Kathy shrieked, feeling her ass almost tearing in two. He had wrapped his hands around her body, reaching up and pulling at her torn nipples while bunching his thighs up against her ass-cheeks. Still holding the crop, Matt pulled back, then pushed all the way in. The scraping of the tiny whip on her hips was adding to the pain, especially when the big stud dug his fingernails into her cuts.
The pressure against her as shale cased for an instant. Kathy let out a sigh, relaxing the tightness of her sphincters. She pushed outward, as if she were taking a shit. But Matt was waiting for that, gripping her harder, then shoving in with a loud grunt.
Kathy threw her head back, feeling that massive prick push into her like a huge, hard lump of shit. Before the girl could even think about loosening the grip of her shitter, half of his cock-head was already pushed into her bowels. Kathy could feel her cunt spasming, almost crying out to have something shoved into it. It was so wild feeling something that big and hard and hot pushing into her asshole, spreading her ass-cheeks apart.
It was way bigger than the nozzle that Matt had pushed into her ass earlier! There was the added heat too, the warmth of another body pushing into hers that sent her cunt off into more spasms. Kathy could feel the chilly ripples soaring through her body, making her flesh crawl while another layer of perspiration glistened over her body. Kathy squirmed, moving her ass back toward the hot, hairy sensation of his belly.
Kathy groaned, closing her eyes, moving her ass around as sensuously as she could. The slow penetration of his hard prick in her ass hurt her terribly. If she could show him how well her cunt could wrap around his cock, maybe he would give her his cock right away.
He pushed in another inch, making her body jump up and down against the bonds. Kathy felt the agony of his fuck spreading higher and higher in her ass, radiating out to her belly and toes. The flaring head seemed to go on forever. Kathy wept, the salty tears burning her whipslashed cheeks. She couldn't even put her toes on the floor. The slowness of his fucking prick kept her feet too far from the floor. And now his hands were lifting her even more, at least taking off some of the pulling weight from her shoulders a bit.
Kathy started from the sudden suck of pain. He was pinching both her nipples now, twisting them, pinching the torn flesh cruelly. Kathy thought the tips of her tits were being ripped from the surrounding flesh. She shouted and screamed, shaking her head from side to side like a crazy woman. No. No. This couldn't be happening to her! It just couldn't!
Kathy felt the sudden easing of pressure in her ass. His cock-head had finally popped past the rubbery, tight ring at the mouth of her shitter. The girl straightened her legs, feeling some of the cramping slacken. Then suddenly her arms and legs spasmed, her head snapping from side to side while a low-pitched howl escaped from her mouth. Matt was pulling his cock back out, bracing his knees against the backs of her legs for support.
"No, no, don't… oh God, it's killing me!" Kathy shouted.
Her voice shrilled again, her throat hurting her while her body bounced obscenely against his. The reversed tugging was almost like having a vacuum attached to her bowels. Kathy bit down hard on her lower lip. She couldn't even cry now, not with the constant, insistent movements of that bar of cock-meat in her ass. She shoved her ass-cheeks against the big man, looking for some relief from the lewd sucking that was going on in her chute.
Matt paused, slapping her, pawing her tits again, then shifting his hips from side to side. Just his cock-head remained in her shitter. Kathy squawked, her eyes bulging as she felt the stirring movement inside her asshole. He was teasing her, sliding his hands down, down over her thighs and over until they were barely touching her clit. Kathy growled, wanting him to fuck her, shove those fingers into her hole and make her feel loved! Matt just paused for a moment, then began twisting his fingers into her pussy. The girl groaned, feeling the ache between her shivering legs become worse and more urgent. Her clit beat savagely while her cunt muscles squeezed shut on the slowly invading digits.
Matt shoved back in. Kathy squeaked, her cunt going into tremors of need. The folding, slippery ring of her pussy clamped down hard on his fingers. Kathy felt almost torn in two, wrestling her tits against one hand while feeling the other playing with her cunt. The round, firm mounds of her ass-cheeks flexed as more of that cock drove into her ass. He was still pushing his cock in, threatening to split her ass in half. The sliding of that cock as it chugged deeper in her guts sent shivery thrills through her bowels. Kathy felt her guts filling with the big man's cock.
Matt stopped again, twisting his fingers around in her cunt, scraping the nails over her pussy-walls until Kathy was crying for relief. She couldn't believe just how hot her pussy was getting! The juice frothed from her cunt, wetting down his probing fingers while the muscles clinched down against his hand again and again. She thought the move would disjoint his fingers as they slipped deeper and deeper into her cunt.
The relentless pressure in her asshole eased for a second. Kathy felt his belly resting against her ass-cheeks. Surely that had to be all. He had to be all the way in now. She let out a long sigh. Then Matt started to pullout once more. Kathy thought he had yanked a foot of cock-meat from her asshole. The nerves in her shitter were protesting all the way.
