
“Minister, it is a fabulous pleasure to meet you,” Navjot offered in a crisp educated British accent as he proffered his hand having been taken into the lounge by the ex-pirate’s entourage to meet him.

“Welcome to my country, Mr. Singh, we are extremely honored to have you here,” Wasir replied, taking the Indian’s hand in the process.

“Our mutual friend Reza speaks very highly of you,” the ex-pirate continued as he gestured to a young boy to give the party welcome juices and teas.

“Likewise, Minister. And may I say I am particularly looking forward to exploring the opportunities your country has to offer,” Navjot said politely, acknowledging the small talk.

“My team will take you to my hotel so you can rest,” stated Wasir with authority. “Then I suggest that we meet for dinner this evening?” he offered or ordered, depending on an observer’s point of view.

“Why that sounds wonderful!” replied the billionaire businessman with a beaming smile as he took a glass of Mango juice.
