"Oh my God! Oh my God!"

Kathy clasped her hands over her mouth, rushing from the center outdoor court as if she were violently ill. Marie followed, looking back and wondering what on earth had set her off.

"No, no, it can't be!"

She had seen him – Matt, standing there dressed in proper sports shirt and slacks addressing some of the camp counselors on what a good job they were doing in his community. His community! That savage, that animal who had fucked her, had beaten her ass raw, had made her suck his cock while getting fucked from behind was lapping up all the applause from these men and women who had no idea what he was.

"Kathy, stop! What's wrong?"

"Oh, oh, ohhhhh!"

She stumbled forward, crashing onto her hands and knees, her tits jiggling in her tight fitting blue halter while her legs scraped over several rocks. She tried crawling away from her friend, shivering at the thought that Matt was so close and behaving like a perfect gentleman when she knew the truth.

"What's going on?"

"That man… he's the one I saw in the cabin with Terri and… and…"

Kathy couldn't finish. She hadn't breathed a word of what the men had done to her anyone. And now, as it bubbled to her lips, the teen felt sick all over. The thought that he could be there, could make her act this way, made Kathy shudder. But she couldn't tell even her very best friend in the world what they had done to her. It was still too vivid, too shameful, and her voluntary part in the whole mess still bothered her.

"Oh my God! We should tell the others," Marie gasped, turning around and peering over her shoulder.

"No, no! I mean, we could get in trouble," Kathy coaxed, looking through the thick woods. If Matt had come lunging for her now, she wouldn't have been surprised.

"Well, we should do something, I guess," Marie said, thoughtfully biting her lower lip. "Let's go back there tonight and find out what's happening. Maybe we can even take some pictures. That'd fix them!"

"No! Wait. Lemme think of something better… something that'll keep us out of it and still hang them," Kathy said with rising panic in her chest. She managed to get back on her feet and steady herself. She couldn't picture herself facing someone like Matt, even through a window, taking pictures of him and Sid doing something awful to Terri or another counselor or one of the girls.

"Well, okay," Terri said hesitantly, eyeing her friend suspiciously. "But we shouldn't let this thing go on for a long time."

Kathy nodded in agreement, following Marie back to the camp and hoping to God Matt was gone. He was, but one of the counselors approached her just as Marie rushed away to talk to one of her friends, handing her a note and smiling at her knowingly. Kathy knew what was written on the paper even before opening it. He wanted to see her… tonight. He would make her sorry if she didn't appear on schedule. Kathy trembled, wrinkling the paper in her fist and telling herself again and again she wouldn't come.

But as dusk fell and the girls went their separate ways to bed or to crafts class where Marie was giving some instruction on basket weaving, Kathy slipped away from the others and threaded her way through the woods, remembering the path she and her friend had taken earlier. Time and time again, she thought about stopping, about turning around and daring Matt to come for her. But the thought of him disturbing the others, of revealing her shame in front of the entire camp made the young teen push on.

When she came to the clearing above the small compound, Kathy saw one of the large cabins had lights on, the front windows having been thrown for air. She hesitated, then walked down until she was several feet from the cabin. Having heard her coming, Matt stepped from the doorway, his big arms folded in front of him. She stopped dead, her heart thudding hard against her ribcage. He was so threatening, so overpowering, the girl thought twice about rushing away. Something, however, made her stay. She rubbed her arms briskly, feeling the kiss of the leather belt already on her flesh.

"Good. You're a little early," he said with a nod, his thin lips stretching over his front teeth. "I like that. Come on in!"

Kathy was having trouble catching her breath. She climbed onto the porch, stopping for a moment, putting one hand over her heart. She stood there in the doorway, staring into the large room in front of her. All the other windows had been shuttered from the insides, heavy drapes having been pulled over the front opened ones. She felt her hands and feet turn icy while cold sweat broke out over her back and glistened on her face.

There were frightening-looking instruments hanging from the walls – whips, halters, harnesses, strips of rope and leather with pincers at the end, all sorts of things that reminded the girl of either a stable or one of those Hollywood sets depicting the Spanish Inquisition. She had guessed the men were into something more intense than they had visited upon her earlier. But this… it was something out of a horror film.

Kathy backed away, clutching at her blouse, feeling her cunt pucker in fear while hot and chilly flashes raced up and down her inner thighs.

"You're not going anywhere!"

He slammed the door behind her, placing both hands on her shoulders. They were hot and heavy, seeming to crush her to the floor. A force Kathy couldn't understand had driven her to this forbidden place and now was making her stay. She looked around the roam with widened eyes, feeling curiosity and excitement mixing oddly with her ever-present fear, making her knees knock and her cunt ooze juice.

When Kathy refused to move, he brought his hands down on her shoulders and pushed her in. She stumbled, then regained her balance, brushing her long hair from her face. Matt was on her in an instant, tearing at her blouse, pulling the buttons off and jerking the garment from her shoulders. Kathy caught half-glimpses of the awful devices hanging on the wall and fought back, beating her fists like cotton balls against the big man.

