Her shoulders moved up and down as her stiff-tipped tits rubbed against the slick glass. The young teen shoved her fingers into her clenched fuck-hole while she flailed her clit with her thumbs. Ohhh, she was fucking herself this way, thinking of Terri and that man and how he had roped and beaten and fucked her!
That thought once more made her pinch her clit hard, feeling the electricity spark out and shoot down into her pussy. The muscles convulsed, grabbing hold of her fucking fingers. Kathy let out a sigh, sawing her cunt while she twisted her swollen clit between her thumb and forefinger. It was heaven, doing this to herself while still thinking of Ted and the way she looked stretched out on that bed. Kathy whimpered, sticking her fingers in deeper and deeper, losing her mind as she gasped, sobbed and groaned in the throes of her lust.
The man drawing near to her in the shadows went unseen by the young teen as she breathed hard, plunging her fingers in hard and giving her clit a final jerk. As the climax exploded in her belly, she sighed loudly, leaning her forehead against the cold glass. Her ass-cheeks danced while the small, firm cheeks slapped together. She was still on her toes, wrenching her hips while more hot juice boiled over her thickly curled cunt-mound and oozed down her thighs. She half-laughed, half-sobbed as the last of her passion exploded, making her flex her thighs against the rim of the sink.
Kathy stopped for a moment, thinking she had finished with herself. And then an image crossed her mind. It was Terri again. Terri roped and beaten, thrashing helplessly around like a speared fish while that man whipped her into whimpering submission. And then he had fucked her in the mouth, forcing her to suck his thing, and then drink it all down as he pumped his jizz into her.
That image of rape set the young girl going once more. Her hands grabbed her large tits, squeezing them hard while her belly heaved. Her ass-cheeks clenched and unclenched while the balls of her feet danced over the floor. She cried out a second time, nearly collapsing to the floor as a second climax washed over her.
"So, you're still hot after watchin' us? Or, maybe that's what's turnin' you on."
Kathy screamed, wheeling around while covering her tits and cunt. She stepped back, slapping her ass-cheeks against the sink as she tried to avoid the big man's reach. It was him, the one who had been beating and then fucking Terri! He was standing there, big as life, his broad frame seeming to fill the room. He had a white cotton T-shirt stretched taut over his broad chest. His fingers clenched and unclenched as he rocked back and forth on his feet.
"I followed you back here before I went back to take care of Ted. You got an eyeful. Gotta make sure you don't start spreadin' shit around." He took another step toward her.
"If you touch me, I'll… I'll scream," Kathy threatened. Surely someone would hear her if she shouted loudly enough.
His face darkened, his lips tightening while a kind of perverse light glimmered in his eyes. The odd excitement transmitted itself to Kathy who still stood there, covering herself as best she could while staring wide-eyed at the big man. It was like a nightmare come true, unfolding itself right in front of her.
"Try it… just try to open that yap of yours and I'll shut it for good!" he threatened, raising one hand in the air threateningly.
It was a sharp, hoarse, hissing voice that greeted her now. And when Kathy opened her mouth, about to defy him and cry for help, the hand came down, slapping her hard across the cheek. The teen screamed, her head snapping to one side. She stretched out her hands desperately for balance, her knees buckling. With a groan, Kathy sank to the floor, covering her face while drawing her legs back and kicking at the big man trying to grab her.
"No, no, get away, away…"
She was kicking at him, grabbing at the plumbing beneath the sink for support. He lowered his head, wrapping his fingers around her ankles and pulling her out with a sharp jerk. Kathy tried fending him off. But he was on top of her, his fists pummeling her face, her tits, her belly.
"You're not gonna get away from Matt Hathaway… no way that's gonna happen."
When he tried to pick her up, Kathy screamed again, one leg kicking over a tall green metal trash container. Cursing, he backhanded her twice, his knuckles bruising her cheeks and chin, the force of those blows temporarily stunning the teen into silence.
Grabbing her nightie from the floor, Matt slipped one hand under the teen and scooped her from the tiles, carrying her from the bathroom area outside. Kathy's head lolled from side to side, the girl catching half-glimpses of the silhouetted pine trees nearby and the full moon silvering the deserted countryside.
"No… oh, I'll scream, I'll…"
He gagged her with a filthy handkerchief, shoving it deep in her mouth, then wrapping a piece of tape around her head, fixing it firmly.
Matt pressed her against the car now, her ass flat against the cold steel. She could feel the door handle working against her ass-cheeks as the big stud reached around and opened his side of the car.
"You're not gonna fuck around and mess things up for me and the others," he panted, hefting her into the passenger side of the car, his fingers slipping once down between her thighs and pressing against her cunt-mound.
