Karimi's aide came to the open door of his office.

"General, the Russian woman is here."

"Send her in."

Karimi belched and thought about his growing bank account. The call to General Volkov had been most productive.

The aide escorted the woman into Karimi's office and left, closing the door. His eyes wandered over her body. She was tall and thin, the kind of look that appealed to him. Her black hair was cropped short over cold, black eyes. He could see no jewelry. She was attractive in a harsh way, all angles and planes. He wondered if the rest of her was as hard as her face.

"General. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I am Major Katerina Rostov."

"General Volkov told me about you, Major. Please, sit down. I can give you ten minutes."

Katerina smiled at him.

"General Volkov speaks of you with admiration," Rostov said.

Bullshit, Karimi thought.

He smiled back at her. "That is most gratifying. I am a great admirer of the Russian security services."

"I will come directly to the point, General. Director Volkov says you are aware that American spies have entered your country. I've been instructed to seek your cooperation."

"Go on."

"These svolochi are in possession of information of vital importance to our country. With your permission, we will observe them and try to recover it."

"What information are we speaking of?"

"I don't know. I am told it is highly classified and critical to our national security."

Karimi heard the words roll off Katerina Rostov's tongue as if she were discussing the time of day.

Only a fool would believe that. He pretended to consider what she had said.

"I am willing to give permission on the condition that you do not interfere with them at this time. I, too, wish to observe. I want to know why they are here. Once I know that, I will arrest them and allow you to interrogate them."


Karimi let a hard edge creep into his voice. "That is my decision."

"Of course." Rostov stood. "Your help is appreciated. We will observe only."

"If you find anything, inform me immediately. For our mutual benefit."

A threat, Katerina thought. What a pig, look at him. Why are men like him always the same? He has to make sure I know who's boss.

"As you wish."

"My aide will show you out."

He pressed a button on his desk. The door opened and the aide waited.

Karimi hoisted his bulk out of his chair, a small concession.

"Thank you for coming to me. I am always ready to assist the Federation."

The woman nodded and followed the aide out. Karimi watched them go. Everyone wanted to take advantage of the turmoil of modern Egypt. Spies and plots had been part of Egypt's history since the days of the pharaohs. These foreign newcomers would soon learn they were amateurs when it came to the art of conspiracy.