Then he began going forward again, making the girl push back. Kathy found herself arching her spine, loving the strange fullness inside her bowels. It was starting to excite her. It wasn't at all like the heat that rose more and more in her cunt, although it seemed to be connected somehow. It was a sensation all its own, adding to the urgent achey beat of her clit as Matt's fingers slipped around her pussy once more.
Kathy closed her eyes, feeling the cock slide deeper. The girl inhaled with a shudder, her moans coming from deep in her chest. His cockhead went up and up, filling her. The incredible distension of her bowels made her belly seem full, as if she had just stuffed herself. Kathy thought her belly would swell to the bursting point. The heat from the nerves in her asshole bounced off the stuffed feeling and doubled back, shooting streamers of need through her brain. In spite of the agony, the girl wanted more cock in her ass. She wished Matt were somehow bigger, thicker, longer so that he could tear her to pieces with that thing.
He was going back in her again, her insides caving in. The tempo of his tearing cock was increasing more and more, the heavy friction making the girl think someone had set her shitter on fire. Kathy didn't care how much it hurt her now. She just wanted that spinning ball of golden heat in her guts to explode.
"Yeah, baby, yeah, that's it, that's the way, honey! Keep that ass good and tight for ol' Matt here!" he said, biting her earlobe.
He was slobbering all over her, caressing her belly, her cunt, her tits while fucking his cock down deep into her clutching asshole. He was panting heavily against the nape of her neck, shoving back and forth until Kathy thought the tissues in her asshole would catch fire. The hot friction in her ass was like alcohol in an opened wound. As the ramming length and speed of his strokes grew, she felt the slippery slide of her cunt-lips milking more juice from her pussy.
Heat sliced into her clit, making that wonderful cock tearing her asshole apart all that much more important.
Kathy grunted, feeling the sweep of her golden hair against her face as she tried to keep up with his strokes. All the pain in her body focused on her asshole. The stretched, tearing ring seemed to draw the sting from her cuts and gather it around the cock in her ass. Kathy let out another growling moan, her mind going blank. She knew she was being fucked, fucked hard and fast. But the way her cunt reacted, she didn't care what happened in her ass by now. All that mattered was her climax.
And that rigid bar of cock-meat in her ass was pushing her closer toward it. Kathy felt it slamming all the way in now, pushing aside her organs, making her body twist and jerk on the ropes. Matt was going for the gold now, his prick almost sucking her guts out, then slamming back in. With another grunt, the big man shoved his cock deep into her ass and held it there. Kathy could feel the lining tearing. It was when she felt the jets of hot jizz spatter against her shitter lining that the girl almost lost her mind completely.
Kathy frothed at the mouth like a mad dog, her body jerking and jumping while her cunt snapped shut on his probing fingers. He was coming, sending out streamers of his cum spattering into her bowels. Kathy felt her pussy now milking his fingers desperately, her clit beating out a wonderful rhythm of relief while that awful, itchy pressure that had been driving her mad was finally easing. Her tits mashed under one hand while her head throbbed from the force of her violent cum.
Matt was going wild behind her as well, nearly sliding from the overturned box. He hugged her wildly as if his life depended on it, the lightning-like streams of spunk burning like acid into the girl's ass. The girl thought she would sure pass out from the awesome power of her orgasm as she swung back and forth on the ropes, pulling her arms so hard the ropes cut once more into her wrists.
And when the big man had finished and was pulling his cock from her shitter, the girl protested, squeezing her ass muscles together. The cock pawed for a second, then shot back in for one last fucking move. Kathy shrieked, feeling her cum peak like a doting thunderbolt. Her head snapped back, the cords sticking from her neck while a strangled cry escaped from her lips.
Her eyes started from her head, staring at nothing while they rolled from side to side. Matt flailed his fingers at her clit, drawing all the sensation he could from the tiny organ while slowly pulling his prick from her ass.
Kathy wanted it in there, shoved all the way into her asshole. Yes, yes, she wanted him in her ass forever! The thought of having something that big and hot pushed into her asshole for a long time set her off again. She wanted to climax again and again with Matt's cock shoved up her ass. Impatient, the big man began sliding out. The move disrupted her second climax. She fought to keep that thing in her asshole. But the big man was determined to pull out.
"No, no, want cock… want more cock," she mouthed, sobbing and shrieking.
The wide flare of the cock-head slipped out. Kathy ground her teeth, cursing the big stud. Her asshole fluttered wetly.
"Yeah, go for it, bitch, go for it!"
Kathy couldn't stop her own body from twisting and writhing under the big man's pawing hands. Slowly her arms straightened, her knotted muscles relaxing under the pulling weight of her body. Her toes brushed the floor, but she didn't try to rest on them. Her whole body sagged, stretched by gravity into a tall, vertical line that was webbed with whip marks. She had never felt so deserted in her whole life. A bubble of air escaped from her cunt while the man's oozy cum trickled from her stretched asshole. Kathy closed her eyes, drinking in the sensation and still wishing Matt had been more patient with her and let her have her climax with his prick in her shitter.