At that point Kathy felt an electric charge seeping from her clit and making the rest of her pussy muscles spasm. She felt her ass sinking deeply into the seat as she raised her hands to pull from the steering wheel, grabbing her by the wrists and jerking her forward violently until her forehead slammed against the dashboard.
"Nothing here, baby. No yappin' from you, nothin'," he grunted.
The tape came out again. Kathy cringed as she heard the loud tearing sound and felt the adhesive press against her wrists behind her back. He was binding her completely, wrapping the tape around her wrists, then binding her ankles together with the sticky stuff.
Soon the girl lay against the door, blinking the tears from her eyes, watching the countryside pass by as Matt started the car and rolled quietly away from the camp site. The girl twisted in her bonds, feeling terribly naked and ashamed sitting nude next to this man. He had seen her twisting around like a little whore right there in the bathroom, rubbing her cunt with her fingers, fucking herself and coming so very, very hard. And he had stood nearly behind her, watching, laughing, then finally revealing himself to her.
She saw the pine trees ahead, popping up under the crossed beams of the headlights then disappearing just as quickly. From the direction he was heading in, Kathy guessed they were going back to the cabins where she and Marie had initially set off. Images of the camp counselor flashed in her mind – the woman bound, beaten, fucked!
Matt guided the car off the narrow two-lane road onto a twisting dirt one, slowing rapidly and shifting the car into second. The jouncing of the automobile was starting to excite Kathy. All the teen sensed was the subtle rubbing of her cunt-lips against one another, her clit starting to spring up from the surrounding pulsing flesh. Kathy chewed down on the gagging rag, tasting her own sour spit as they rambled down the path. In the distance she could see those very cabins she had spied on earlier. A chill rushed through her veins, her hairs standing up on end.
"Inside. We're gonna make sure you don't go around and blab what's happenin' here."
Matt tore open the door, grabbing her by the hair and jerking her from the car. Kathy screamed through her gag, feeling herself losing balance and tumbling from the seat onto the ground. She scraped her knees painfully against the door, pitching head-long into the darkness. Again she screamed through the gag, feeling herself twisting, her wrists and ankles struggling against the binding tape keeping them together.
She felt the sharp shock of her head and arm slamming against the pound, her legs shooting up over her head from the force of the sudden stop. The young blonde teen rolled awkwardly head over heels several times before coming to a stop several feet from the car. Matt was up behind her in an instant, pressing one foot against her cheek, pushing her face into the dirt. Kathy gasped, her nose flattening against the soft pound. Field grass made her nostrils tickle.
Now her arms and legs ached as bruises began to break out on her body. And now she felt the killing pressure against the side of her face. He was wiping his filthy shoes against her skin, laughing at her as she lay there helpless, her wrists and ankles bound cruelly by the sticking tape.
"Now you'll see what the fuck's been happenin' here! You were so fuckin' curious before. Now you'll find out first-hand, baby."
Kathy could have, died from the humiliation coursing through her veins. He was kicking her, wiping his feet over her naked ass-cheeks, then moving back to her face where he dropped one heel heavily against the back of her skull. She bit down hard on the spit-soaked gag as he back kicked her with his boot heel.
Just when she thought he might knock her senseless, she felt him pulling the tape from her ankles. The adhesive ripped at her skin, making her yowl through the gag. But at least, thank God, the bond was off. She moved her legs apart, feeling her knees sinking into the cool grass under her naked body. Just then Matt stepped between her spread thighs, driving his boot up into her cunt-crack.
Kathy cried out, snapping forward and wiggling over the pound like a snake. She felt the cold leather pressing against her cunt-lips, then forcing its way into her fuck-hole until she squawked again. The shocking sensation sent vibrations blasting through her young body, making the teen continue to crawl through the grass in hopes of escaping Matt.
"You're not goin' anywhere."
Again and again Matt followed her, driving the toe of his boat up into her wet trembling crack, rubbing the cracked leather up into her pussy and up against her clit. It was getting so difficult for the girl to fight against him. Sweat broke out on her forehead and trickled out from under her arms as she struggled forward, her tits flattening out between her wriggling body and the ground.
She gasped through the gag, her head swimming from the lack of oxygen. She wanted to rest, to find some place where she could regain her breath. But each time Kathy stopped moving, Matt drove his boot up into her cunt-crack, shoving the leather tip in so hard she had to squirm forward. When she found herself scraping over a tree root Kathy stopped, half hysterical, chomping on the gag and refusing to go any farther.
"Tired, eh? I'll give you somethin' to be tired about!" Matt threatened.
