to pick up your witness Spoons, the guy who knows a Land Rover when he sees one, and I want you to show him a picture of a Mitsubishi Pajero. Ask him if he can really tell the fucking difference. You’ll find that he can’t. While your guys are finding him, I want you to get hold of the two NYPD officers and have them come to Fettes. Finally, do you know where Merle Gower is? I’ve tried her cell phone, but it’s not responding.’
‘She’s at the consul’s residence. I dropped her there after the meeting in Bute House. Huggins and Donegan are in the Ellersley House Hotel; that’s not far away so they should. .’ McIlhenney paused. ‘Am I right in assuming that a very big balloon has just gone up?’
‘Nah, mate, that would be easy. I’d just shoot it down. This is more like the Martians dropping in for cocktails. I’ve just found out who really killed Mawhinney.’
‘You what?’
‘Yes. It was his wife.’
‘His what?’
‘DI Steele will explain. Between you, you know the whole story; apologies to Lou, but I’d like you back in my office to help tie all the ends of this together. Stevie, Maggie and Mario are here now. We only really need Steele, but the other two might as well stick around. The chief and I are having supper with the Pope and Jim Gainer this evening, but I’ll come back to Fettes afterwards.’ Skinner’s mind was racing; he applied the brakes. ‘Listen, forget the Americans. I’ll phone Huggins, and Merle; you get here to catch any information they bring back.’
He hung up. ‘Stevie,’ he snapped. ‘I want you to dig up Arthur Dorward, and get him, with his best team, back out to the Middlemass and Alsina house. They’ve to look for any forensic traces that confirm Mawhinney’s presence there. Likewise they should turn their car inside out if they have to.’ He turned to Rose. ‘Mags, do you want to do something useful, if wholly beneath your exalted rank?’
‘Of course.’
‘You know your way around this floor. I’d like you to find the guest list for the reception that the chief was hosting for Inspector Mawhinney, and see who was due to represent the Scottish Farmers Bank.’
Rose looked at Steele. ‘I don’t need to find it,’ she said. ‘Vernon Easterson told us. He and Proctor Fraser, the chief executive, were invited. But they both had prior engagements, so Aurelia Middlemass was nominated to represent them.’
‘And wouldn’t that have been a surprise for poor Colin?’
‘Remember the press coverage?’ McGuire murmured, drawing a frown from the DCC. ‘Colin told John Hunter that he’d be on Brian Mackie’s team for the Pope’s visit; that must have been reported.’
‘But was it?’
‘It’s a fair assumption.’
‘This is no time for them. Check it out. They must plan to be close tomorrow,’ Skinner exclaimed. ‘The woman could simply have developed tactical flu and missed the reception, but if they read that Mawhinney was going to be in the police team for the visit, in the heart of the action. . I reckon they decided that he had to be taken out.’ He looked back at McGuire. ‘Did Colin ever mention to you where his wife worked in the WTC?’
‘Yes, he did. She was with a firm with a funny name. Wait a minute. .’ He frowned and scratched his black, curly head, as if it would speed his thought process. ‘Garamond and Stretch,’ he announced at last, with a note of triumph.
The DCC picked up one of his telephones and punched through to the switchboard operator. ‘Sir!’ came the sharp reply.
‘I want you to get Lieutenant Eli Huggins of the NYPD,’ he said. ‘He’s stopping in the Ellersley House Hotel.’
He slammed the phone back into its cradle, then looked through his personal contact book until he located the number of the US consulate’s official residence. He dialled it on his direct line; it was answered, eventually, by a man. ‘Barton Taylforth. Can I help you?’
‘Bob Skinner here, at Fettes. I need to speak to Merle Gower.’
‘Maybe for security she should call you,’ the consulate’s principal officer replied.
‘I don’t have time to burn. Put her on.’
‘Bob?’ Special Agent Gower came on the line within seconds. ‘Has something happened?’
‘Yes, it surely has. I’ve got another identity for Aurelia Middlemass. Before she went to Dubai and became Polly Price, she was Mrs Margery Mawhinney, the wife of the New York cop we pulled out of the docks on Monday morning. She was an employee of a company called Garamond and Stretch, in the World Trade Center, and she was killed on September Eleven. . only she wasn’t.’
‘I’ll patch that through to the CIA. It may help them.’ The other phone rang as she spoke; he motioned to Steele to pick it up. ‘I’ll get back to you,’ she said.
Skinner laid down one phone and took the other. ‘Lieutenant Huggins?’
‘I’ve got some news for you. I reckon your people Salvona and Falcone were in Florida after all. Someone else killed Mawhinney. Eli, how well did you know the man?’
‘I didn’t, sir. The inspector was promoted out of the IAB well before I was posted there. Inspector Donegan and he were close, though.’
‘Is he there?’
‘He’s in the next room.’
‘Get him.’
‘Sir, you won’t discuss Salvona with him, will you?’
‘That’s irrelevant. Get him.’
He waited, fretting, until Nolan Donegan came on line. ‘Inspector,’ he said, with no preamble, although he had never met the second American, ‘did you know Colin Mawhinney socially, as well as professionally?’
‘Yes, sir; for years.’
‘Okay. Don’t ask questions, just answer them. What can you tell me about his wife?’
He heard Donegan take in a breath. ‘Margery? She was the best thing that ever happened to him. I was there when they met.’
‘When was that?’
‘Colin and I were in a bar on Wall Street one night, out of uniform, when she came in, with a guy. They came up and sat on the stools next to us; she asked Colin for a light and they got talking. It was just simple conversation. I remember he asked what she did, and she told him that she’d just joined Garamond and Stretch, and that her name was Margery Walls; I remember she made a joke of it. “Like two streets,” she said. Colin said hello to the guy and asked if was a colleague, and he leaned over and said, “No, now why don’t you fuck off?” The friendly sort.’
‘Can you remember his accent?’
‘Definitely not American or British, and not Hispanic-American either.’
‘Did she call him by name at any point?’
‘Yeah, she did. I remember that. When he said what he did, she turned to him and said, “Franco, that’s not necessary.” Then he grabbed her, roughly, by the arm and tried to turn her towards him. She tried to push him off, but he held on to her until Colin showed him his badge, and told him quietly but firmly. . that was his style. . that it would be best if he took his own advice. The guy looked at Margery and said, “Ah, fuck you, then,” and turned and left.’
‘Did you ever see him again?’
‘Can you describe him?’
‘Dark hair, glasses, heavy set, little moustache, maybe late thirties; that’s it.’
‘So what happened with Colin and Margery after that?’
‘She stayed, he saw her home, and that was that. Three months later they flew to Vegas and got married, and a little over six months after that, she was killed.’
‘She wasn’t,’ said Skinner, quietly.
‘Excuse me?’
‘Margery Walls walked out of the WTC before the second plane hit. She went to Dubai, with a Zimbabwean passport that identified her as Polly Price. From there, she moved to Edinburgh using the name Aurelia Middlemass, which she’d acquired from a South African woman who was killed when her American diplomat boyfriend’s jeep was blown up.’
‘This cannot be true.’
‘Get over here, Inspector. Have Huggins bring you to my office and ask for Neil McIlhenney. He and his colleague DI Steele will ask you to look at a couple of photographs. Then you’ll see whether it’s true or not.’
He hung up and redialled the consular residence. This time Special Agent Gower answered. ‘Merle, I have a name for you. Franco. That’s all, just Franco; but if he isn’t one and the same guy as Hasid Bourgiba, and Anwar Baradi, and Jose-Maria Alsina, then it’s time for me to make my wife a happy woman by taking early retirement.’