He grabbed her wrists, tightening his fingers like vises until she thought she could feel the tiny bones breaking under the pressure. Her knees buckled as she struggled, feeling herself being pushed backward. Her legs bumped something. Turning around and peering down, Kathy saw it was a large wooden keg with several hoses or wires coming from it. She screamed, nearly knocking the thing over as she tried butting her head against Matt as a last-ditch effort.

"You came here for some fun. Now it wouldn't be good for me to stop you from gettin' it, would it?" he said derisively.

Kathy felt confused, beating her hands against the big man, yet feeling something like excitement surging through her more and more. Somehow he had ripped her bra from her, bending down and licking at her jiggling tits until the girl screamed more loudly at him to let her go. Matt did just that, dropping his hands, then bringing the back of his fist hard against her chin.


The blonde teen wheeled back, her arms flailing from side to side. She felt him pawing her shorts, pulling down the material until it was tangled around her ankles. Kathy knew he had fucked her before and was more than casually familiar with her body. But still she fought the big man instinctively, rushing from corner to corner, tears flowing from her eyes as he grabbed at her panties, then ripped them from her body.


She was stark naked now, her cunt exposed completely to the tall stud who held her once again by the shoulders.

"Now, we stop this shit and get down to boogie," Matt said.

Kathy shuddered at what those words could possibly mean. He was pushing her back toward that keg. Only now she noticed a large section of wood about five feet high with four holes in it – two at the top, then two larger ones about three feet lower. Hinges appeared at the center line of both sets of holes while braces and a wide floorboard steadied the thing.

"Put your arms out," Matt ordered, hitting her lightly on the ass, directing her toward the device.

Sniveling, Kathy did as she was told, pushing her arms through the upper holes Matt had now opened. He slammed the top boards down hard, trapping her as he locked it in place. Lifting her legs with one hand, the big man opened the lower half with some difficulty, thrusting her ankles through the openings, then bringing the pillow-like boards back down with a clatter. Kathy moaned, her eyes widening, her stomach rumbling with panic. She felt her ass dangling over the edge with nothing to support it, the weight of her hanging body pulling at her thighs and arms.

She was gasping, her voice breathy with fear as she looked from side to side, wondering what he would do next to her. The full force of her panic crashed down on her. Screaming, the teen pulled at the holes, scraping her arms and legs painfully against the splintery wood. The board refused to move. The braces on the floor held it steady. She bounced her ass up and down, feeling her ass-cheeks shivering against one another while her asshole opened and shut.

Kathy stopped, her head pounding more violently while her heart raced crazily. It was useless to try to escape from here. She brought her forehead forward, resting it against the front of the board. God have mercy, she could do nothing to stop this maniac. She had trouble catching her breath, trying to bring herself under control as Matt rattled around behind her, opening drawers and pushing something around to the side.

"Wh… what are you doing?"

"Pretty girls don't have to ask questions. They just sit there and take it and like it," Matt growled.

He was pulling the cask over until it was to her left. She shivered with the strain of no support under her ass-cheeks. The wooden holes chafed her soft flesh more cruelly than before as the teen bounced gently up and down, her tits scraping against the front of the pillory. Fascinated, Kathy watched as the man attached a four-foot black rubber hose to the bottom faucet of the keg, cinching a brass clamp near the tip of the faucet. There was a long, silver steel nozzle at the other end of the hose, making the whole assembly remind Kathy of an enema tube. When Matt looked up at her, a thin smile crossing his lips, she knew it was exactly that!

"Oh no, no, no…"

The thought that he was going to shove something up her asshole left the teen speechless. Matt rubbed the steel end up against her asscheeks, caressing her cunt-hole with it, then moving it up against her ass-crack. The girl let out a groan, jerking her body forward, tensing her thighs until they cramped to keep her shitter away from that awful thing. A cold sweat broke out on her forehead while her arms trembled against the pillory. Matt simply followed her ass up, rubbing the steel tip against her asshole, watching the wrinkled flesh pucker up under the ticklish touch.

Kathy bawled, clenching and unclenching her fingers while she waited for the initial thrust. It came with a vengeance. Matt shoved the thing up into her asshole, twisting it around and around like a screw until the young teen thought her body would split in two! Kathy's eyes rounded, nearly popping from her skull while the cords stood out in her neck. Her cheeks flushed beet red while her nipples began to stiffen, rubbing itchingly against the splintery wood of the pillory. Again she let out a cry, twisting her body up, her asscheeks clenching like two fists. Matt was undaunted, shoving the plug up farther and farther until part of the rubber hose disappeared into her bowels.

"There, that's good, real good. You got most of it up there now!"

