Women and men were kept in separate sections of Karimi's special interrogation center, but gender brought no benefits in accommodations. The walls were of cinderblock, the cell doors of iron bars. Prisoners slept on a dirt floor. Interrogations took place in a separate room, away from the cells. The cries of anyone unfortunate enough to be taken there could be heard throughout the building.

Huge cockroaches clustered around the stinking bucket that served as a toilet in Selena's cell. They showed no fear of her at all. She'd decided to relieve herself on the floor before she would use that bucket.

Valentina's cell was two down from hers. As far as Selena could tell, the rest of the cells in the short hallway were empty. When they'd first arrived there had been a woman in the next cell over, but she'd been taken away. Later, Selena had heard screaming. The woman hadn't returned.

Selena didn't want to think about what might have happened to her.

"Sister, can you hear me?" Valentina's voice was quiet.

"I hear you. Are you all right?"

"Yes. And you?"

"Yes. You tried to throw me your gun, didn't you? When we were in that room?"

"I knew I couldn't shoot Rostov before I went down," Valentina said. "That bitch got what she deserved."

"Why did she shoot you?"

Valentina gave a weak laugh. It turned into a prolonged fit of coughing. "She was like one of those scorpions. It was her nature. Her boss probably put her up to it."


"He is ambitious and jealous of my organization's success. He would like to bring back the KGB. I am sure General Vysotsky and myself would be at the top of his list for the courtyard at the Lubyanka and a bullet in the back of the head."

"I thought all that was over," Selena said.

"If you thought that you are naïve."

Selena was quiet. She thought about her father and his illegitimate daughter. Her sister.

"What are you thinking?" Valentina asked.

"I was thinking about our father."

"Your father, maybe. Not mine. Mine was a biological accident."

"If you like."

"You had a father. I had instructors."

"You had your mother. What was she like?"

"She was KGB. What do you think she was like?"

Oh, Valentina, you are so angry.

"It's strange," Selena said, "you and I."

"I know. I wish we were not enemies."

"We don't have to be. You could come to America."

Valentina started to laugh. It changed to coughing. "Why don't you come to Russia? I think that would be better."

"I'm serious. There's a place for you there."

"You really are naïve, aren't you, sister?"

Selena changed the subject. "What do you think they'll do with us?"

"We work for clever people, you and I. I think we will be going home soon."

"How did you know where the ruins were?"

"You mean in the ocean?"


"It was on the computer in your hotel room."

"You took it?"

"You should be grateful it was me who found it and not Rostov. You and your friends are not very good at knowing when you are being watched."

The thought was chilling. Selena put it away for another time.

"Maybe you're better at concealment than you think."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Valentina said.

The outer door of their cellblock scraped open. Two guards came in. They stopped in front of Selena's cell. One of them took out a key and unlocked it.


"What about her?"

"Never mind about her. Come."

As they escorted her out of the building, Selena heard Valentina call after her.

"Don't worry, sister. We'll see each other again."

I hope so, Selena thought.
