The PROJECT is a covert counter terrorism and intelligence unit answering only to the President of the United States.

The Team

Elizabeth Harker: Director of the Project. Formerly part of the task force investigating 9/11 until sidelined for challenging the findings. Picked by the president to head up the Project because of her independent thinking and sharp intelligence.

Nick Carter: Former major, USMC. The team leader in the field, with years of combat experience. Suffers from PTSD and nightmares. He's got it more or less under control.

Selena Connor: A renowned expert in ancient languages. Accomplished martial artist. Independently wealthy, the result of an inheritance.

Lamont Cameron: Former Navy SEAL. Expert in all things water related. His irreverent attitude sometimes drives Elizabeth Harker to distraction. A tough cookie.

Ronnie Peete: Nick's oldest friend and a fellow RECON Marine. Expert with explosives, weapons and all things mechanical. A full blooded Navajo, Ronnie brings a solid approach and the wisdom of his culture to the team.

Stephanie Willits: Elizabeth Harker's deputy. A world class hacker, Stephanie maintains the Project's Cray computers. She is responsible for the satellite communication network that keeps Harker up to speed during missions and the team connected to home base when they are in the field.