"Man, you'd wear out a Goddamned football team!" he grunted.
"God, oh God!"
Kathy winced, feeling the cuts more acutely now that the excitement of the fucking had ebbed. Matt had climbed down from the box and biked up his trousers, wiping the sweat from his forehead. It was then she heard a soft rapping at the door. It was Sid, holding a ragged, limp Marie with one hand.
"She put up a fight," he explained, dropping the girl like a rag onto the floor. "I had to work her over."
"And fuck her brains out at the same time, right?"
Sid shagged sheepishly, kicking the young brunette tentatively with one boot. The girl shivered, drawing her knees up quickly while letting out a groan of tenor. Kathy's heart went out for Marie. What on earth had she been doing snooping about outside?
"You didn't leave too much on her. Strip the bitch naked and string 'er up… opposite little Miss Cunt over there," Matt said, nodding his head in Kathy's direction. Sid took notice of the girl for the first time and grinned, spotting the whip marks on her flesh.
"Looks like you've been plenty busy with the hot pussy over there."
"Hot asshole," Matt corrected, smiling at Sid's guffaw.
Kathy reddened at their laughter, watching as they dragged the faintly protesting Marie in from the doorway by the arms, Sid removing what was left of her ragged shorts and halter while Matt lowered the ropes of a second pulley assembly from the ceiling.
"This place didn't have anybody interested in it. Even that prissy little camp you belong to didn't want it. So, being a member of the Chamber of Commerce around here gave me access to gettin' a good price on the land," Matt began explaining, unhooking the chains from the overhead ropes while Sid propped the moaning Marie up against his arm. "Nobody came out here after I bought it. And, I thought I'd turn it into a kinda playroom. Didn't take long to find people to play with."
He winked, finally untangling the ropes and chains, moving to a cabinet and pulling out several lengths of ropes and odd-looking clamps from the drawer. Kathy watched as they laid Marie on her belly, binding her wrists together, then her ankles, then bending her legs back until her toes were nearly touching her fingers.
The young brunette began to awaken from her stupor at that stretching sensation, squirming uncomfortably on the floor. Sid rose, putting one booted foot against her neck and keeping her quiet while Matt slipped a length of line around her wrists and ankles, bending the girl's body back.
"Now, we'll make sure she doesn't move around too much… not like this one. Shit, I don't think I could take two hot numbers like that little snit over there! She's too much for a gang, man!" Matt said.
Kathy reddened again under Sid's knowing leer. Lowering her eyes once more, she concentrated on what they were doing to her best friend. Matt had lowered the ropes overhead a little more, sliding a clamping eyehook around the rope that bound her wrists to her ankles. At a nod, Sid began raising the rope-and-chain assembly once more. The tension increased, first drawing Marie's arms and legs together more tightly, then finally lifting her body from the floor. She moaned, then screamed, her arching spine concaving unnaturally and sending streamers of pain crashing into her brain. The teen thrashed as best she could, then sagged limply against her bonds, her hair curtaining her flushed cheeks.
"Oh, owwwww!"
Her big tits sagged down from her chest, her thigh muscles growing rigid and rock-hard while her chest heaved. It was impossible for her to have any comfortable position while roped like that. Her body swayed painfully from side to side with any move she made as Sid pulled her higher and higher. When the filthy man had finally fixed everything, Kathy saw that her friend was dangling at least four feet from the floor, every muscle in her body knotted and cramped, her face a minor of pain shooting through her bound body.
"Ohhhh, Kathy, what are they doing to us?" the girl cried.
"You know, since we got both of 'em here, I think it's only right they should have a little fun together – you know playing with pals and that shit?" Matt said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
"Yeah, nice playmates. Okay, man, let's do it to 'em."
While Sid was pulling out the horrid generator again, checking all the wires, Matt walked around the trembling, hanging teen, checking the stripes now starting to glow against her tight, white flesh. He enjoyed watching her this way, hanging helplessly, her wrists still bleeding and twisting against the overhead ropes.
"I'll have something more interesting for you to play with," he said, moving back to the cabinet, then pulling out a large silver dildo, similar to the one that had impaled Kathy earlier on the stool. This one had tiny protrusions all over the sides. "It's something new, like a machine. When you're hooked up – and you'll be that, I promise you – these little things start moving in and out while the surface of this mother gets hot with juice. It's a trip, from what the guy at the Pleasure Chest told me. Guess we'll find out, right?"
With that, Marie began twisting the thing into Kathy's wet, snug cunt. Kathy's face slackened, a throb of delight shooting through her pussy. The sensation of having something pushing into that sucking hot hole now set the young teen off again. Against her will, she felt her cunt heating, up, the muscles tightening around the invading steel dildo. She could feel the scratching of those arms Matt had been talking about. She could well imagine what it would be like when he had hooked her up to the generator.
Oh God in heaven, it was going to start all over again! And this time, Marie would be a prime witness to her disgrace!