Kathy's belly felt as if it were being bloated to the bursting point. More and more beer flowed into her bowels, distending them, making the teen feel horrible cramps. Kathy feared she would lose control of her sphincters and would shit on herself. Worse, the flowing beer could tear something in her body, making her a cripple the rest of her life. She tried to convey her fears to Matt. But he was too interested in watching her twist and turn on the seat, pushing her down a little farther and increasing the voltage.
"I… I… I… I can't breathe," she gasped, gagging on her own spit as she felt the current singe her cuntwalls.
It was a strange feeling having the electricity burning into her body. It was like having small glass shards tickling her clit making her cunt muscles spasm and cinch down yet again against the steel dildo.
"If you bounce too hard on that thing, baby, you're gonna wind up stabbin' yourself on them spikes down below. Remember that."
Kathy tried to remember. But everything was happening so quickly and so hard! The enema was still sending rushes of beer into her belly while Matt stroked his cock up, rubbing the fat head against her cheeks. She drew away, feeling the slick touch of his cock. The teen remembered what it was to have something very hot and hard pushing into her mouth, slicking her tongue with jizz! In a moment something else was happening as well, a kind of euphoria settling over her confused mind. The beer was calming her down, making her feel almost giddy as it seeped through her bowel lining and tranquilized her body. She was getting drunk with that awful thing shoved up into her ass! Kathy almost laughed as she settled back down onto the dildo, her thighs ridging with tension while more current rushed through her body. She closed her eyes, smelling the pungent aroma of Matt's groin next to her. Oh, yes, yes, she could well imagine what it would be like having his prick pushing back into her mouth, spreading open her jaws until they ached as he tortured her.
Her imagination became reality as the big man moved around, stood on an overturned crate, and pushed his cockhead up against her lips. The girl immediately opened her mouth, tilting back her head, taking the fat prick into her throat without resistance.
"That's it, cunt. That's the way, baby, swallow that meat! Gobble it up while you get fucked that way. Yeah, gonna fuck you in the ass as a real treat later on," Matt promised.
Kathy heard him but couldn't comprehend half of what he was saying. The beer was making her pliant, obedient as a slave. She was flicking her tongue around the fucking meat, pushing her body down onto the dildo, then tensing herself, feeling more current flow into her body. It was delightful, more delightful and fun than she could ever have imagined. Tentatively she began to work her cunt around that probing steel cock, rising and falling, careful not to let her ass sink too low.
"Yeah, that's it, that's it!"
She was already highly excited, sliding up on the dildo and nearly pulling away from it. She stopped, her ass hanging trembling there in the air, the white shivering cheeks clenching while the beer continued to flow in. Kathy knew she could only take so much more. It would be coining out, spattering warmly on the floor.
Matt rodded her throat, clapping his hands on either side of her skull and driving his cock in while shifting his hips from side to side. Kathy had to breathe through her flared nostrils as he banged the back of her throat with his cockhead. The beer in her belly was becoming unpleasant now. Harsh cramps were taking her breath away. She tried to tell Matt this. But he was too high on his own excitement. Only when she began to scream and twist wildly did the big stud understand.
"Oughta keep this thing on 'til you split," he grumbled, bending down and turning off the spigot. "But I got plans for you."
Thank God the beer had stopped flowing into her shitter. But, the current continued relentlessly, making her pussy spasm more and more as Kathy grew more excited. She began sliding faster on the probing steel dildo, working her ass around while she flicked her tongue hard against his piss-silt.
"You're a real bitch, baby, a real hot bitch! The mote I throw at you, the more you want. Yeah, that's the kinda girl I want."
As her excitement built, the motions of her tongue against Matt's cock became more and more frenzied. She could taste the flow of his jizz against her tongue. She swallowed several times, coating her throat and stomach with the sticky, white stuff as the big man fucked her mouth harder and faster. Her stomach started turning. But she wasn't feeling nauseated any longer. Kathy felt that her body was floating somewhere above the floor as the current made her clit start to sputter and throb delightfully. She could feel her own juices begin to ooze from her cunt and wondered if she would short-circuit the dildo rodding her pussy.
Kathy soared higher and higher. She didn't have the fear any longer. Her pain had turned into something else, some other kind of feeling she no longer could understand. Just as interestingly was the fact that the girl had begun to get the hang of moving up and down on the steel dildo. At one point she felt the distinct pricking sensation of the nails at the bottom of the thing and realized she had fucked herself all the way on it.