Kathy reined, sobbing in defeat. It was so weird having something that hard up there, pressing her bowel lining apart, hanging out of her shitter and tugging at her gut. She could have died from embarrassment! What was worse was the odd feeling between her legs that ass-fucking was creating. Her pussy was starting to grow very, very warm, juice beginning to glisten on the furred edges of her cunt. She couldn't understand it. The teen felt the familiar itch of lust deep in her flesh as her whole body trembled with fear.

"Now, we're gonna make this real interesting. You don't look so comfy hangin' out there, your ass bobbin' up and down. So I'm gonna give you somethin' to help."

Matt rolled out a stool of about the same height as the distance between the floor and her ass. But what made Kathy break out into a sweat was a large steel cock, nearly eleven inches long. At its base were small spikes sticking up, terrible sharp-looking things that made the girl's flesh crawl. As Matt pushed the stool up to her, she noticed a pair of black wires hanging from the edge as well.

"What is all this?" she gasped, jerking her ass up once more while feeling the steel nozzle seeming to work its way deeper into her shitter.

"You gotta have some fun too, baby. It must hurt at first, havin' somethin' like this nozzle shoved up into your asshole. This is gonna take it off your mind, maybe," he said, pushing the stool forward until the head of the dildo was even with her cunt.

"Oh no, no, take it away! Please, don't… don't do this to me!"

Matt centered the dildo, then uncoiled the wires to a small gray transformer that sat on a mobile table. Kathy watched with terror-stricken eyes, her hair growing damp from perspiration while she pushed up still with her thigh muscles. It was exhausting. She knew she wouldn't be able to keep her body up like this for much longer. Groaning, she watched as he connected the wires to two outside terminals, then switched on the machine. She could well guess what would happen the moment her pussy touched that steel cock sticking straight up from the chair.

"Now, when you're comfortable let me know," Matt said with a laugh. He moved forward now, twisting the steel nozzle in a little farther. The girl screamed, bawling that the thing was tearing out her ass. He ignored her, pushing the tube in farther and farther until Kathy was opening her mouth, feeling that the nozzle might slide up over her tongue and out past her lips. She tried squeezing her muscles together, doing anything to push that awful thing, from her ass. Nothing worked.

"I didn't tell you that I've got this keg full of beer – nice, European stuff, a powerful kinda brew. You should dig it. I ain't gonna waste that much on you. But you'll have enough in your ass to get high, I promise. And then you'll be bouncing up and down on this mother."

Kathy panicked, feeling her ass sagging as fatigue began to wash over her. She jerked her ass up, trying desperately not to be impaled on that monstrous cock. The nails at the base of it would cut her to shreds while the electricity would do God only knew what to her.

But Matt was growing impatient, not impressed with the teen's strength and determination. He moved forward, putting both hands on her shoulders and pushing down. Kathy looked at him and begged with her eyes, using every ounce of strength and willpower she could muster to fight him. But it was impossible. She felt her ass sinking down, her cunt growing closer and closer to that electrified dildo. In a moment Kathy could feel her cunt-hairs bristling as they drew closer to the electricity.

She shouted, jerking her head from side to side, her blonde hair splashing over her narrow shoulders as her tits jiggled and slapped against one another. In a moment she felt the cock rubbing up against her cunt. A faint warm buzzing sensation immediately washed over her pussyflesh, making her groan and her shoulders shake. The teen's muscles finally gave out and she sank two inches onto the cock, the current making her cunt muscles cinch shut against the invading monster.

"That's good, real good. I'll help you along with some of this other shit."

Kathy felt the cold steel thing spreading her cunt-walls wide, the electricity making her pussy warmer, it seemed, and certainly far more itchy. She threw her head back, her body growing alive to the raping. It was awful to be acting like this. But the voltage was doing strange wonderful things to her cunt. It almost made her forget about the nozzle wedged in her shitter. Then Kathy thought about that honor, about having something like that shoved into her ass. It was so vile, so awful! She must look laughable sitting on that thing, a dildo shoved up her cunt, a rubber hose pushed into her bowels!

She started to cry softly as Matt dropped his trousers and began working his cock-meat with one hand. Matt leaned down and turned on the faucet, sending a rush of the cold beer into the girl's shitter. Kathy stiffened once again, her spine straightening while she stared wide-eyed at the wall in front of her. She could feel the cold rush stinging her bowel walls, making them snap shut and wriggle against one another as more and more of the alcohol poured into her.

"Do you like seem this, baby? You wanna get another mouthful?"

Kathy shook her head back and forth, trying not to look at her tormentor.


He backhanded her, the force of the blow knocking her head to one side.

"You'll never lie to me again, baby. I don't like that!"

He moved back to the generator, turning the dial and sending another charge of electricity surging into her cunt. Kathy jerked like a puppet, twisting half around, tugging wildly at the pillory.

"I can fry you on this thing. Don't forget that, bitch! So you behave and answer me right!"

Kathy knew he was telling the truth and trembled for it.