He was calling out to someone in the cabin. In a moment Kathy heard a door open and footsteps approaching her. In a moment she smelled a foul breath and turned. A man with a gaunt face and two blazing eyes was peering down at her, his smile revealing a crooked row of yellowed teeth, stained by tobacco. He had to be one of the foulest men she had ever seen in her life. And he was there, staring at her naked body, thinking God only knows what! She could have died of shame!
"Got a lively one there, Matt. Little younger than the counselors from the camp. But bet she can perform like a firecracker when you get 'er goin'," he said with a heavy Texas drawl.
"Gonna find out, Sid."
Kathy felt the tape tearing from her wrists. At first she felt a wash of relief. She was free, free for the first time in an hour! Then the thought occurred to her that they had released her only so they could enjoy her more fully. The man called Sid picked her up by the shoulders and jerked her to her feet, showing surprising strength for a man who looked lanky to the point of emaciation.
"Bet you're gonna be a mighty fine fuck." The handkerchief had compressed enough in her mouth for Kathy to grunt out some words. She shrank away from the lanky man, watching warily as Matt stood spread-legged in front of her. It was a terrible, menacing situation. Slowly she covered her tits and cunt with her arms and hands, hoping against hope someone would find them and stop the madness before it started.
Then she saw Matt pull a long knife from a brown leather holder fastened to his belt, and her heart sank. All sorts of terrifying thoughts shot through the teen's mind as she backed away from the men, shaking her head slowly from side to side and finding her heart beating against her ribcage. Reaching up, she tore the tape from her mouth, spitting out the foul-tasting gag and looking wildly about for some escape path. There was none. Matt had planned carefully for this.
"She's real nice… nice ass, nice-lookin' cunt too. Bet lots of guys've had their cocks in there, baby. Nice pussy," Matt said, licking his dry lips while his own words were exciting him more and more. She could see the front of his torn Levi's tenting up with his stiffening cock.
Sid moved first like a striking cobra, clamping one hand over her mouth while motioning with the other to Matt. The two men laughed at her terror, dragging her, kicking, biting and screaming from the road into a nearby ditch.
"You'll get used to it out here. When you've proven yourself, slut, we'll take you indoors," Matt growled.
Kathy's ankles snagged on the brambles, the branches tearing at her flesh. She screamed again, shouting at them not to hurt her, shrieking that her mother would pay them anything if they left her alone. But they didn't bother to listen. Then had a warm, lush prize, and weren't going to share her with anyone or anything. Sid pinched her flesh cruelly, dragging her into the brush. The prickly dead bushes whipped her face and snapped her hair, tearing the strands from her scalp. She kept her eyes shut, hoping the men would tire of this game once they realized they were all falling around in the tall weeds.
But Matt and Sid were determined. The younger man helped Sid pulling the resisting Kathy through the brambles, ignoring her shrieks of pain as her body ripped through the hard stinging branches. When they got her into a clearing, the men dropped her, Matt kicking her hard in the belly to ensure she wouldn't think of getting up and making a break for it. Kathy doubled up with the force of that blow, his boot bruising her organs and knocking the wind from her. Then, before she could recover, someone stuffed that awful handkerchief back into her mouth. She screamed at them both, jerking her knees back and flailing her feet at the men, trying to knock them away.
"Look how she is, man. She's just beggin' to have somethin' good and hard in her ass and in her cunt," Sid said, reaching down and pinching her nipple hard.
Kathy screamed, arching her back and pushed her head against the ground. He was defiling her, putting his filthy hands on her body and touching her in places only her future husband or lover should. Her face flushed with rage and disgust while the men continued to paw her naked body. They both squatted, holding her down by the knees and shoulders.
Kathy groaned, her eyes big, unblinking, while pulses erupted in her throat, tits and thighs. Sid was working his fingers over her thighs now, smoothing the silken white flesh with the backs of his fingers, then brushing his knuckles up against her pussy-hairs. Kathy fought the feeling starting to tighten in her cunt muscle. Her clit was growing itchy again, a throbbing pulse beginning deep in her pussy and spreading slowly up to her cunt-mouth.
Her body was betraying her, and the girl cried for that. Looking up, she saw Sid had a knife as well. He reached over again and fondled her tit, hefting it, then squeezing the tit until Kathy let out a cry. It was when he started massaging the stiff tip with the tip of his knife blade that the girl struggled back, fearing she would lose control of her bladder and her sphincters.
Strangely enough, thrills of sensation passed from the areolas along her nerve endings and into her cunt. She felt herself begin to boil down there. What was happening to her? God in heaven, was she turning into some kind of pervert, some kind of animal just as they were? The thought flashed into her mind and terrified Kathy nearly as much as Matt's and Sid's knives did. She pushed the idea back, unable to cope with it yet as she struggled against the men and fought for her life!