Kathy sucked as hard as she could, the steel, electrified dildo setting up an erotic rhythm in her cunt. As the hard probing cock rummaged through her pussy, the young girl felt her flesh giving way under the dildo. Matt tensed his fingers against the sides of her skull, ramming his cock all the way down her throat while pushing her down against he stool. Matt stopped for a second, closing his eyes and shuddering, then pulled his cock out of her sucking mouth.
"Gonna get you higher, baby, real high!"
He padded over to the generator, flipping the dial up two settings, watching as the girl jerked and bounced like a wild woman against the dildo. Kathy felt her brain simmering as the electricity shot through her like lightning. It was all she could do to keep from passing out. She jerked her head back and forth, feeling her eyes rolling up into her head as her flesh burned under the onslaught. Matt kept his distance, playing with the dial, rubbing his prick briskly with his fingers while watching the teen bob up and down on the dildo. Kathy was completely out of control, her mind buzzing and popping while Matt increased the current yet again.
Her face was a blur, her lips turning purple while diamonds of spittle stood out on her wagging tongue. Beer sloshed out of her ass as her belly muscles contracted painfully against her organs. She was bouncing out of control, her ass sinking down onto the dildo and stabbing itself again and again against the sharp spikes.
She could feel herself coming again and again, the current freezing her at a climactic point and keeping her there for as long as Matt chose. He watched, his balls tightening, his cock about to explode. Then with a sweep of the hand he cut off all the electricity, leaving Kathy immediately limp. She screamed, beating her forehead against the pillory, feeling her cunt going into uncontrollable spasms.
"That's enough."
He scooped her up, opening the pillory, dragging the dildo and nozzle out from her body and throwing her onto the floor. She was still shaking, crying out hysterically, tears oozing out from under her shut eyelids while her legs kicked out at the big man. He threw her shoulders hard against the floor, slapping her several times until she came around.
"No, don't… oh no, no!"
But Matt was too aroused. Her cock-sucking and the way she had looked bouncing on the dildo and the pillory had aroused him beyond reason. He was holding her tightly, knocking her legs apart with his knees, then finally driving his cock into her seepy cunt-hole. Kathy shrieked, her arms and legs spasming out from her body while he drove his cock in all the way. He was holding her down with all his strength, forcing his prick deeper, tearing through her itching cunt.
The force of her climax spread through her pussy once again as Kathy reached up to scratch him. His massive cock was drilling through her like a jackhammer, filling and spreading her elastic clit with his cock, watching as the young girl cringed and jerked with each powerful thrust. He was fucking her like a dog on the floor, her body still sensitive from the electricity that had surged through it moments ago.
"Yeah, come on, do it, do it with me, bitch!" He was tearing her cunt apart, enjoying the agonizing assault. Kathy couldn't stop him, and couldn't stop the rush of feelings tumbling over one another as she lay there helpless under his rape. His cock seemed to grind her insides. The bruising, ramming of his cock tore at her clit in an endless attack. The young girl closed her thighs to him, grabbing at the stud tightly while jerking her hips up and down, up and down in a wild-woman fucking action.
"No, noooo!"
Kathy was screaming against herself, not believing she was coming again! He fucked her hard now, squeezing her nipples with both hands, twisting them until the girl thought he would tear them off. When she thought he was about to rip her apart, she felt her cunt jerk while her clit throbbed hard against the raping cock. Burying his face in her tits, he bit cruelly at the jiggling tits, drawing out more screams from the young girl as he finished spurting the last of his jizz into her sucking cunt.
"Yeah, yeah, good!"
Matt rested for a second, shaking the sweat from his forehead, thrusting, stiffening, then finally pulling his dripping cock from her cunt. Kathy sobbed, feeling her pussy continuing to tremble. Matt rose with some difficulty to his feet, rubbing his forehead, then drawing his pants up over his hips and zipping them shut. He looked down at her, seeing the tears of shame start to well up in her eyes. He laughed, shaking his head.
"You still think you're doin' somethin' wrong, eh? That's okay," he said with a shrug. "That's a good game to play sometimes. But I don't dig it myself."
He stopped for a second, cocking his head to one side. For a moment Kathy thought he was going to say something. Then he moved quietly to the front window, pushing the curtain barely past the glass. Kathy followed him, seeing some movement outside.
"Hey, Sid, grab 'er! She's gonna get away!" Matt shouted at the top of his voice, tearing the door open and rushing outside.
Kathy scrambled to her feet, feeling too weak to take advantage of the momentary absence of the man to run away. Bracing herself against the pillory, the girl shook her head, gasping in lungfuls of air and wondering who on earth would be foolish enough to peer into this horrid place. Then she heard a girl's screams and the men's triumphant shouts. Whoever it was, they had caught her.
