Vysotsky summoned Valentina. Coming into his office, she saw a half empty glass of vodka on his desk. This early in the morning it meant trouble.
"Valentina. You are looking lovely, as usual. Sit."
Vysotsky gestured at a chair near his desk. She sat.
"It will interest you to know the FSB has taken an interest in your sister."
"My sister? She is in Russia?"
"No. She's in Egypt. Volkov has sent people after her."
"She has a map he wants. Volkov sent three of his agents to America in an attempt to get it. His operatives underestimated your sister's skills."
"She killed them?"
"She did. Now he has a problem. She will be on full alert but it's not enough to make Volkov back off. Sending agents to Egypt means he's determined to get the information from her any way he can."
Valentina affected indifference. "What has this got to do with me?"
"Oh, please, Valentina. Don't pretend you don't care, I know you too well. Your sister is important to you. You demonstrated that in Vienna and Germany."
"She is our enemy. I can't help our blood relationship. I admit, I think about her sometimes."
"That is only natural. If I thought the situation in any way compromised your loyalty, we would not be having this kind of conversation."
The unspoken threat was clear.
Vysotsky continued. "I will be truthful with you. I don't know why this map is important to Volkov but I will not let him have it. I am sending you to Egypt. Try to find out why she is there."
"What if Volkov's men do something stupid?"
"Do not intervene unless it can't be avoided. However, Volkov must not have an opportunity to question her."
"Am I authorized to use lethal force?"
"Did I say that? Use your best judgment."
He's covering his ass, in case somebody is listening. But he's not covering mine.
"Harker's people are staying at a hotel on the Mediterranean coast. You are leaving this afternoon. Do you want backup?"
"You know I work better on my own."
"I thought you would say that."
Vysotsky opened a drawer, took out a flat package and pushed it across the desk at her. He ticked off the contents on his fingers.
"Your tickets and hotel reservation. Location of the hotel where the Americans are staying. A car reservation at the airport. Money, Egyptian and American. Your passport."
"Who am I supposed to be?"
"You are a representative of a Moscow travel agency seeking new destinations for your clients."
"A package will be waiting for you in your hotel room."
"Will the Egyptians know I'm there?"
"Do you have any questions?"
"Do you want me to question my sister if there's an opportunity?"
"I want you to stay away from her."
"Something could happen that makes it necessary."
Vysotsky looked at her. "Make sure it doesn't."