"Lemme go! No, no, I won't tell! Please, lemme go, lemme go!"
Kathy froze, her flesh puckering into goosepimples. It was Marie! She could hear her friend's voice shrieking hysterically as the men dragged her back toward the cabins.
"Put her in the shed. We'll deal with her when the time's right," Matt called out, stalking into the cabin and kicking the door shut. "One of your pals, I'll bet. Probably followed you out wonderin' where she's gonna pick up some action. Cunts. All the same!"
"Oh please, don't hurt her! She doesn't know anything about this, and…"
Kathy had her hands together in prayer fashion, begging Matt with all her soul. But she could see the coldness in his eyes and knew her friend was doomed.
"Gotta put you on ice for a while," he said after some thoughtful time had passed. "Cotta see what the fuck that bitch was doing around here. Can't be any too careful, with all these do-gooders lurkin' all over the fuckin' place."
Kathy knew he wasn't going to leave her alone in the cabin. There was too much of a chance of her escaping. Matt had other plans for her. Studying the teen for a moment and scratching his chin, the big stud took her by the wrist and led her forward. Kathy followed, her head down, her hair curtaining her face. She had disgraced herself horribly, having rutted like that, then allowed him to fuck her without any attempt of fighting him off.
"Stand there."
She could no longer hear Marie's screams. Sid was holding her prisoner she guessed, raping her perhaps while waiting for his buddy to join them. Kathy felt sorry for her friend, then wondered what on earth they were going to do to her. Matt nodded, then pushed her toward one wall opposite the awful stool on which she had fucked herself. He bound her hands together with piece of line, telling her to raise her hands high above her head.
Obediently, Kathy did as she was told, sniffing as she saw him lowering another rope from a pulley assembly high over her head. There were two large clamping rings at the end, and to these he attached the line binding her wrists to one another. With a few more turns Matt pulled the teen's body from the floor, so her feet swung some six inches above the concrete.
Kathy groaned, pushing her flushed cheek against one bare arm. It was hurting her so to hang that way, the weight of her body pulling painfully against her shoulder sockets. But there was nothing she could do. Matt was satisfied the teen would go nowhere, turning and walking away from her. Kathy wanted to call out, to ask him how long he would be gone and what he was going to do to Matt. But she knew better now than to question him.
She hung there like a side of beef, her arm muscles hurting her, her shoulders aching until she wanted to cry. Nothing happened. He had left her there for God only knows how long. Perhaps he wouldn't come back until dawn! Oh, could she survive hanging there this long without injuring herself? The thought sliced into her brain, making her tremble as she waited for the big door to open once again.
After what seemed like an eternity, Matt came back, his T-shirt sweaty and damp. He had been doing things to Marie. She was sure of it. And now he had come back here, flushed and aroused, to finish his feelings up on her. Kathy felt a flush of hatred for her friend as she hung there from the ceiling, her tits drawn hard up against her chest.
"Your friend came around here to take pictures of me and Sid. Guess she was thinkin' of closin' us down. She's got some other ideas now," Matt said a little breathlessly, grinning at Kathy.
"What've you done to her?"
"None of your business. You'll find out soon enough. Now, for some of this."
Matt was looking around on the wall, fingering some of the whips, then looking back at Kathy. He seemed to like watching her hang there, staring at him with her rounded blue eyes, trembling as she wondered what he was going to do next to her. He picked up a small black leather riding crop, testing its weight, then moved back to Kathy. She thought she would die of fright. He had hurt her in ways she never thought possible. And now he was going to do it again, this time with that awful thing!
"No, no, not more!"
"You knew what you'd be gettin' into when you came down here, bitch. This is just a taste of anything I can do to you."
Kathy shook her head. She twisted her wrists in the ropes, feeling the hemp chafing her flesh until they began to bleed. He was tapping the crop against the side of his legs, watching her with interest the way a scientist watches a bug under glass. He smiled, his attention fully focused onto the hanging girl now. When Matt walked up to her, he traced the leather end of the crop over her tits, then up to her chin, finally rubbing the loose strands against her lips.
Kathy trembled, well imagining how something like that would feel crashing against her sides. The teen was about to say something when Matt lashed the end of the riding crop across her belly. She felt the leather burn into her flesh as if someone had poured burning oil over her skin. Her mouth opened, a rush of air escaping over her front teeth. Her feet jerked up as she kicked back, her body swinging gently from side to side and tugging at the overhead ropes. Kathy could hear the wood creaking from her swinging weight.
"Now, then, you get the idea of where we're goin' around here, right?"
Looking at Matt, Kathy knew this would be a long, painful session.